Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Undergraduates at CCNY are strongly encouraged to participate in research activities in their fields of study. Research prepares students for careers in their fields and provides authentic experience that facilitates post-graduate employment and admission to graduate programs. Students who engage in research develop a deeper knowledge of their discipline and greater connection between their degrees and real-life applications. Information about undergraduate research opportunities for undergraduate students may be found in the links below. They have different timeframes and requirements for the application process. Please click on the program links that you are interested for more details.
CCNY-MSK Partnership
In June 2002, The City College of New York (CCNY) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) established a Partnership based on mutual cancer research and training objectives. The Partnership is funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . As our understanding of the many causes of health disparities expands, the need for researchers who are able to conduct transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research becomes increasingly crucial. The Partnership offers undergraduate and graduate training programs designed to provide opportunities for outstanding students to successfully conduct competitive biomedical research at CCNY and/or MSK, as well as to provide mentorship and guidance for career decisions.
For more information, please visit the CCNY-MSK Partnership site
CREST Center for Interface Design and Engineered Assembly of Low-dimensional Systems (IDEALS II)
IDEALS I advanced the state of the art in materials research producing over 120 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and over 200 presentations at national and international conferences. It helped develop the future science and technology leaders by building a diverse community of researchers comprising 27 doctoral students (44% from underrepresented minority (URM) groups), with 11 PhDs awarded (27% URM), and over fifty undergraduates (77% URM) involved in academic year and summer research.
For more information, please visit the CREST IDEALS site.
U-RISE (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement) Program
The goal of the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) program is to develop a diverse pool of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.). U-RISE, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is a continuation of the MARC (Maximizing Access to Research Careers) program. This federal program provides research opportunities with a faculty mentor, offers financial support in the form of a stipend and tuition assistance, travel to scientific meetings, as well as a range of other activities and support to enhance students' academic success, and preparedness & competitiveness for graduate study.
The U-RISE program is open only to undergraduates who have completed their first 2 years of study; trainees are limited to a 24-month period of support. U-RISE is an Honors program; thus trainees are expected to maintain a solid overall GPA, and to enroll in Honors Research.
For more information, please visit the U-RISE Program site.
NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies (CESSRST)
NOAA CESSRST's mission is to educate, train and graduate a new generation of diverse and competent cadre of students, and to create a diverse and skilled workforce in NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) mission-aligned STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and social science disciplines through participation in state-of-the-art research.
For more information, please visit the CESSRST site.
ORCA - Opportunities in Research and Creative Arts
ORCA is a CCNY program that seeks to engage students in cutting-edge research, scholarship, and creativity at City College. The program provides an opportunity to work closely with a member of the City College full-time faculty in a 10-week summer immersion program. ORCA does not provide course credit but does provide financial support in the form of a stipend and a supply budget.
for more information, please visit the ORCA site.
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign (B3)
The Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biodesign (B3) research experience for undergraduates (REU) is a National Science Foundation supported summer program at the City College of New York (CCNY).
10 students are embedded into faculty research labs in the Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biology, and Physics in the Science Division, the Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering at the Grove School of Engineering, and the CUNY School of Medicine. Experiences at the laboratory bench or in front of a computer are supplemented with activities to promote interactions between students, peers, senior colleagues, faculty mentors, and to expose students to science in / out of the laboratory.
For more information, please visit the REU B^3 site.
Research Opportunities in Psychology
Our Research and Scholarship Groups (RSGs) have been developed by the Program Faculty to introduce students to both the research endeavors of the faculty as well as provide a means to get hands-on research experience from the start of their clinical training. Students at the beginning of each academic year are able to sit in on these faculty-student meetings and then rank order their preferences for the RSG they would like to become a member of. Please visit Research and Scholarship Groups site or contact the Psychology department for more information.
Other Research Opportunities
Program: | Notes: |
SEEK Fellows | Contact: Hawai Kwok, hkwok@ccny.cuny .e%64u" rel="nofollow"> hkwok@ccny.cuny.edu |
NSF REU Database | REU opportunities listing maintained by NSF |
CUNY REU Database | REU opportunities listing maintained by CUNY |
Summer Research Database | External Fellowship listings maintained by CCNY |
Program: | Notes: |
The City College Academy for Professional Preparation | Academic advising center located in MR108 |
MARC (Maximizing Access to Research Careers) | biomedical and behavioral sciences |
MSKCC Partnerships | health disparities and cancer research |
IDEALS CREST (Center for Interface Design and Engineered Assembly of Low Dimensional Systems) | Application deadline – February 2020 |
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biodesign (B3) | Application deadline – March 2020 |
NOAA-CREST | Remote Sensing Science and Technology |
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Summer Internships for CCNY Students | contact Prof. Penfei Zhang, EAS Department: %70%7a%68ang@ccny.cuny.ed %75" rel="nofollow"> pzhang@ccny.cuny.edu |
RAMMP (Recruitment and Mentoring in Mathematics Program) | |
CSURP (CUNY Summer Undergraduate Research Program) | Application deadline in February |
Biology NSF REU | Application deadline TBA |
Research opportunities in Biology | REU opportunities listing maintained by biology department |
Research opportunities in Premedical Studies | REU opportunities listing maintained by the medical school |
Program: | Notes: |
Internships at GSOE | REU opportunities listing maintained by GSOE |
Research opportunities in Environmental Engineering | REU opportunities listing maintained by environmental engineering department |
Research opportunities in Biomedical Engineering | REU opportunities listing maintained by biomedical engineering department |
Last Updated: 01/24/2024 22:36