The Grove School of Engineering - An American Dream Machine
The future is engineered here.

Grove engineers are applying innovative solutions to the greatest challenges of our times.  Whether just beginning your undergraduate career or finishing up your doctorate, at The Grove School of Engineering, you will work with world-renowned engineering mentors on cutting edge research—no surprise, as Grove faculty oversee 15 research institutes in fields that range from energy and sustainability, nanotechnology, and materials engineering to transportation and remote sensing. These institutes and other labs provide an unmatched training ground for Engineers in the making.

Long the most coveted area chosen by our undergraduates, engineering at Grove offers students a full complement of degrees—BE, BS, ME, MS, MIS, and PhD—in a broad range of fields.  They also have vast opportunities beyond working with world-class mentors in advanced research laboratories. Grove supports its students through professional development, student clubs that compete on a regional and national level, and study abroad opportunities that range from our Engineers Without Borders, whose students built a clean water system in El Salvador over several summers, to our membership in the U.S. Global Engineering Education Exchange, which enable our students to spend a semester or a year at a foreign university.


Contact Us - For your convenience, you can reach us by phone, email and in some cases by virtual front desk via Zoom:

GSOE Office of Undergraduate Affairs
The GSOE Office of Undergraduate Affairs is responsible for undergraduate academic policies and procedures including academic advising. 
Phone: 212-650-8020 | Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
Zoom: GSOE Undergraduate Affairs Virtual Front Desk | Monday - Thursday 9AM - 10:30AM & 1PM - 3PM or by appointment.

GSOE Office of Graduate Affairs
The GSOE Graduate Affairs coordinates matters related to graduate level engineering studies.
Phone: 212-650-8030
Zoom: Graduate Virtual Front Desk | Tuesdays - Thursdays 10AM -12PM & 2PM - 4PM or by appointment.

GSOE Office of the Dean
Phone: 212-650-5435

Contact information for individual departments, faculty and staff members may be found in the college directory.

Read the latest messages from Dean Couzis here.

Crisis Text LINE

TEXT CUNY to 741741 OR Visit CCNY Counseling Center webpage for additional resources.






Building on a Century of Engineering Excellence

A study by the Grove School of Engineering at CCNY reveals that advanced plastics recycling yields significant climate benefits.

Meet the Dean of The Grove School of Engineering 
Dean Alexander Couzis

Alexander Couzis, Professor of Chemical Engineering (1994 - Present), was named Dean of The Grove School of Engineering effective May 2, 2022. Read more about Dean Couzis here:



Contact Us:

Office of Undergraduate Affairs
GSOE Undergraduate Virtual Front Desk | Available Monday - Thursday 9AM - 10:30AM & 1PM - 3PM or by appointment (email: ).

Office of Graduate Affairs
GSOE Graduate Virtual Front Desk | Available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 10AM - 12PM & 2PM - 4PM or by appointment (email: ).


View the full CCNY Directory Listing.

Contact Information:

GSOE + CCNY Nameplate


Steinman Hall 
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY  10031

General Inquiries
p: 212.650.5435 |e:


Undergraduate Inquiries
p: 212.650.8020 | e:

Graduate Inquiries
p: 212.650.8030 | e