Payroll Services provides accurate, and timely payroll for all faculty, staff, and student employees while adhering to University guidelines, as well as Federal and State regulations. Payroll Services acts as an intermediary with CUNY University Payroll. Our focus is to help resolve payroll issues, and answer inquiries that employees may have, in partnership with CUNY University Payroll. We are also responsible for processing Non-Tax Levy Payroll for payments on behalf of the College's related entities.
Payroll Services Bulletins:
To all HEO series employees with a July 1st step increment, please be advised that the 7/1/2024 step increment will be in effect on the 7/11/2024 paycheck.
To all PSC employees with a January 1st step increment, please be advise that the 1/1/2024 step increment will be paid on 1/11/2024.
New York State Payroll Online - Memorandum
To all HEO series employees with a July 1st step increment, please be advised that the 7/1/2023 step increment will be paid on 7/13/2023.
To all Faculty and Staff, please be advised that there is a slight decrease of your gross pay on the paycheck of 4/20/2023. This decrease is due to leap year and will continue until the end of the State's fiscal year (3/31/2024). In any fiscal year in which there are 29 days in February, the biweekly salary calculation is changed to calculate the biweekly payment based on 366 days instead of 365. Since the State's fiscal year beginning 4/1/2023-3/31/2024 will include an extra day in February, the salary calculation will be changed to reflect the leap year calculation. The leap year calculation was effective 4/6/2023. Your biweekly gross will go back to it's regular amount at the beginning of the next fiscal year which begins 4/1/2024.
Direct Deposit Fraud Alert Bulletin
PSC Contractual Increases effective November 1,2022 will be implemented on the pay date of November 3, 2022.
Each member of the PSC bargaining unit will receive a two percent (2%) base rate increase, except those employees in certain instructional adjunct titles who currently are paid at the minimum rate for their title. They are not eligible for this increase, and will be excluded. Those titles include:
- Adjunct/ Hourly Professor
- Adjunct/ Hourly Associate Professor
- Adjunct/ Hourly Assistant Professor
- Adjunct/ Hourly Lecturer
Change of Address & 2022 W2 Tax Statement Season
aHEO and Lecturer/Lecturer Doctorial Schedule Revised PSC Salary Schedules - Memorandum of Agreement 2/26/2021
aHEO - Revised PSC Salary Schedule
Lecturer - Lect Doc Sche - Revised PSC Salary Schedule
Memorandum of Agreement 2/26/2021
PSC Retroactive Payments for 11/15/2020 Contractual Increase for those Adjuncts who had an AJT entry in time entry for a Non-Teaching Adjunct position in Summer 2021 and/or Spring 2021, will be paid out.
Adjuncts who had an AJT entry in time entry for a Non-Teaching Adjunct position for Summer 2021 and/or Spring 2021, will require retroactive payments to be manually calculated by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). These retroactive payments have not been processed, and the payment date has yet to be determined.
PSC Retro Payment for 11/15/2020 Contractual Increase
Payroll Services
Baskerville Hall, Room 301
The City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Tel: 212-650-7238
Fax: 212-650-5971
Office Hours
9:00 am - 5:00pm Mondays- Fridays