Community Standards

CO·EX·IST  (kō′ĭg-zĭst′)

intr.v. co·ex·ist·ed, co·ex·ist·ing, co·ex·ists

  • To exist together, at the same time, or in the same place.
  • To live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy.


Academic communities exist to facilitate the process of acquiring and exchanging knowledge and understanding, to enhance the personal and intellectual development of its members, and to advance the interests of society. In order to realize its purpose, the College and its members must be free from personal injury or harm; bias or harassment; intimidation or coercion; damage or loss of property; disruption of educational and social activities; unreasonable interference with the exchange of concepts and ideas; and unreasonable interference with the administrative and supporting services offered by the College.  Accordingly, all student members of the College community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates mutual respect for the rights and personal/academic well-being of others, preserves the integrity of the social and academic environment, and supports the mission of the College.  The College has an inherent right to address behavior that impedes, obstructs, or threatens the maintenance of order and attainment of the aforementioned goals by violating the standards of conduct set forth in the University student conduct policies noted below as well as other policies that may established by the respective Schools, Global Sites, and administrative offices of the University.

The goals of the CCNY Community Standards are:

  1. To promote a campus environment that supports the overall educational mission of the University.
  2. To protect the University community from disruption and harm.
  3. To encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior.
  4. To foster ethical values and civic virtues.
  5. To foster personal learning and growth while at the same time holding individuals and groups accountable to the standards of expectations established by the Code of Conduct.


  • Develop, disseminate, interpret, and enforce campus rules and regulations.
  • Teach students about appropriate behaviors and the consequences for unacceptable and/or inappropriate behaviors through the use of critical thinking skills.
  • Intervene effectively when behavior violates the Code of Conduct.
  • Offer educational and leadership opportunities for students who participate in the operation of the Student Conduct process.
  • Cultivate a community supportive of community standards.

A description of the Henderson Rules for Student Conduct can be found by clicking on the link below: 

Henderson Rules

A description of the student conduct/disciplinary process can be found by clicking on the link below:


Latest News:

Come join us at our Sustained Dialogue Event:

Spring 2025 Sustained Dialogue

Dates & Times: Sessions begin on February 19th and will continue bi-weekly through April 30th. Session dates include: 2/19, 3/5, 3/19, 4/2, (No session during Spring Break), 4/30. All sessions will be held from 1pm - 2pm in - person. 

Description: "Us vs. Them" In these sessions, participants will explore the dynamics of how we perceive differences and divisions between groups, and how these perceptions shape our interactions and communities. Through the principles of Sustained Dialogue, we’ll examine the roots of these divisions and discuss ways to move beyond them to foster understanding and collaboration. These dialogues sessions will empower participants to reflect on their own experiences and build bridges across perceived boundaries.

Register Here!

Last Updated: 01/31/2025 13:30