Student, Faculty, and Alumni Stories

As the state's chief physician, Dr. Zucker leads initiatives to combat the opioids crisis, strengthen environmental health and end the AIDS epidemic in New York. Since his arrival at the helm of the NYS Department of Health, he has established a network of hospitals equipped to treat Ebola, implemented programs to address the threat of Zika and spearheaded efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Zucker oversaw the launch of the state's medical marijuana program and continues to update the program to accommodate evolving… Read More »

The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global leadership is pleased to announce the 2019 Valedictorian and Salutatorians for the 2019 Colin Powell School commencement. Valedictorian: Oneika Pryce Oneika Pryce is a native New Yorker and the daughter of Jamaican-immigrants. Her work ethic and passion for serving vulnerable populations stem from watching her parents work tirelessly to provide for her and her siblings despite having limited resources. At the Colin Powell School, Oneika has majored in International… Read More »

Assistant Professor of Anthropology Matthew Reilly was recently awarded a grant through the National Geographic Society to support his research in Liberia, where he is completing unprecedented excavations that bring to light little-known nuances of settler-native relations. We had the chance to sit down with Professor Reilly and learn more about his work in Liberia and in Harlem with CCNY students.  Tell us more about how your collaborative project in Liberia came about. The project stemmed from my original research on the… Read More »

As commencement approaches, there are consistent talks surrounding “what’s next’ for many of our graduates. We caught up with graduating senior Ayyad Alyabyali  who is obtaining a double major in International Studies and Political Science and a minor in History to highlight his current experience as a Yemeni-American community advocate to launch a career in government.  Algabyali is currently the Director of Advocacy at the Yemeni American Merchants Association, a nonprofit organization registered in New York, where he… Read More »

If you had to answer the question, “Do you think that people are generally honest?” how would you answer or better yet, once answered, how would you measure this and what do you think the findings of your research would showcase? This is what Colin Powell School Economics Professor Matthew Nagler set out to answer through data research and fact-finding in 2013 about social capital and how it has a direct effect of fatalities. His findings lead to the Freakonomics live show, “Tell me something I don’t know” where he presented… Read More »

Colin Powell School EcoBiz student Brandon Aristy was one of the few to be selected for the Dow Jones Summer Advertising Sales internship. Through his time at the Colin Powell School over the past 3 years Brandon has shown that with hard work, determination and connections with faculty and staff, he was able to secure this amazing opportunity.  “The faculty and students in the Colin Powell School helped me grow as an individual. If it were not for the countless advising appointments, tutoring sessions, and priceless conversations I had with my peers, I would not be the… Read More »

Black people's natural hair has long been stigmatized in professional settings. One past Colin Powell School Fellow decided that being authentic was not just something that needed to happen but something that had to happen. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gillian Scott-Ward, director of the film Back to Natural, was selected by the NYC Commission on Human Rights to lead trainings on racial bias for businesses found to have discrimination against employees on the basis of hair style.  The NYC Commission of Human Rights… Read More »

In a recent piece for The Nation, Political Science Professor Rajan Menon discusses the steady worsening of the opioid crisis in America. “Since 1999, 400,000 Americans have died from overdoses of opioids, including pain medications obtained legally through prescriptions or illegally, as well as from heroin. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes that prescription medications were involved in 218,000 of those fatalities.” Menon discusses the politics of the opioid crisis as well as its causes. Read the full article… Read More »

Andrew Rich, CEO of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation and visiting professor at The City College of New York, is named the Dean of the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership and Professor of Political Science. “The Colin Powell School has a distinctive mission—to promote and support leadership development and a service ethic among the students working towards degrees in the social sciences,” said City College President Vince Boudreau. “Andy Rich spent his entire career thinking about service promotion among… Read More »

Last Updated: 01/15/2020 15:46