
Kenneth Clark doll experiment

Our department trains leaders in the science and practice of psychology. We offer a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of alcohol and substance abuse, mental health counseling, clinical psychology, general psychology and work psychology. Field work is an essential part of most programs and puts the classroom learning into real-life situations.








>    Writing center for more information - visit the website

>    Cover Letters, Resumes, and Interviews - visit the CPS Office of Student Success

>    Benny's Food pantry - Make an appointment here

>    Laptops and tablets - Email: imedia@ccny.cuny.edu

>    Student Emergency Grants - Visit this page

>   Additional resources, including stress management, peer counseling, financial support, and other services - Consult this continually updated document.


Academic Advising

Contact faculty advisors for advice about what classes to take, registering for particular classes, problems in your classes, graduate school, or anything involving looking at your transcript or DegreeWorks. See the advising schedule below.

For Zoom advising:

This occurs through an online (Zoom) meeting. The advisor can share his or her screen with you. The advisor will provide you with a clickable link or a meeting ID with a password. Then, follow the instructions to connect. You should be set up to engage in audio communication on your device. Screen viewing is optional but may be helpful. Video is not required.
Alternatively, you can call in on your phone. The number is: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York). Use the meeting ID provided to you.
NOTE: When you enter the Zoom meeting, you will be placed in a waiting area. You will be admitted to the room in turn by the advisor.

For Email advising:

Email the Advisor. He or she will communicate with you via Email or arrange to speak with you on the phone.

Psychology Department Faculty Academic Advising Schedule
Day Advisor Method Time How to Connect with the Advisor
Mondays  Hawai Kwok In Person 9:30 AM–10:30 AM  Room NAC 8/133
 OR call 212-650-6777 anytime OR make an appointment by emailing kwok@ccny.cuny.edu
 Aimen Khan In Person 10:30 AM-12:30 PM  Room NAC 8/133
 Robert Melara In Person 1:00 PM–3:00 PM  Room NAC 7/201
 Brett Silverstein Email    Send an email to bsilverstein@ccny.cuny.edu with your emplid and any questions you may have.
Tuesdays  Nicole Moutrie In Person 3:00 PM–5:00 PM  Room NAC 8/133
 Brett Silverstein Email 1:00 PM–2:30 PM  Send an email to bsilverstein@ccny.cuny.edu with your emplid and any questions you may have.
Wednesdays  Hawai Kwok In Person 9:30 AM–10:30 AM  Room NAC 8/133
 OR call 212-650-6777 anytime OR make an appointment by emailing kwok@ccny.cuny.edu
 Aimen Khan In Person 10:30 AM-12:30 PM  Room NAC 8/133
 Brett Silverstein Email    Send an email to bsilverstein@ccny.cuny.edu with your emplid and any questions you may have.
Thursdays  Nicole Moutrie In Person 3:00 PM–5:00 PM  Room NAC 8/133
 Brett Silverstein Email    Send an email to bsilverstein@ccny.cuny.edu with your emplid and any questions you may have.
Fridays  Robert Melara In Person 2:00 PM–4:00 PM  Room NAC 7/201
 Brett Silverstein Email    Send an email to bsilverstein@ccny.cuny.edu with your emplid and any questions you may have.
Saturdays        No Advising
Sundays        No Advising
 To learn how to receive college credits for doing an internship, contact Professor Richard Paino to set up a Zoom meeting ( rpaino@ccny.cuny.edu ).
 For ideas about non-clinical careers in psychology, visit this page: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/psychology/applied-psychology

If you cannot make any of the hours listed above, students can schedule an appointment via email.


Congratulations Class of 2021 Student Award Winners!

The Department of Psychology is proud to announce the following award recipients: 

The Joseph E. Barmack Awards 

For the best dissertation in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral program, the best thesis in the General Psychology Master's program, and the best thesis in the Undergraduate Honors program, this year's recipients are:
Clinical Ph.D. program - Karen Tocatly
General Psychology master's program - Christy Chan
Undergraduate honors program - no thesis was judged

The Bernard R. Ackerman Foundation Award

For a graduating undergraduate psychology major who displays exceptional ability and promise, this year's recipient is Olivia Sudol.

The Gardner Murphy Memorial Award 

In memory of the first chairperson of the psychology department, this award is given to a graduating psychology major who has displayed outstanding service to the department or the college. This year's recipient is Chen Li.

The Francis P. Hardesty Award 

Awarded to a graduating undergraduate who shows excellence by exhibiting outstanding grades and research potential, this year's recipient is Noga Davidson.

The William Crain Award

Undergraduate: Outstanding graduate from an immigrant background. This year's recipient is Farida Chickerie Ramkaran.

The William King Award

MHC MA Student: Top academic performer furthering clinical professionalism and ethics.This year's recipients are Marvin Antebi-Gruszka and Reuben Lorch-Miller.

The Ward Medal 

For the most academically accomplished psychology major, chosen based on grade point average, this year's recipient is Maryam Tuba.

The Kenneth B. Clark Award 

Created to honor the life and work of Dr. Kenneth B. Clark in furthering our understanding of psychology and race in America, it is awarded to a student for contributions to similar issues. This year's recipient is: Ilana Sichel.


Contact Information

North Academic Center
Room 7/120
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031

p: 212.650.5442
f: 212.650.5659