Tony Liss and Ken Ihrer
We write to update you on space available on campus for connecting to an online class. We are still working to provide additional spaces and will update this list as needed. The spaces are as follows, with room capacities in parentheses:
- Library (by reservation only)
- The Tech Center, including STC1 (50), STC2 (35), STC3 (35)
The following rooms in NAC
- 4/148 (20)
- 4/157 (20)
- 4/161 (30)
- 5/123 (20)
- 5/150 (30)
- 6/110 (20)
- 6/329 (20)
- Student Cafeteria
And the following in Shepard Hall:
- Rm 51 (75)
- Rm 73 (30)
- Rm 75 (30)
Please be considerate of your fellow students while using these spaces. Speak quietly, and bring a headset to use for your online class.