Dear Faculty, Students and Staff, This memo supersedes all previous memos on laptop and tablet loaners.  The IT Reservations Desk will be taking appointments for you to pick up a laptop or tablet, while supplies last, this Monday through Wednesday from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM.  Due to our mandate to reduce crowds, only 20 people per hour will be allowed to sign up for a spot.  To reserve a time for you to pick up a device, please go to and reserve your spot.  Once devices are gone, we will notify those… Read More »

As a COVID-19 response, Texas Instruments is offering free six-month calculator emulator software subscriptions to teachers and students for TI-84 Plus, TI-30XS, TI-34 MultiView, and TI-Nspire CX calculators. Calculator guide books and tutorials are available online as well. Ken Ihrer Vice President of Operations Chief Information Officer The City College of New York

Dear Faculty, Students and Staff, This memo supersedes all previous memos on laptop and tablet loaners.  The IT Reservations Desk will be taking appointments for you to pick up a laptop or tablet, while supplies last, this Monday through Wednesday from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM.  Due to our mandate to reduce crowds, only 20 people per hour will be allowed to sign up for a spot.  To reserve a time for you to pick up a device, please go to and reserve your spot.  Once devices are gone, we will notify those… Read More »

Dear Faculty, Students and Staff, The Office of Information Technology is extending reservations for laptops or tablets through the remainder of the semester.  If you are in need of a device in order to work from home, please stop by the Reservation Desk, first floor NAC, and pick up a device – don’t forget to bring your ID card.  Supplies are limited so don’t wait too long.  Hours of operation will start on Monday and run through Thursday, from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM.  If we run out of devices before Thursday, I will send out a notification. Sincerely, Ken… Read More »

Dear Faculty, Students and Staff, IT Website Resources Main Site Academic Technology Services (iMEDIA) Service Desk Our Service Desk can be reached by sending an email to  %73%65rv%69ced%65s%6b@ccny.cuny .e%64%75" rel="nofollow"> .  Your request will be handled as quickly as we are able, realizing that our staff anticipates a large volume of requests.  I have asked ServiceDesk management to prioritize calls from faculty that are impacting… Read More »

Dear CCNY community, With an unprecedented number of schools closing and students across the country shifting to digital learning because of COVID-19, several companies are offering free services for the next 60 days, in addition, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint and Comcast have announced additional services during the coronavirus outbreak, such as the removal of data caps and waiver of late fees.  Students should check with their individual carriers for these arrangements.… Read More »

Dear Faculty and Staff, This announcement is to notify you that our purchase of Zoom Enterprise is complete. Each of you will have access to a licensed copy of Zoom, with the features listed under the “licensed” category below. You can access your own Zoom account by logging in to and entering your CCNY login credentials (same as your email). Zoom Enterprise will provide the following: Feature Basic Licensed Meeting time limt for group meetings 40 minutes ✓ Unlimited Cloud Recording… Read More »

Dear Faculty and Staff CUNY Computer Information Services has announced the availability of WebEx as a collaboration platform.  They have integrated it in with Blackboard so that it is preconfigured for each class.  The following is a short video on how it works I want to reiterate that CCNY’s Office of Information Technology is only prepared to support the platforms we have had in place for a long time (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Zoom and BlueJeans).  If you would like to use WebEx, it is available to you both inside of… Read More »

The City College campus has resources that can be used in the event of a campus closing to continue instruction and learning. Remember that a course instructor who has reason to move a class from in-person to online instruction must receive permission from his or her chair, and chairs should coordinate these requests with deans.  Course instructors should take some time now to decide which of the following technologies best fit the needs of your class, and test everyone’s ability to log on and use the system. Keep track of students who have no way of connecting from home or… Read More »

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Last Updated: 12/16/2020 17:43