Laura M. Gellert
Chair, Department of Teaching & Learning
Associate Professor, Childhood Education/Mathematics Education Office: 5/209D or 6/207B (Chair's office)
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
North Academic Center

Laura M. Gellert
Ph.D. The Graduate Center, CUNY
Urban Education Science, Math, Technology Strand, 2008
Dissertation Title: New Elementary School Teachers and Mathematics: An Investigation through a Community of Practice
M.S. The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
Mathematics, 1999
A.B. Bryn Mawr College
Mathematics, 1993
Courses Taught
EDCE 6100C How Children Learn Mathematics: Grade 1 - 6
EDCE 6000C How Children Learn Mathematics: Birth - Grade 2
EDCE 5950C Mathematics for Teachers
MATHE 8106N: Algebra for Middle School Teachers
MATHE 8107N Geometry for Middle School Teachers
EDSE 8303N Contemporary Topics in Mathematics Education
EDCE 32200 How Children Learn Mathematics
edTPA workshop for graduate and undergraduate childhood education students
Research Interests
Mentoring in Mathematics Education
STEM Integration
Inclusive education in conjunction with mathematics teaching and learning
Communities of Practice
Offenholly, K., Gellert, L.M., and Kotelawala, U.M., (2015) “Digital Games for Future Math Teachers: Transforming Undergraduate Education” Journal of Game-Supported Interactive Learning, (In Press, expected publication 2015).
Gellert, L. M. (2013). “Elementary School Teachers and Mathematics: Communities of Practice and an Opportunity for Change.” Journal of Education & Learning, 2(4).
Crismond, D., Gellert, L., Cain, R., and Wright, S. (2013) “Minding the Missteps: A watch list of misconceptions for beginning designers.” Science and Children., pp. 80-85
Gellert, L. (2012) “Creating Communities of Learners Among Beginning Teachers: A Matter of Social Justice.” Education in a Democracy: A Journal of the NNER (Vol. 4)
Gellert, L. and Gonzalez, L. (2011). “Teacher Collaboration: Implications for New Mathematics Teachers.” Current Issues in Education, 14(1).
Foote, M., Smith, B., and Gellert, L. (2011) “Evolution of (Urban) Mathematics Teachers' Identity.” Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, December 2011, 4(2). pp. 67–95
Kolman, J. S., Gellert, L. M., and McLurkin, D. L., (2017) Lifting Gates and Building Skills: Preparing diverse candidates to pass new certification exams. In E. Petchauer, & L. Mawhinney (Eds). Teacher Education across Minority-Serving Institutions Programs, Policies, and Social Justice (pp 87 – 108), Rutgers University Press.