Deciding on a Major Career Exploration

Choosing a major can be one of the toughest aspects of college. There seem to be so many choices!  But it is so important that you do take the time to explore yourself and careers because you are investing time and money into your degree so you want to choose wisely.  If you are still unsure after reviewing the information, we encourage you to become a part of our Explorer Program or Contact a Career Counselor within CPDI.


1. Assess or evaluate your interests.

What are your passions?  What are you deeply interested in?  What types of things excite you? What kind of work appeals to you? Think about it and write this information down.

2. Take an honest look at your unique strengths and abilities.

What are you good at?  What are the things that you're better than most people at?  What were your best and most enjoyable subjects in high school? What activities and clubs were especially enjoyable to you? You were created with many different innate preferences and skills – these are the ones that you should hone and refine, and so you should choose a major that uses those skills.  Think about it and write this information down.

3. It's all about values.

Consider the things you value in work, such as growth, fixing things, being around people, helping the needy, working under pressure, security, counseling others, working in groups, attention to detail, making things, and many other values.  Considering what kinds of jobs can meet these values can be helpful as you consider some career options.

4.  Go explore career possibilities.

This is a very important step because you have to understand all the different opportunities that are available to you.  Take some time and visit the online resources below to help you explore the numerous career paths.

What Can I Do With a Degree in... - Industry Exploration - You will be asked to create an account.  Be sure to use your CITYMAIL email account.

Big Future by College Board -

Career OneStop -

5.  Do a feasibility check. 

Ask yourself honestly: "Does the career I have in mind match who I am?"  Be realistic.  Someone may wish to become an architect, but if he or she has little skills in math (geometry) and drawing, then perhaps the person should reconsider choosing that major. Sometimes there are ways to bypass these obstacles, but be wise and then you can avoid wasting your time and money on a wrong major.


If you are still confused, please schedule an appointment to MEET WITH A CAREER COUNSELOR.  Within CPDI we conduct career assessments that assess your interests, values and skills.  These assessments will help you identify a career path and major that fits you.


Be sure to:

·      Talk to upperclassmen and other classmates.  They've been there and done that.  You can benefit from their advice, what they've learned, and the struggles they've gone through in their major. Don't hesitate to consult them as a resource to gather more information about various majors.

·      Explore your college's course catalog.  You might be surprised at the assortment of majors your college has to offer.

·      Talk to your academic adviser and other professors.  They will almost always be more than happy to give you some helpful advice.  They've been there and can tell you what their field is all about.

·      Your family and friends who know you well.  They know you best.  Be sure to filter out any unreasonable or bad advice, but be sure to listen.  They often have a lot of insights into who you are and what you are good at.

·      Visit CCNY Career and Professional Development Institute. The Institute has career assessments that can help you identify a career path.  Please visit the Contact a Career Counselor form to schedule an appointment.

Last Updated: 12/02/2024 14:35