Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Daniela E. Alulema Hidalgo

Project Director

o: 6/204 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6440

Megan Blumenreich

Professor, Childhood Education

o: 4/212C North Academic Center

Randy Brozen

Lecturer, Childhood Education

o: 5/208A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6253

Gail Buffalo

ECE Program Director / Professor

o: 25 Broadway, 7th Floor
p: (212) 925-6625 ext 272

Nancy Cardwell

Doctoral Lecturer, Early Childhood Education

o: 5/209A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5891

Moriah D. Carlson

Adjunct Lecturer

o: North Academic Center

Hazel M. Carter

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership

o: 4/214B North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6264

Walil Colter

Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Student Services

o: 3/223A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5316

Yvel C. Crevecoeur

Associate Professor, Special Education

o: 4/211D North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7086

David Crismond

Associate Professor, Childhood Education Program Director

o: 4/218A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-8436

Joseph Davis

Professor, Bilingual Education & TESOL

o: 4/211C North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6240

Marit Dewhurst

Professor, Art Education Program Director

o: 303D Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-7433

Elizabeth Dunn-Ruiz

Lecturer, Educational Theatre Program Director

o: 5/207 D NAC

Shira E. Epstein

Deputy Dean

o: 3/213 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5995

Beverly Falk

Professor Emerita

Laila Ferguson

Administrative Assistant, Office of the Chairs

o: 6/207B North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5484

Jesús Fraga

Lecturer, Bilingual Education & TESOL

o: 5/204C North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6054

Catherine Franklin

Associate Professor, Childhood Education

o: 4/212B North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6258

Naya Gary

Academic Advisor, Admissions & Student Services

o: 3/223A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6241

Laura M. Gellert

Chair, Department of Teaching & Learning

o: 6/207B-3 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5796

Lynnètte Godley

Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Student Services

o: 3/223A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5281

Doris Grasserbauer

Director, Multimedia Center

o: 4/217A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5795

Walter Greigg

Academic Project Director, NYC Men Teach

o: 6/207B-2 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6785

Amita Gupta

Professor Emerita

Armineh Hallaran

Assistant Professor, Special Education

o: 4/211A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7083