Megan Blumenreich
Professor, Childhood Education
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
North Academic Center

Megan Blumenreich
Megan Blumenreich is a Professor in the Childhood Education Program. Her research interests include urban education, qualitative research, and alternative routes to education. Professor Blumenreich is the editor of The New Educator journal.
Ed. D. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY. Department of Curriculum and Teaching, with specialization in Urban Education.
Ed. M. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.
M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.
B.A. Colby College, Waterville, ME
Courses Taught
Courses: Graduate level Curriculum Development, Teacher Research 1 & 2, Supervision and Teaching Seminar courses, and Undergraduate level Inquiry in Education, Literacy, and Supervision and Teaching Seminar courses.
Blumenreich, M., & Rogers, B. L. (2021). Schooling teachers: Teach For America and the future of teacher education. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Baecher, L, Blumenreich, M., Horwitz, J., & Epstein, S. E.(Eds.). (2018). Teacher education in the Trump era and beyond: Preparing new teachers in a contentious political climate. New York, NY: Routledge.
Falk, B. & Blumenreich, M.(2012).Teaching matters: Stories from inside city schools.New York: The New Press.
Falk, B. & Blumenreich, M. (2005). The power of questions: A guide to research for teachers and students. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Refereed Articles
Blumenreich, M. (2016). Assigning reflective memo blogs to support teacher research data analysis. Voices of Practitioners, Volume II (1), 68-75.
Blumenreich, M. & Rodriguez, R. (2016). Research as Discovery, teaching as trust: Developing new perspectives through teacher research. The Educational Forum Journal, 80 (4), 367-379.
Blumenreich, M., & Rogers, B. L. (2016). TFA and the magical thinking of the “best and the brightest”. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(13).
Blumenreich, M & Gupta, A. (2015). The globalization of Teach for America: An analysis of the institutional discourses of Teach for America and Teach for India within local contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education 48: 87-96.
Blumenreich, M. (Winter, 2015). Commentary: Teacher Research as a Form of Inspiration, Influence, and Mentoring. Voices of Practitioners, Volume 10, Retrieved from
Rogers, B. & Blumenreich, M. (2013). Reframing the conversation: Insights from oral histories of three 1990 TFA participants. Teachers College Record. Vol.115, #7, 1-46.
Blumenreich, Megan. (2012). Urban Teacher Candidates Discover Inquiry-based Learning While Developing Oral History Projects.i.e.: inquiry in education: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 3. Retrieved from:
Retrieved from:
Blumenreich, M. & Falk, B. (2006). Trying on a new pair of shoes: Urban teacher-learners conduct research and construct knowledge in their own classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22, 864-873.
Blumenreich, M & Siegel, M. (2006). White uncles, fighter cells, and innocent victims: A discourse analysis of children's books about AIDS.Children's Literature in Education (37), 1, 81-110.
Blumenreich, M. (2004). Avoiding the pitfalls of "conventional" narrative research: Using poststructural theory to guide the creation of narratives of children with HIV. Qualitative Research (4), 1, 77-90.
Blumenreich, M. (2003). Confidentiality, equity, and silence: A critical look at school policy for
HIV positive children. Equity & Excellence in Education (36), 1, 64-70.
Additional Articles
Blumenreich, M. & Jaffe-Walter, R. (2015). Social media illuminates some truths about school reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 97(1), 25-28.
Blumenreich, M. & Falk, B. (2015). Teacher research and self-inquiry reawaken learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 96: 47-51.
Blumenreich, M. (2011). Scholarly Research Makes Education Dynamic. Teacher Education & Practice, 24 (4), 447-450.
Blumenreich, M. (2008). Critical issues in anti-racist research methodologies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, (21), 4, 427-431.
Blumenreich, M. & Rhodes, L. (2007). Lessons from Teach for America alumni: A review of In the Deeps Heart's Core, by Michael Johnson;Lessons to Learn: Voices from the Front Lines of Teach for America, by Molly Ness; Taught by America: A Story of Struggle and Hope in Compton, by Sarah Sentilles. The New Educator. (3), 3, 263- 281.
Blumenreich, M. (2005). Making sense of this moment in public education: A review of Letters to the Next President (edited by Carl Glickman) and Teaching the Personal and the Political, by William Ayers. The New Educator, (1), 2, 149-152.
Book Chapters
Blumenreich, M. (2013). Discovering inquiry-based learning through oral history projects. In G. Wilgus (Ed.) Knowledge, pedagogy and post-multiculturalism: shifting the locus of learning in urban teacher education, New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Blumenreich, M. (2013). Preservice teachers' oral history projects: Exploring how our communities and cultural pasts shape us. In R. Flessner, G. Miller, K. Patrizio, & J. Horwitz (Eds.) Agency in teacher education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (This chapter opens the book.)
Encyclopedia Entries
Blumenreich, M. (2009). Differentiated instruction. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 26, 2009, from Grolier Online
Curriculum. (2009). (M. Blumenreich, Rev.). Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 26, 2009, from Grolier Online
Additional Information
Awards and Grants (last five years):
PSC-CUNY 50 Research Award to conduct “Exploring induction support that is helpful and effective to the development and retention of early career teachers.” Equal collaboration with Beverly Falk.
Provost’s Outstanding Teaching Award
PSC-CUNY 45 Research Award (for $4748.00) to write a chapter for the study, "An Oral History of the 1990 Cohort of Teach for America: Lifelong advocates for education
PSC-CUNY 44 Research Award (for $3990.00) to write a chapter for the study, "An Oral History of the 1990 Cohort of Teach for America: Teaching in the Neediest Classrooms."
Awarded travel grant from the CCNY Travel Program.
Awarded PSC-CUNY Grant, to analyze data for the study, "Teaching for America: Lessons from Teach for America Participants."
Awarded CUNY Collaborative Incentive Grant of $33,000 to conduct study, "Teaching for America: Lessons from Teach for America Participants" with Bethany Rogers of CUNY Staten Island.
Awarded Department of Childhood Education Fieldwork Grant.
Awarded the Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies at CCNY Service-Learning Faculty Fellowship.
Awarded PSC-CUNY Grant, to conduct study, "The art of critique: Poststructural thought in the teacher education classroom."