The Office of Research is pleased to revive a CCNY program to provide short-term “bridge” funds to faculty who have encountered a break in their established external research funding. Funds will be made available from the Indirect Cost (IDC) returns generated by grants awarded to CCNY faculty and administered through the Research Foundation of CUNY.
The Associate Provost for Research will consider requests on an ad hoc basis and will arrive at a decision after consulting with the Provost within four weeks of receiving the request for funds.
The primary purpose of the bridge funding program is to support research operations while the faculty member prepares to resubmit a recently declined proposal. The program is not intended to provide funds for a specific project but rather for the faculty member's research program. Funds will only be awarded to those faculty members who do not have enough funds left in their 9th ledger accounts to cover the requested expenses.
Only those who have had IDC-bearing externally funded grants in the last 3 fiscal years are eligible to apply. Bridge funds will be provided for a maximum of twelve months. These funds may be used to cover staff salaries (technicians, graduate students, postdocs, research scientists, etc.), essential lab supplies costs, and core facility usage charges. Only those staff currently supported on recently expired (or about to expire) grants may be supported using these funds. No faculty salaries (release time or summer salary) will be funded. Repayment of funds is not expected.
- Full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty.
- Students and staff funded through bridge funding must be paid at the following minimal levels or above - $37K/yr for graduate students, $61K/yr for full-time postdocs, and $40K/yr for research technicians.
- Have one or more externally funded research grants pending or to be submitted within the next 3 months. Note that the IDC rate used in the pending grant proposals will be considered when reviewing the requested funding. Proposals that qualify for the full negotiated IDC rate (57%) will be given preference over those that use a lower, non-Federal rate.
- No bridge funding has been received in the last 3 years.
Faculty satisfying the eligibility criteria are not guaranteed bridge funding. Eligible proposals will be evaluated on individual merits.
At the end of the 12-month period, the Office of Research must receive a report describing how the funds were spent and providing details of the external grants awarded and proposals submitted during the bridge period.
All requests must include the following information:
- A cover letter describing the reason why the funds are being requested.
- Current CV in standard format listing all peer-reviewed publications (listing all authors, title, year, volume, pages, and DOI) in the last 5 years.
- List of all grants in the last 5 years (agency, duration, amount, end date; also indicate “no-cost extension” status).
- Copies of the RF web reports for all accounts in the applicant’s name.
- List of commitments to research staff on current grants.
- A detailed budget for expenditure of funds.
- A list of all proposals that have been submitted and are under review providing complete details of agency, duration, budget, and expected start date. If available, review reports of grant proposals declined within the last 6 months should be provided.
- A list of all proposals to be submitted in the next six months, providing full details of agency, duration, budget, and expected start date.
Please send the above information as a single PDF to the email address below with “Request for bridge funding” in the subject line.
o%66%66ic%65%6ffr%65se%61rc%68@ccny.cuny .%65du" rel="nofollow"> officeofresearch@ccny.cuny.edu
Last Updated: 12/13/2024 10:01