Gender Resources is dedicated to fostering a safe and equitable campus environment for all City College students by addressing gender-based violence through education, awareness, accessible resources, and robust partnerships within the campus and the broader community to enhance support services for survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, dating violence, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The overarching goal is to create a supportive, informed, and equitable community where gender equity is championed, and all individuals are empowered to thrive free from violence.

CCNY is here to support you. Gender Resources provides support and pathways towards healing.
Name and Gender Change
CUNY policy states that students and employees are permitted to use a preferred first name and middle name on all non-official records such as identification card, email address, and course rosters, without the need to provide documentation. Students and employees are also permitted to change their gender in CUNY records without documentation. Official records such as student transcripts and diplomas require a legal name change.
Gender- Neutral Bathrooms
According to the law, all individuals have the right to use the restroom that is consistent with their gender identity or expression.
Last Updated: 07/31/2024 11:17