One exciting and important aspect of CCNY’s Ad/PR Program is the opportunity for students to gain professional workplace experience in marketing communications before graduation. While internships are not a major requirement, they’re recommended as major electives for students who want to use their Ad/ PR education as a foundation to enter the communications professions. In recent years, our program has been increasingly sought out by leading agencies to recruit student interns, many of whom are hired into full-time posts.
Students must complete at least 15 credits (2 semesters) in the Ad/PR major and have a minimum 2.5 GPA to qualify for an internship for academic credit. Internships taken for credit are monitored and evaluated by a designated faculty member and require the student to work 12 to 15 hours a week for 15 weeks, as well as to have an on-site supervisor to assign and evaluate work.
On average, about 20 MCA majors intern each semester and during the summer in competitive communication firms and media-related positions throughout New York City.
NOTE: The Department of Labor guidelines say that students who have paid internships are not required to take internships for credit, but may choose to do so, if approved by the professor who oversees internships.
Interested? Please email Professor Lynne Scott Jackson at lscottjackson@ccny.cuny.edu
Last Updated: 10/29/2023 11:56