Grove School of Engineering

The Grove School of Engineering is home to over 3,300 students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in a broad range of areas including biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering, computer science, information systems and translational medicine. Thanks to philanthropic support, Grove has grown to a powerhouse with world-class faculty conducting innovative research further strengthening our academic programs, developing new ones, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. 

The Grove School benefits from City College’s proud heritage and distinguished record of achievement – one of the single most powerful avenues of access to the American Dream in our nation. When Dr. Andrew S. Grove gave his transformative gift in 2005, then City College President said it would “enable The City College School of Engineering to take its place among the best schools of engineering in the nation.” We are well on our way to making this a reality. Connect with us and be inspired to help us continue this momentum.

Thanks to donor support, we have been able to:

  • Remain at the forefront of engineering education, attract stellar faculty, and develop innovative programming.

  • Provide scholarship funding to talented and deserving students—many first generation – with endless promise, but limited means.

Contact for Giving

Dee Dee Mozeleski
Senior Vice President, Office of Institutional Advancement, Communications, & External Relations; Senior Advisor to the President; and Executive Director, The Foundation for City College
T: 212.650.8208
M: 914.216.9797

Annika Luedke
Director, Corporate Relations and Foundations Grants 
T: 212.650.8647
M: 929.331.7551

engineering dean

“Philanthropy has allowed the Grove School of Engineering to establish 15 research institutes in emerging fields and to transform long-established disciplines and pedagogy. Your support of our faculty and students has allowed us to become a national, urban model for minority education in engineering. Your vital partnership is what will enable us to continue on this trajectory and navigate forward our field.”

Alexander Couzis, Ph.D.
Interim Dean

Last Updated: 09/10/2024 19:13