HEO Reclassification

Reclassification is the move to a higher title in the HEO series. The CUNY Code of Practice states the basis as: "the preponderance of duties and job requirements fall appropriately in the higher series title."

When is a reclassification position warranted?

  • When there is a significant accretion of duties to a position over time as a result of a new program or process or;
  • Reorganization of a unit/department involving a reassignment of duties or;
  • Legal mandate changing the nature of the work or; Significant alteration in the duties previously assigned.

Summary of HEO title definitions and qualifications: (taken from CUNY Code of Practice):

  • For reclassification from Asst to HEO (aHEO) to HE Asst (HEa): Must demonstrate at least four years experience in the position, supervision by a major educational officer of a college or the university with a limited area of planning, research or professional and/or administrative duties.
  • For reclassification from HE Asst (HEa) to HE Associate (HEA): Must demonstrate at least six years experience related to the position and that the job now involves reporting to a HEO or major educational officer and includes supervisory functions not previously assigned or includes overall responsibility for the development of a major program within the college or University.
  • For reclassification from HE Associate (HEA) to HE Officer (HEO): Must demonstrate at least eight years of experience related to the position and assumes full responsibility for a major area of college or University activity with supervisory responsibility.

Required documents

  • Justification (sample)
  • Current and proposed job descriptions
  • Current & Proposed Organizational Chart
  • Proposed Salary
  • Resume
  • CUNY Applications (part 1 & part 3)

HEO Screening Committee Reference

Last Updated: 06/11/2024 14:10