Dear CUNY Community,
I hope you were able to enjoy the holiday season with family and friends and, as we look to begin the new year, are cautiously optimistic as I am that 2022 will be a year of positive change.
One of the key areas of focus will be recapturing some of the elements that have made CUNY a beacon of student success and social mobility such as campus support services, higher levels of in-person instruction, and student activities.
State and city leaders have recognized the importance of restoring in-person activities and instruction as we move ahead in… Read More »
Dear Campus Community,
The rise in COVID cases on campus has had an impact on our Public Safety and Facilities staff and we are currently operating under significant shortages. Because of this situation, access to buildings where the number of occupants are low, will be by a phone request to public safety. We have identified the following buildings where access will be by request only: Compton Goethals, Spitzer and Aaron Davis Hall. If you need access to one of these buildings, please call public safety after your arrival at 212-650-7777. After your… Read More »
Please review the recent update related to classroom and study space access and status across campus.
As a reminder, CCNY has launched student and faculty COVID Classroom Exposure Procedures. Learn more.
CUNY has an obligation to protect the health of employees in the workplace. In light of the rapidly changing landscape and rising infection rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated people due to COVID-19, CUNY will continue to follow the guidelines issued by the CDC and OSHA in an effort to stop the spread of the virus to others.
To that end, as previously indicated in the Chancellor’s communication dated August 16, 2021, effective August 16, 2021, everyone at CUNY, regardless of their vaccination status, is required to do the following:
Wear a face mask inside all office… Read More »
We write to update you on space available on campus for connecting to an online class. We are still working to provide additional spaces and will update this list as needed. The spaces are as follows, with room capacities in parentheses:
Library (by reservation only)
The Tech Center, including STC1 (50), STC2 (35), STC3 (35)
The following rooms in NAC
4/148 (20)
4/157 (20)
4/161 (30)
5/123 (20)
5/150 (30)
6/110 (20)
6/329 (20)
Student Cafeteria
And the following in Shepard Hall:
Rm 51 (75)
Rm 73 (30)
Rm 75 (30)
Please be considerate of your fellow… Read More »
Last Updated: 12/28/2021 12:20