Sociology is the study of social life - how societies are organized, and how people interact as individuals and within groups and institutions that shape our everyday worlds and life chances. Sociology provides a unique, critical perspective on the world which enables all of us to view ourselves within larger social structures of society and as agents of social change.
There is a sociology of everything! Sociologists at CCNY study social inequalities of class, race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, and health in urban, national and global contexts. We offer classes in urban sociology and globalization; criminology, law, and juvenile justice; race, ethnicity and immigration; drugs, health, illness, and disability; gender and sexuality; work, organizations, and activism. We also study specific populations such as the homeless, undocumented, Dominican and Latinx populations and New Yorkers.
Our majors and minors learn specific skill sets in theory, critical reasoning, writing, and research methods, including survey techniques, ethnography, interviewing, quantitative and qualitative analyses. These skills prepare students for a wide and diverse range of jobs in public policy, local, state and federal government, education, human and social services, advertising, marketing, research, academia, law, writing and publishing. Our students have also gone on to Master’s and PhD programs in sociology and other fields as well as law and business schools.
For winter 2025 Courses: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/sociology/winter-2025-sociology-courses
For Spring 2025 Courses: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/sociology/sociology-spring-2025-courses
For Summer 2025 Courses: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/sociology/summer-2025-sociology-courses
Check out our Fall 2024 course schedule!
Sociology is now a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) major!
You can also view:
-Sociology Brochure
Spring 2025 Advising
For questions about the Sociology major, minor, or classes, please contact our Sociology Advisor Prof. Dordick at gdordicksociologyadvisor@gmail.com
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Famous Sociology Majors
Rev. Martin Luther King,
Rev. Jesse Jackson,
Michelle Obama,
Robin Williams (actor),
Shirley Chisholm (First African American Woman elected to congress)
Sociologists provide many distinctive perspectives on the world, generating new ideas and critiquing the old. The field also offers a range of research techniques that can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life: street crime and delinquency, corporate downsizing, how people express emotions, welfare or education reform, how families differ and flourish, or problems of peace and war.
Sociology majors may choose to take a variety of courses or they may take advantage of the Department's specializations. In the past, the department's majors have gone on to leadership positions in academia and education; city, state, and local government; advertising; consulting; non-governmental organizations; law; policy; and a number of other related professions.
Specialization in Urban Issues, Politics, and Policy
For students anticipating careers in the city or just interested in urban concerns, the Department offers a specialization in urban issues, politics, immigration, and policy, with sub-specialties in Urban Studies and Policy, Crime and Deviance, and Social Work. These specializations take advantage of our location in the heart of one of the most complex cities in the world. The objective is to bring social science theory and research to bear upon the pressing issues that confront major cities like New York, such as economic restructuring, immigration, housing, neighborhood transitions, education, urban poverty, politics, and fiscal crisis. These specializations prepare students for careers in specific areas such as education, urban planning, public policy, and public administration.
Minor in Public Policy and Public Affairs
Are you concerned about the environment? How about poverty, healthcare, or education? This minor offers students the chance to study these and other policy issues with an emphasis on acquiring the analytical tools required for policy development and decision-making. The minor is interdisciplinary and allows students to take courses from different disciplines within the Colin Powell School. Read more..
Katherine Chen,
Professor and Chair, Sociology
North Academic Center, Room 6/124
160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.5838

Laura Bowman,
Department Office Assistant
North Academic Center, Room 6/125
160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.5839