International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and The Americas | Day 2

Thu, May 01, 2025 - 08:00 AM — Thu, May 01, 2025 - 08:00 PM
Admission Fee
Free (Must RSVP | ID required)
Event Address
25 Broadway, 7 Floor
New York, NY 10004
Phone Number
Event Location
25 Broadway, 7 Floor
New York, NY 10004
Event Details


Extended Deadline: January 31, 2025
Deadline: December 31, 2024
Location: CCNY CWE 
25 Broadway, 7th Floor, NYC
(Accommodations not provided)


10th International Conference on the Historical Links between Spain and the Americas
New York, April 30  - May 2, 2025

The advent and consolidation of new technologies and social movements, added to the challenges created by climate change and population displacement, have put the concept of Democracy to the test glocally. That is to say that local socio-cultural phenomena are now articulated to global trends and changes in the globalized market for cultural capital (Social Media), the market economy, and transnational politics. As a byproduct of modernity, Modern Democracies grew alongside scientific narratives and social science methods aimed at allowing a merit-based system of social mobility regulated by the market and innovation. However, the recently established global attention economy and the crisis of the paradigm of verifiable truth pose existential threats to the different versions of Democracy or democratic systems around the world. The International Conference on "Historical Links between Spain and the Americas" explores the rich historical interaction between Spain and the Americas and how these ties have influenced the contemporary challenges in this transatlantic region. Through a wide range of approaches in the humanities, social sciences, and emerging topics such as climate change, immigration, and ecocriticism, the conference will seek to analyze current dynamics and their impact on the future of Democracy in the West.

Areas of Interest:
  1. Humanities and Social Sciences:
    • Historical influence of Spain on the culture, literature, and philosophy of the Americas.
    • Historical processes and their impact on social and political structures on both continents.
    • Cultural and educational exchange between Spain and the Americas over the centuries.
  2. Climate Change:
    • Effects of climate change in Spain and the American countries, and its influence on human mobility and environmental policy.
    • History of environmental cooperation between Spain and the Americas and its current relevance.
    • Innovative proposals to address climate change and promote sustainability in the region.
  3. Immigration and population displacement:
    • History and evolution of migratory flows between Spain and the Americas.
    • Impact of immigration on receiving societies and its relationship with politics and cultural identity.
    • Challenges and opportunities for integration and social cohesion in migratory contexts.
  4. The Future of Democracy in the West:
    • Current challenges for democracies in Spain and the Americas, including populism, polarization, and institutional crises.
    • The role of historical ties in the consolidation of Democracy and the strengthening of institutions.
    • Perspectives on the future of Democracy in a globalized context affected by social and political changes.
  5. The conference welcomes special non-geographically restricted proposals and panels on: STEM and Artificial intelligence.  

The City College of New York - Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Instituto Cervantes of New York, and the Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá join for the tenth year in organizing this conference. The call for papers embraces different disciplines and areas of study, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches to the connections between Spain and the Americas. As always, the primary aim of the conference is to provide a meeting place for academics and professionals to engage with other participants within and outside their areas of specialization.

The conference is organized in sections with different focal points. The following topics will be prioritized:
  • Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
  • Education
  • Cultural Studies
  • International Relations
  • Economy and Labor
  • Science and Technology
  • Environmental and Sustainability Studies
  • Climate change —non-geographically restricted—
  • Artificial Intelligence —non-geographically restricted—

Proposals should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words and a brief biography (100-150 words). They must be sent through the conference website. Papers may be in Spanish or English. Extended Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2025.

Proposals for panels containing three lectures on the same topic are also welcome. Lectures will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and will be organized in panels containing three papers.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance and participation.

Publication: After the conference, the organizing committee will announce the deadline for submitting articles. An editorial committee will evaluate them and those selected will be published in a book.



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