CCNY Shepard Hall

Submitting events to the CCNY calendar

Events submitted to the website are subject to a 2-3 day window for review.


Step One

If you have not yet done so, sign into the CMS.

Step Two

In the Admin toolbar select Content, click on Add Content and click Event.

CCNY Events Steps to sign in
Add button tutorial for creating events
Clicking on Events Field

Step Three

Title: Name of event

 Date and time when the event begins
End: Date and time when the event ends

Admission Fee: Providing information on event cost

Website: Users can add a URL link for more information


Website event field

Step Four


Providing location, room number, and a primary contact number

Events fields

Step Five


 Checking off which section your event belongs to
Group: Adding an event to a departmental calendar

Exclude from Main CCNY Calendar of Events: This option will allow the event to show up on the departmental calendar and be excluded from the CCNY main calendar.

Add this event to the CUNY CalendarOnce this box is checked, the web team will add the event to the CUNY calendar on your behalf. You will receive an email confirmation from  informing you that the event has been added to both the CCNY and CUNY Calendars.

Events fields

Step Six


Click on “Add Content” select “Text” from the pop-up and enter the information

Text - Adding content for the event

Heading - Creating a section header

Document Embeded - Allowing you to embed a document, spreadsheet, or presentation that you upload into a web page format. A link to the original document is always provided at the bottom.

Events fields
Text fields

Step Seven

Click Save

The event will get approved by the Office of Institutional Advancement, Communications, and External Relations.

Last Updated: 07/17/2024 14:44