BME Faculty

Primary Faculty


Rezwanuddin Ahmed, PhD

Lecturer-Doctoral Schedule

Dr. Ahmed's research focuses on microfluidic BioMEMS platforms for personalized medicine using patient biopsy samples. His teaching includes our year-long capstone Senior Design projects along Experimental Methods in BME.

Marom Bikson, PhD

Harold Shames Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Bikson’s Neural Engineering lab develops medical devices to treat brain disorders. His work spans basic cellular studies, computer-driven device simulation, device design, and clinical trials.

Luis Cardoso, PhD


Dr. Cardoso's lab focuses on bone biomechanics. Specifically, the lab integrates musculoskeletal biomechanics, signal processing, bioinstrumentation, and mechanotransduction, including both experimental and computational approaches, to understand bone quality.

Alessandra Carriero, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Carriero's lab focuses on bone multiscale mechanics and mechanoadaptation in growth, aging, and disease. The lab aims to understand and predict bone fractures and deformities while developing new treatments for skeletal pathologies.

Jacek Dmochowski, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Dmochowski's is in the neural engineering area with a focus on brain-computer interfaces, machine learning, and signal processing.

J. Christopher Fritton, PhD

Distinguished Lecturer

Director, Master's in Translational Medicine Program

Dr. Fritton's research expertise is in the field of biomechanics and biomedical device development.

Susannah P. Fritton, PhD

Herbert G. Kayser Professor

Deputy Chair of BME

Dr. Fritton's lab focuses on understanding the adaptive response of bone to altered mechanical loading. The lab studies interstitial fluid flow in bone for mechanical signal transduction and the use of mechanical loading to enhance drug transport to bone tumors.

Bingmei Fu, PhD

Herbert G. Kayser Professor

Master's Program Advisor

Dr. Fu's research expertise is in the molecular, cellular, and tissue engineering of the microcirculation. This includes all aspects of vascular, including transport phenomena in cells, vascular permeability, tumor cell migration, and the blood brain barrier.

Steven B. Nicoll, PhD


Dr. Nicoll's lab focuses on connective tissue engineering, with specific interests in biomaterials, orthopaedics, and stem cells. The lab combines cell biology, materials science, and mechanical engineering to develop connective tissue replacements and surrogates.

Lucas C. Parra, PhD

Harold Shames Professor

PhD Program Advisor

Dr. Parra's lab studies learning in humans and machines: AI for radiology, online learning for STEM education, and brain stimulation to improve motor learning in human and rodents. The lab also studies brain-body interactions and self supervised learning in biological vision.

Mitchell B. Schaffler, PhD

CUNY and Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Professor

Chair of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Schaffler's lab works to understand how skeletal tissue develop, maintain, and repairs themselves throughout life. The lab works on cellular and integrative processes to understand normal and diseased skeletal tissues.

Sihong Wang, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Wang's lab works on the development of engineered cells and tissues, including bioMEMS devices, to study cancer research/drug screening, thermal medicine, and soft tissue engineering for regenerative medicine and toxicity studies

Ryan M. Williams, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Williams's Immune Nanomedicine Lab engineers novel nanoscale biomaterials to diagnose and treat chronic inflammatory diseases, including cancer, renal, and neurodegenerative disease. The lab integrates materials chemistry, biology, imaging/optics, and pharmaceutical sciences to design and test these materials.

Research Faculty

Jens Madsen, PhD

Research Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Neural Engineering

Professors Emeriti

John M. Tarbell, PhD

CUNY and Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Tarbell's research expertise is in the fields of cardiovascular fluid mechanics, arterial wall mass transport, and artificial heart development.

Sheldon Weinbaum, PhD

CUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Weinbaum's research expertise is in microvascular transport, bioheat transfer, and biofluid mechanics.

Adjunct Faculty

Abhishek Datta, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Cofounder/CEO/CTO of Soterix Medical

Sabriya Stukes, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Partner at SOSV and CSO of IndieBio

Last Updated: 11/08/2024 11:38