B.A. Degree Requirements
• 10500: Introduction to Sociology (3 credit)
• 23200: Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research (4 credit)
• 23700: Foundations of Sociological Theory (4 Credits)
Seven (7) additional Sociology courses
TOTAL: TEN COURSES. Up to four of these courses may be transferred or e-permitted. At least six of these courses must be taken at CCNY.
(23600: Fieldwork does not count as one of the seven courses, but does count towards graduation)
One Required Course
• 10500: Introduction to Sociology
Four additional elective sociology courses
Specialization in Urban Issues, Politics, and Policy
While a great number of courses offered by the Department are relevant to urban concerns, the following electives are especially recommended for a specialization:
24100: Criminology (Crime & Deviance)
24200: Juvenile Justice (Crime & Deviance)
24300: Sociology of Youth (Crime & Deviance)
24400: Principles of Social Work (Social Work)
24500: Sociology of Social Welfare Institutions (Social Work)
24800: Deviance (Crime & Deviance)
25100: Urban Sociology (All sub-specialties)
25300: Ethnic Minority Groups (Crime & Deviance)
25500: Demography (All sub-specialties)
26900: Sociology of Law (Crime & Deviance)
27400: Urban Politics & Policy (All sub-specialties)
29000: Immigration (All sub-specialties)
(While the department does not offer a degree in Social Work, the sub-specialization has been found most helpful for students who later wish to study for M.S.W. degrees).
Undergraduate Courses in Sociology
Following is a comprehensive list of courses offered by the Department of Sociology.
See Department for information. Hours and credits to be arranged.
Introductory and Core Courses
10500: Individual, Group and Society; An Introduction to Sociology
The language of sociology, the sociological perspective, and basic areas of sociological inquiry. Topics include: culture, socialization, self and society, social stratification and social class. The family, religion, polity, community organization, collective behavior, mass culture, social order and social change. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
10501: Introduction to Sociology For Freshman Honors Students
Provides a basic framework for sociological investigation and some knowledge of the institutions which constitute the fabric of society. The emphasis will be on concepts, hypotheses and theories which explain social behavior. Although social problems of contemporary relevance are often discussed, the focus of most of the material is on sociological problems and on analytical issues in the study of society. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
Intermediate and Advanced Courses
23000: Qualitative Research MethodsThe logic and practice of the major nonquantitative research methods in sociology: field observation; participant observation; qualitative interview; thematic content analysis of sociological documents. Students design and carry out projects to gain mastery of these methods. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 23100: Sociological StatisticsAn introduction to the statistical theory and techniques most commonly utilized by sociologists. This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics, up to and including multiple regression. Training in the use of statistical software to analyze survey data is a core component of the course. Credit given for only one of the following courses: Eco 20150, Math 17300, Soc 23100. 4 HR./WK.; 4 CR. 23200: Methods and Techniques of Sociological ResearchThe meaning and relevance of "the Scientific Method" as a canon guiding the logic of research in sociology. Historical perspective and method of social research in the recent past. Survey research, sampling, questionnaire construction analysis, and hypothesis- testing; community study, field observation, unstructured interviewing, participant observation, control of bias. 4 HR./WK.; 4 CR. 23300-23600: Field Work in Social Service or Tutorial ResearchInvolves, according to student's choice, either: (1) placement in special agency (welfare, poverty, urban planning, police, detention) where a student learns by working directly with clients under close supervision of the agency; or (2) carrying out a research project in the student's area of interest. In either case, the student meets regularly with a faculty member of the Social Research Laboratory. No more than six credits in any one department and no more than nine credits total will be permitted in the following courses: Anth 13300-13600, Asian 20402-20404, BLST 20000-20400, Psych 23300-23600, Soc 23300-23600. These credits count towards total credits needed for graduation, but do not count as credits needed for the major in Sociology. 2 HR./WK., 1 CR.; 4 HR./WK., 2 CR.; 6 HR./WK., 3 CR. MAXIMUM: 6 CR. CUMULATIVE. 23700: Foundations of Sociological TheoryThe roots of modern sociology in the ideas of nineteenth and early twentieth century theorists, such as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Veblen and Cooley, with emphasis on the intellectual and social context and current relevance of the concepts and propositions they developed. Suggested prerequisite: a course in the history of ideas such as Hist 35100, 35200, 35300 or PSC 27400. 4 HR./WK.; 4 CR. 23800: Contemporary Sociological TheoryModern sociological theory and practice. Contemporary theorists such as Parsons, Merton, Homans, Dahrendorf and others show how conceptualization and theory building proceeds in understanding self, society, class, power and alienation in the modern world. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24100: CriminologyTheories of crime causation and the social response to crime. Nature, extent, major types, and distribution of criminal behavior. The changing impact of police and the courts. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24200: Juvenile JusticeTheories of delinquency and youth crime, including the extent and major types of delinquent behavior, the impact of labeling, and explanations of re-entry into society. Analysis of delinquency causation, prevention, control and treatment. Strategies of diversion, alternatives to incarceration, the juvenile court, drug use and public policy, and the possibility of decriminalization. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24300: Sociology of YouthYouth considered as a stage in socialization, a stratum, a demographic group with its own subculture, and as a force for change. Implications for education, mental health and urbanization. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24400: Principles of Social WorkIntroduction to principles of group work, case work, and community action. Primarily designed for those planning a career in Social Work. Concurrent field work required (see description of Social Research Laboratory). 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24500: Sociology of Social Welfare InstitutionsOrigins and growth of social welfare theory and practice. Impact of industrialization and urbanization. Trends in social legislation. Current issues and concepts. Social agencies and social work as a profession. Prereq.: minimum of 2 electives in Sociology. Concurrent field work required (see description of Social Research Laboratory). 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 24800: DevianceSources and effects of differences in behavioral norms between society at large and deviant groups (criminals, drug addicts, sexual deviates, cultural deviates).Power structure and the social definition and control of deviancy. Stigma, alienation and the problems of value relativism. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR 25000: Theory of Mass Culture and Mass CommunicationsThe character of mass society in comparison with earlier forms. "High" culture and "pop" culture and the mass media of communications. Social effects of the mass media and the problem of public control. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 25100: Urban SociologyNature and origins of the modern city, and of community life within and in relation to the metropolis. Urbanization as a process. Types of cities and urban communities. The changing nature of contemporary cities, urban development and the dilemmas of growth. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 25200: Social InequalityConsideration of various theories of social stratification to studies of societies and communities. The relationships of class positions to familial, educational, religious, political and economic behavior. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 25300: Ethnic Minority GroupsAnalysis of human relations from both social- structural and social-psychological standpoints. Prejudice and discrimination; their consequences for both minority and majority group members. Theoretical, historical, cross-cultural approaches. Examination of public and private organizations engaged in intergroup relations. Case materials from social action programs in the United States and other nations. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 25400: Social ProblemsThe origins and career of "social pathology" as a sensitizing concept. The interrelationship between social issues, and social problems, and public policy. The problem of bias in defining a social problem and in devising a strategy for meliorative intervention. Case studies with contemporary relevance. Role of voluntary agencies, mass media and legislative bodies in identifying social problems. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 25500: DemographyThe determinants and consequences of human migration and differential population composition. Comparative fertility and mortality in relation to selected sociocultural factors. Demographic description and analysis as a research tool. Implications of population trends for local, regional, national and world problems. Recommended for all specialization programs in the Department. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26000: Theory of Social ChangeTheories of institutional change in the past and present. How culture, social structure, and political, economic and technological factors are interrelated. Case studies of change in Western Europe and in developing countries today. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26200: Political SociologyTheories of the polity and political behavior in sociological perspective. Types of government and of political order viewed comparatively and historically, and in relation to economic and social-psychological factors. Legitimation and subversion (counter-legitimation) as social process. Social movements. Analysis of contemporary issues. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26300: Contemporary Social IssuesAn examination of the major controversial issues of the day: abortion, homosexuality, capital punishment, and the like. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26500: Sociology of ChildhoodExamination of the socialization process of childhood, the familial environment of the child, influence of the peer group, the development of the self and values. Major psychological and sociological theories will be examined in the light of empirical evidence. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. |
26600: Family RelationshipsSociological explanations of how and why husband/wife, parent/child, and other family relationships have varied, historically and today, in the United States and around the world. How sociological research can contribute to understanding and making informed choices and decisions in family life. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26700: Social Change in Developing CountriesMajor processes of change today in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Theories of development as applied to industrialization and changes in occupational structure; urbanization, internal migration and population growth; national integration; changes in the class structure; revolution and reform. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 26800: Studies in Social Forces and Mass MovementsMass movements for reform, revolution and renovation. Socialism, communism, fascism, and the forces that brought them into being, natural history and internal dynamics of the type they represent. Contemporary case materials. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 27000: Sociology of Health and IlnessThe social bases of illness, social organization of medical care and the impact of medicine upon society. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 27200: Religion and Religious GroupsThe social bases for the function and impact of religion in contemporary society. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 27400: Urban Politics and PolicyThis course examines the changing U.S. city with a focus on New York City. Beginning with an overview of U.S. urban politics and policy, we explore the impact of economic, political, demographic and social trends on our cities; then examine several contested policy issues—housing, economic development, education and/or welfare. How and why have national problems become identified as "urban" problems? Is the city a viable problem-solving unit? What are the respective roles of public and private sectors? We will address these questions through critical reading, discussion and writing. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 27700: Ethnic Families in the United StatesA description and explanation of male/female values, power, conflicts, and achievements of families from various ancestral origins. Included will be elite and minority families and old and new immigrant families from Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. 3 HR/WK.; 3 CR. 29000: ImmigrationThis course will examine the new immigration to the U.S. in the light of the old, searching for similarities that link this latest wave to the turn-of-the-century experience, and for the differences that make the post-1965 immigration distinctive. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 31717: Organizations and Collective ActionThis course is an introduction to the sociological study of organizations. This course has two main objectives. First, this course examines the literature on formal organizations, with a focus on understanding the consequences of different organizing practices for organizations' members and society. Second, this course prepares students to undertake research and critical analysis of organizations, with the aim of helping students apply theoretical concepts to organizations that they have observed. To accomplish these objectives, course readings include both an overview of major theoretical perspectives, as well as excerpts of primary research. In addition, the class will discuss strategies for conducting organizational research, and students will conduct a research project comparing organizations' methods of controlling members and organizations' impact upon society.4 HR./WK.; 4 CR. 32100: Housing and Community DevelopmentThis course introduces students to U.S. housing policy with a special emphasis on three areas – housing affordability, housing segregation, and GIS methods to study housing and neighborhoods. Weekly reaction papers; four data analysis assignments; final policy report and oral presentation. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 32200: Poverty and InequalityThis course examines the nature of inequality in the contemporary U.S. with some reference to other times and places. Students are introduced to key scientific breakthroughs that are foundational to our current understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty. Essay exams, an Op-Ed, policy report and classroom presentations. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 32300: Urban Homelessness and Social Policy in the U.S.Homelessness is about improvisation; about creating dwellings where they are not meant to be. This course will explore the causes of homelessness; the demographic make-up and subjective experiences of homeless individuals and families; and policies designed to reduce homelessness in the U.S. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 32600: Role of Activism and Voluntary Nonprofits 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
34100: Disability StudiesSurveys this transformative interdisciplinary field, informed by critical approaches to race, gender and sexuality, which offers an approach to disability as a social, political, and cultural category and a personal identity and lived experience. Readings include current and historical material, theoretical and empirical, from the social sciences, humanities, and arts. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 34200: GlobalizationExamines the structures, processes and interactions that make up contemporary globalization in the economy, politics, culture, media, social movements, civil society, migration, and the environment. It considers debates about the historical emergence of globalization and its causes and consequences in everyday life and emphasizes the importance of understanding race, class, gender and other categories of oppression and how they are deployed through power relations in the global order. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 34300: Sociology of the African American ExperienceProvides a deep understanding of the ways that African-Americans have been the object of sociological study and producers of sociological knowledge. By exploring historical and contemporary phenomena, students will develop a critical understanding of the social location of African-Americans in employment, education, residence, culture, politics and other areas of society. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38100: Institutional Structure and BehaviorOffered irregularly. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38101: Contemporary Issues in the WorkplaceSociological analysis of contemporary and historical research about work and its social-organizational context, explanations for the degree of meaning, satisfaction, and autonomy people find in their work, and the implications of particular workplace practices. Requirements can include class discussions of required readings, homework, essay exams, oral presentations, and research project. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38102: Work and FamilySociological analysis of how work and family can affect life chances, rein-force gender roles and cultural stereotypes, and widen inequality. Examines how public policy and workplace practices can affect individuals' experiences with work and family. Requirements can include class discussions of required readings, homework, essay exams, oral presentations, and research project. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38103: Race and Ethnicity in International PerspectiveRace and ethnicity are key dimensions of stratification in society. This course examines competing theories and definitions of race and ethnicity. Using case studies, it looks at the social construction of race and ethnicity in different societies around the world during different eras. This is an upper-level elective that is reading and writing intensive. Prereq.: Soc 105. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38106: Selected Topics in Comparative Sociology
38107: Justice, Law, and SocietyThis course looks at theories about law, the practical application of law in the justice system, and peoples' own perceptions of the law. It explores how those aspects of law often differ from one another and considers the implications of those gaps in understandings. Typically one term paper of 12-15 pages, two essay exams, and one oral classroom presentation. Pre-req.: Soc 105. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 38206: Aging and Society
38209: Sociology of Sexualities
38211: Drugs and SocietyThis course examines psychoactive drug use in social and historical context, and includes both illegal and medical drug use. Topics may include: varying patterns of use, addiction and treatment, epidemiology, drug policy and enforcement, drug markets, prescribing practice, and very basic pharmacology (how drugs work in the body). 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. 31000: Independent StudyThe student will pursue a program of independent study under the direction of a member of the Department with the approval of the Department Chair. Credits may be from 1-4, as determined before registration by the instructor, with approval of the chair. 30100-30300: Honors I-IIIApproval of Dean and Department Honors Supervisor required. Apply no later than December 10 in the Fall term or May 1 in the Spring term. Number of credits flexible, but usually 3 per term. 31100-32000: Selected Topics in Sociology |
Last Updated: 02/02/2023 15:44