M.S. Program in TM


The Master’s in Translational Medicine (MTM) program at The City College of New York (CCNY) is an exciting collaboration between The Grove School of Engineering and The CUNY School of Medicine / Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program. Our mission is to educate the next generation of leaders in medical innovation by bringing a new kind of graduate degree program to the rapidly growing New York City medical innovation landscape.


Many graduate-level medical innovation programs focus on only one aspect of the bridge from ‘bench to bedside’. Our program is unique in that we explore and examine all facets of the medical technology innovation process from ideation to prototyping to clinical evaluation. The 3-semester BioDesign course sequence introduces students to a hands-on approach to developing a functional medical technology or digital health application that addresses an unmet clinical need. Our students have the opportunity to interact with outstanding faculty, thought leaders and experts in the medical technology industry who provide up-to-date advice and training in the quickly developing field of translational medicine.


Our approach is one that is engaging for engineers, scientists, researchers and others with a STEM background. By completing a stimulating curriculum and challenging project that foster leadership, entrepreneurship, and innovation, our graduates will be ready to create and develop the medical technologies that will change the future of healthcare.


MTM administration anticipates that fellowships that defer all or a portion of the program costs will be available as funding permits.  Information on fellowship opportunities and application requirements will be advertised to prospective students as it becomes available.


More information can be found on our website: https://translationalmedicine.ccny.cuny.edu/

Last Updated: 06/28/2024 08:43