When you use funds from your RF account to hire someone, that person will be an employee of the Research Foundation (not an employee of CCNY).
- E-Verify Procedure – Beginning January 15, 2009, all Research Foundation new hires are required to be processed through E-Verify. E-Verify is an online system operated jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) that electronically compares information entered on the I-9 Form with records contained in SSA and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) databases to help employers verify the identity and employment eligibility of hired employees. More information is available at https://www.rfcuny.org/rfwebsite/resources/hiring-employee-management/recruiting-rehiring-employees/
To comply with E-Verify regulations it is imperative that employees’ new hire documents be processed through E-Verify within three (3) business days of the actual start date. Exception: If the E-Verify is inputted after the completion of the I-9, but prior to the actual start date, use the offer/acceptance date in the hire date field, and note that date on the I-9 next to the actual start date.
- New Hire Packets – Many documents, including the I-9 required for E-Verification, must be included in every employee’s new hire packet. Your new employee must complete these forms within three (3) business days of the actual start date and bring them, along with the necessary employment eligibility documentation, to a designated representative on campus be E-Verified (call the Grants Office to find a designated representative). Packets are available in Shepard 16.
Research Foundation of CUNY: Visit RF-CUNY benefits, account information and more.
Last Updated: 05/10/2024 15:12