Beverly Falk

Professor Emerita

Main Affiliation

School of Education

Professor Beverly Falk

Beverly Falk


Beverly Falk is Professor and Director Emerita of the Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education at CCNY's School of Education. A graduate of the Master’s Degree Program in Early Childhood Education at The City College of New York, her career has included work as a classroom teacher, child care center director, public school founder and principal, district administrator, researcher, and consultant - at the school, district, state, and national level.

Other roles in which Professor Falk has served include being a Fellow of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching's Quest Project (2005-2007); a Public Scholarship Fellow of the Colin Center for Policy Studies at CCNY (2010-2011); the founding editor of The New Educator, a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that is published by The City College of New York's School of Education in partnership with the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) (2004-2017); a Senior Scholar at the Stanford Center for Equity, Learning, and Assessment (SCALE), an organization that supports innovation in performance-based assessment for teachers and students (2010-2016); and a consulting educator for the Learning Policy Institute (2023 - present).

Dr. Falk has been the recipient of several large grants from the Foundation for Child Development and other organizations to create The High Quality Early Learning Project, an open-access online video and resource collection of high quality early learning practices in urban classrooms serving children and families from diverse racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.  The project continues to shine a light on teachers and classrooms and schools that provide caring and supportive educational environments.

Publications by Dr. Falk include over 100 articles and books, including High Quality Early Learning for a Changing World:  What Educators Need to Know and Do (published in English and Chinese by Teachers College Press, 2018), Defending Childhood:  Keeping the Promise of Early Education (Teachers College Press, 2012); Teaching Matters:  Stories from Inside City Schools (The New Press, 2012); Teaching the Way Children Learn (published in Arabic, 2015 and in English by Teachers College Press, 2008);  The Power of Questions:  A Guide to Teacher and Student Research (Heinemann Press, 2005); The Heart of the Matter:  Using Standards and Assessments to Learn (Heinemann Press, 2000); A Teacher’s Guide to Standardized Tests:  Knowledge is Power (Heinemann Press, 1998); and Authentic Assessment in Action (Teachers College Press, 1995).

Bammy Awards 2014


Ed.D.,     Teachers College, Columbia University (Curriculum and Teaching)
M.S. Ed., School of Education, The City College of New York (Early Childhood Education)
B.A.,       Sarah Lawrence College (Music)

Courses Taught

EDCE 2202I:  Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education I - Teacher Inquiry
EDCE 2900I:  Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education II - Teacher Inquiry

Research Interests

My work focuses on supporting teachers to teach in the ways that children learn.  By this I mean creating learning environments that foster active engagement, are anti-racist and responsive/relevant/sustaining to diverse cultures and languages, involve families in children’s learning, and develop not only cognitive skills but other human attributes such as curiosity, perseverance, empathy, flexibility, resilience, and social awareness.  I am particularly interested in ensuring that our youngest, most vulnerable citizens in historically under-served diverse urban communities have equitable access to such high quality learning opportunities.

Another strand of my work is garnering the knowledge teachers generate in their practice to inform instruction, support students’ learning, and advance the knowledge of the field.  Toward that end I collaborate with teachers to document and make visible dilemmas and effective practices of urban teaching.I am also involved in projects that work with teachers on the development and implementation of both large-scale and classroom-based performance assessments

My areas of expertise include culturally and linguistically responsive/relevant/sustaining early childhood education, early literacy, performance assessment, teacher education, and teacher research.



Falk, B. (2018).  High Quality Early Learning for a Changing World:  What Educators Need to Know and Do.  New York:  Teacher College Press.

Falk, B. (2015). Teaching the way children learn – Arabic edition.  New York:  Teachers College Press.

Falk, B. (Ed.)  (2012).  Defending childhood:  Keeping the promise of early education.  New York:  Teachers College Press.  

Falk, B. & Blumenreich, M.  (2012). Teaching matters:  Stories from inside city schools.  New York:  The New Press.

Falk, B.  (2008).  Teaching the way children learn.  New York:  Teachers College Press.  

Falk B. & Blumenreich, M.  (2005). The power of questions:  A guide to teacher and student research.  Portsmouth, N.H.:  Heinemann Press.  

Falk, B.  (2000).  The heart of the matter:  Using standards and assessments to learn.  Portsmouth, N.H.:  Heinemann Press.
Calkins, L., Santman, D., Montgomery, K., with Falk, B.  (1998).  A teacher's guide to standardized testing:  Knowledge is power.  Portsmouth, N.H.:  Heinemann Press.

Darling-Hammond, L., Ancess, J., & Falk, B.  (1995).  Authentic assessment in action.  New York:  Teachers College Press.

Edited volumes

Falk, B. (Ed.  (2017).  The New Educator, Volume 13, Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 – Early Career Supports for Teacher Learning
     Issue 2 – Teacher Leaders Engage in Action Research

Falk, B. (Ed.)  (2016).  The New Educator, Volume 12, Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 – Video as a Tool in Teacher Learning
     Issue 2 – Supporting the Development of Culturally Relevant and Responsive
     Issue 3 – Inquiry as a Pedagogy for Teacher Learning
     Issue 4 – Teacher Leaders’ Action Research – Developing an Inquiry Stance
                                          toward Instructional Improvement

Falk, B.  (Ed.) (2015).  The New Educator, Volume 11.  Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - Leveraging Accountability in Educator Preparation Toward Learning and Improvement:  Lessons from the Field
     Issue 2 - Teacher Leadership for Educational Quality and Equity: Learning Across America, Canada, Finland, and Singapore
     Issue 3 - Reflections on Teaching for Social Justice and Equity:  Voices from the Field
     Issue 4 - Telling Our Stories: Celebrating Agency in Teacher Education

Falk, B.  (Ed.) (2014).  The New Educator, Volume 10.  Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - How Assessment and Accountability Can Stay Focused on Children:  
     Issue 2 - Preparing Teachers For The Challenges Of Our Diverse, Changing  
     Issue 3 - Early Career Learning:  Professional Development for Novice Teachers
     Issue 4 - Issues Related to the Development of Pre-Service Teachers

Falk, B.  (Ed.) (2013).  The New Educator, Volume 9.  Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - Lessons from the Performance Assessment of California Teachers
     Issue 2 - Early Career Teachers:  Dilemmas and Challenges
     Issue 3 – Teacher Leadership
     Issue 4 – Learning through Inquiry

Falk, B. (Ed.) (2012).  The New Educator, Volume 8.  Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - Strengthening Professional Collaborations and Dispositions to Ensure  
     Better Teaching
     Issue 2 - Ending the Revolving Door of Teachers Entering and Leaving the 
     Teaching Profession
     Issue 3 - Understanding Diverse Perspectives
     Issue 4 - Essential Experiences for Becoming A Teacher

Falk, B. (Ed.) (2011).  The New Educator, Volume 7.  Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.  
     Issue 1 – Education and Immigration
     Issue 2 - Supporting Teacher Learning:  From Novice to Experienced to Mentor
     Issue 3 - Reflective Processes of Descriptive Inquiry Thoughts from the Field for
     Teacher Educators to Consider (Guest edited:  Stephanie Cox Suarez and Lisa  
     Issue 4 - Preparing Educators for Learner-Centered Literacy Teaching

Falk, B. (Ed.) (2010) The New Educator, Volume 6.  New York:  The City College of New York.
     Issue 1 - Educator Preparation and Ongoing Learning: Insights from the Field
     Issue 2 - Multiple Perspectives on Diversity
     Issue 3/4 – Museum/University Partnerships in Teacher Education

Falk, B. (Ed. (2009).  The New Educator, Volume 5.  New York:  The City College of New York.
     Issue 1 - Looking to the Future:  Mentoring New Teachers
     Issue 2 - Preparing Teachers for the Challenges of Teaching in Culturally-Diverse Communities
     Issue 3 - Critical Explorations:  The Road to Understanding
     Issue 4 – Challenges for Beginning Teachers

Falk B. (Ed.)  (2008).  The New Educator, Volume 4.  Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.  
     Issue 1 - Teacher Retention and Early Childhood Education:  An Examination of 
     Critical Issues
     Issue 2 - Examining Elements of Teacher Preparation Programs
     Issue 3 - Mining the Complexities of Practice to Shape Knowledge, Policies,
     and Future Practice
     Issue 4 – Issues of Social Justice in Teacher Education

Falk, B.  (Ed.)  (2007). The New Educator, Volume 3.  Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - The Ingredients of Effective Educator Preparation:  Perspectives from
     Practicing Teachers
     Issue 2 - The Scholarship of Teacher Preparation and Teacher Educator
     Preparation: An Examination of Teaching the Educational Foundations
     Issue 3 – New Forms of Professional Development: Supports for Educators at
     Different Points on the Continuum of Expertise
     Issue 4 - Inside Teaching:  Learning from the Inquiries of Practicing Teachers

Falk, B. (Ed.) (2006). The New Educator, 2.  Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - Standards and Assessments:  Problems and Possibilities
     Issue 2 - Preparing Educators to Teach Diverse Learners
     Issue 3 - Playing the Cello During the Bombing of Sarajevo:  Turning Questions
     Around to Take a Different Look at Teaching and Educator Preparation
     Issue 4 - Building Capacity For Educational Improvement

Falk, B. (Ed.)  (2005).  The New Educator 1.  Philadelphia:  Taylor and Francis.
     Issue 1 - The New Educator for the 21st Century
     Issue 2 - Nurturing the Hearts and Soul of Educators
     Issue 3 - Retaining Educators in the Profession:  The Need for a Continuum of
     Issue 4 - Inquiry into Teaching and Learning:  An Essential of Educator   

Falk, B.  (Ed.).  (1994).  The Educational Forum, 59(1).  West Lafayette, IN:  Kappa Delta Pi Publications.

Refereed articles

Souto-Manning, M., Falk, B., Lopez, D., Bradt, N., Cardwell, N., Cruz, L., McGowan, N., Perez, A., Rabadi-Raol, A., and Rollins, E.  (forthcoming in April, 2019).  A transdisciplinary approach to equitable teaching in early childhood education.  Review of Research in Education, 43(1).

Falk, B.  (accepted 2015).  Supporting High Quality Early Learning:  What School Leaders Need to Know and Do.  Principal magazine.  

Blumenreich, M. & Falk, B.  (February, 2015).  Research and teacher self-inquiry reawaken learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(5), pp. 47-51.

Falk, B. & Darling-Hammond, L.  (2010).  Documentation and democratic education.  Theory into Practice, 49(1), 72-81.  

Falk, B., Ort, S., & Moirs, K.  (2007).  Keeping the focus on the child:  Supporting and reporting on teaching and learning with a classroom-based assessment system.  Educational Assessment, 12(1), 47-74.
Blumenreich, M. & Falk, B.  (2006). Trying on a new pair of shoes:  Urban teacher-learners conduct research and construct knowledge in their own classrooms.  Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(7), 864-873.

Falk, B.  (January 12, 2006).  Morning meeting.  ASCD Express, 1(7).

Falk, B. & Margolin, L. (2005).  Awakening the questions within:  Inquiry research in an elementary classroom.  Thinking Classroom, 6(2), 6-14.

Falk, B.  (2004).  A passion for inquiry in an era of 'right answers':  Inquiring about teachers inquiring about their practice.  Teacher Education Quarterly, 31(4), 73-84.

Falk, B.   (2002).  Standards-based reforms:  Problems and possibilities.  Phi Delta Kappan. 83(8), 612-620.  

Falk, B.  (1998).  Testing the way children learn:  Principles for valid literacy assessments. Language Arts, 76(1), 57-66.

Falk, B. & Ort, S.  (1998).  Sitting down to score:  Teacher learning through assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(1), 59-64.

Falk, B.  (Fall, 1998).  Using direct evidence to assess student learning. In Language Matters.  London:  Center for Language in Primary Education.

Darling-Hammond, L. & Falk, B.  (1997).  Using standards and assessments to support student learning.  Phi Delta Kappan, 79(3), 190-199.

Falk, B.  (1994).  How assessment supports teaching and learning:  A look at the Primary Language Record. The Educational Forum, 59(1), 30-38.

Book chapters

Falk, B.  (2016).  Defining early childhood education:  From research to practice.  In D. L. Couchenour & K. Chrisman (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education, 387-390.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE.

Darling-Hammond, L. & Falk, B.  (2014a). Supporting teacher learning through performance assessment.  In L. Darling-Hammond and F. Adamson (Eds.), Beyond the Bubble Test:  How Performance Assessments Support 21st Century Learning, 207-236. San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.  

Darling-Hammond, L. & Falk, B.  (2014b).  How performance assessment can support student and teacher learning.  In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Next Generation Assessment:  Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning, 43-56.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass.

Falk, B.  (2010). Supporting the education and care of young children:  Putting into practice what we know.  In M. Fullan, A.
Lieberman, A. Hargreaves, and D. Hopkins (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Educational Change, 933-952.  New York: Springer.  

Lieberman, A. & Falk, B.  (2006).  Leadership in learner-centered schools.  In Danzig, A.B., Borman, K.M., Jones, B.A., and Wright, W.F. (Eds.), Learner Centered Leadership: Research, Policy, and Practice.  Mahway, New Jersey:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  

Falk, B.  (2003).  Testing the way children learn:  Principles for valid literacy assessments.  In Sharon Murphy and Curt Dudley-Marling (Eds.), Literacy Learning through Language Arts.  Urbana, Illinois:  National Council of Teachers of English.  (A volume of previously published articles selected for being a “valuable contribution to the profession”)   

Falk, B.  (2001).  Professional learning through assessment.  In A. Lieberman and L. Miller (Eds.), Teachers Caught in the Action:  The Work of Professional Development.  New York:  Teachers College Press.   

Falk, B.  (1998).  Looking at students and their work:  Supporting diverse learners with the Primary Language Record.  In D. Allen (Ed.), Assessing Student Learning:  From Grading to Understanding.  New York:  Teachers College Press. 

Falk, B.  (1998).  Using direct evidence to assess student progress:  How the Primary Language Record supports teaching and learning.  In T. Salinger (Ed.), Assessing Reading:  Theory and Practice.  London:  Routledge.   

Darling-Hammond, L. & Falk, B.  (1997).  Policy for authentic assessment.  In A. L. Goodwin, (ed.), Assessment for Equity and Inclusion:  Embracing All Our Children. New York and London: Routledge.

Lieberman, A., Falk, B. & Wood, D.  (1996.)  Understanding the complexities of educational change.  In S. L. Kagan and N. E. Cohen (Eds.), Reinventing Early Care and Education:  A Vision for a Quality System.  San Francisco, Calif.:  Jossey-Bass.

Falk, B.  (1996).  Teaching the way children learn.  In M. McLaughlin and I. Oberman (Eds.), Teacher Learning:  New Policies, New Practices.  New York:  Teachers College Press.

Lieberman, A., Falk, B., & Alexander, L.  (1994).  A culture in the making:  Leadership in learner-centered schools.  In J. Oakes & K. H. Quartz (Eds.), Creating New Educational Communities:  Schools and Classrooms Where All Children Can Be Smart, the 94th NSSE Yearbook. 

Book reviews

Falk, B.  (2001).  Lessons for reformers:  A review of Contradictions of school reform: Educational costs of standardized testing. Journal of Educational Change 01: 1-6.

Other articles

Falk, B.  (September 29, 2016).  How will 4-year-olds find joy in learning if they lack food, sleep, medicine and shelter?:  The high-quality pre-K programs that succeed by addressing the whole childThe Hechinger Report.  Retrieved from

Falk, B.  (October 16, 2014).  It’s universal: What it takes to ensure high quality pre-
kindergarten.  The Hechinger Report.  Retrieved at…

Falk, B. (May 1, 2014).  Why value-added measures are really just the opposite.  The Hechinger Report.  Retrieved at…

Falk, B.  (2006).  A conversation with Lee Shulman – Signature pedagogies for teacher education:  Defining our practices and rethinking our preparation.  The New Educator 2(1), 73-82.

Falk, B.  (2005). Assessment in support of children’s learning:  How ongoing observation and documentation can inform instruction and curriculum development.  Journal of the National Coalition of Campus Children’s Centers, 2(1), 2-4.

Falk, B.  (2003). Keeping your eyes on the prize:  Challenges for early childhood educators.  NYCAEYC Newsletter.

Falk, B.  (1998).  Assessment should support teaching and learning.  Education New York, 2(1), 5.  

Falk, B. & Darling-Hammond, L.  (1993).  Building learner-centered schools.  School Voices, 3(1):  12, 13, 18.

Monographs, newspapers, blogs, videos, and other original materials

Falk, B. & Feigenberg, M.  (2018).  Building community in Vanessa and Kimberly’s 1st/2nd grade ICT classroom.  (Video collection).  Retrieved from

Falk, B. & Feigenberg, M.  (2017).  Choice time and inquiry in Fanny Roman’s Kindergarten classroom.  (Video collection).  Retrieved from

Falk, B., Gropper, N., & Shore, R.  (2017).  Joining with the learner.  Retrieved from

Falk, B. & Feigenberg, M.  (2017).  The Bronx River Study:  Launching the school year in Jessica and Andrene’s first-grade classroom.  (Video collection).  Retrieved from

Falk, B., Feigenberg, M., Godoy, P.  (2016).  The High Quality Early Learning Project. (Website). Retrieved from

Falk, B. & Feigenberg, M.  (2016).  Walking alongside the learner:  Curriculum in Yvonne’s preK classroom.  (Video collection).  Retrieved from

Falk, B.  (2014).  Response to As Prekindergarten Expands in New York City, Guiding Guided Play.  Retrieved from new-york-city-guiding-guided-play.html?comments&_r=0

Falk, B., Angus, J., Borman G., Cardwell, N., Kolman J., Faria, G., Folsom, C., Martin, N., Ratner, A., Shanley, D., Shannon, J.D., Smith, B., & Taharally, C. (June 13, 2014).  “Teacher educators at CUNY:  Why we support edTPA.”   Diane Ravitch’s Blog,…

Falk, B.  (April 5, 2014).  Performance assessment helps teachers develop skills.  Lohud:  The Journal News.  

Falk, B.  (March 28, 2014).  edTPA: An educative assessment of teaching.  New York Newsday.

Falk, B.  (February, 2014).  “Kindergarten should teach the way young children learn.”  Inside School Research blog at Education Week: school-research/2014/02/kindergarten_is_too_easy.html

Falk, B., Feigenberg, M., Renner, N., & Merino, N.  (2014). The edTPA:  Reflections from teacher candidates to teacher candidates.  Stanford, CA:  Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity.  (Video)

Falk, B. & Snyder, J.  (Spring, 2013).  Continuing Controversy over New Teacher Test.  Rethinking Schools 27(3).

Falk, B. & Darling-Hammond, L.  (2013).  Teacher learning through assessment: How student-performance assessments can support teacher learning.  Washington, DC:  Center for American Progress.  

Falk, B.  (2013). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Initial Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk, B.  (2013). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Professional Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk, B.  (June 3, 2011).  When is a child ready for kindergarten?  Letter to the editor.  The New York Times, A22.  New York:  The New York Times.   

Falk, B.  (2007). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Initial Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk, B.  (2007). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Professional Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk, B., Pugach, M. & Siegel, M.  (2007). Visiting Committee Report to the Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Literacy Education, Montclair State University

Falk, B.  (2007).  Developing an inquiry stance toward teaching.  In Inside Teaching, a web-based collection of records of practice from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Falk, B.  (2004).  Morning Meeting.  (Video).  

Falk, B.  (2002). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Initial Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk, B.  (2002). Report to the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the City College School of Education’s Graduate Program in Early Childhood Education Leading to Professional Certification.  New York:  The City College of New York.  

Falk B., & Ort, S.  (2000).  Technical report:  Pilot study of the predictive validity of the Early Literacy Profile.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk, B.  (1999).  Reframing the basics of education:  A report on the work of The Basic School.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk B., & Ort, S.  (1999).  Technical report:  The Early Literacy Profile project.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk, B. and associates.  (1999).  The Early Literacy Profile:  An assessment instrument.  New York:  New York State Education Department.

Falk, B. and associates.  (1999). The Early Literacy Profile:  Facilitator's guide.  New York:  New York State Education Department.  

Falk, B.  (1997). Using standards and assessments to support student learning:  Early lessons from New York State.  (Video)  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching (NCREST).
Darling-Hammond, L. & Falk, B.  (1997). Using standards and assessments to support student learning:  Alternatives to grade retention.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk, B., MacMurdy, S., & Darling-Hammond, L.  (1995).  Taking a different look:  How the Primary Language Record supports teaching for diverse learners.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk, B.  (1994).  The Bronx New School:  Weaving assessment into the fabric of teaching and learning.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.  

Lieberman, A., Falk, B., & Alexander, L.  (1994).  A culture in the making: Leadership in learner-centered schools.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Lieberman, A., Wood, D., & Falk, B.  (1994).  Toward democratic practice in schools:  Key understandings about educational change.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.

Falk, B., & Darling-Hammond, L.  (1993).  The Primary Language Record at P.S. 261:  How assessment transforms teaching and learning.  New York:  National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching.