Student Resources
We care about the challenges that our students may face while striving to achieve their academic goals. Please click in the links to see some of the College's resources that are available to students.
Student Affairs Upcoming Events
Parent & Family Corner
During the Fall 2020, we began a Parent and Family Informational Series aimed towards assisting parents and families on ways they can support their students in navigating college life and maximizing the use of campus resources. The informational sessions will be conducted during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Undergraduate Student Government
To those who do not know us, we are the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) here at the City College of New York. We have represented the undergraduate students since 1867, making us the oldest USG. Our mission is to serve as representatives on behalf of the students to the faculty and administration of the college, and to the persons or groups outside of the college whenever such representation is called for. We are also here to promote the development and organization of the City College community, financially supporting student organizations, representing student interest, and advocating for student rights.
Graduate Student
The Graduate Student Council is the governing body of the graduate students at the City College. We represent the interests of all graduate students and function as a liaison between the graduate student body and the College's administration. The GSC is composed of two main bodies: the Executive Board and the General Membership. The Executive Board is comprised of seven elected members and the General Membership is made up of appointed members from the various departments at the College
Division of Student Affairs
Wille Administration Building
Room A 204
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.5426
f: 212.650.7080