The following are among the questions that the committee will consider: What are the College’s major successes, and what opportunities lie ahead, and how are we to define and measure these successes and opportunities? What costs and other obstacles must the College contend with in trying to improve upon what it currently does well, and to seize new opportunities? What synergies exist among the College’s different units, what are the attendant tradeoffs, and how can innovative cross-divisional research and teaching initiatives be formulated and realized? In order to find answers to such questions, the task force will identify areas for future growth, areas in which growth may no longer be justifiable, and the costs and benefits (both financial and otherwise) of trade-offs among these areas.
The task force sub-committees will be organized as follows:
This sub-committee will construct a fiscal history of the College from 2005 to the present. The goal of this exercise will be to examine how changes in the College’s budget, enrollment, revenue, spending choices, and external circumstances have created the current crisis.
This sub-committee will consider the size, costs, and successes of the College’s departments as well as the opportunities for innovation and growth in various disciplines.
Student Services
This sub-committee will examine the effectiveness of the offices of financial aid, the bursar, and the registrar. This review will encompass the management of student scholarships, the collection of student support, and internship services.
Facilities and Information Technology
This sub-committee will adequacy of funding, staffing, and plans related to the College’s physical plant.
Membership of the Task Force
The task force will consist of a steering committee and four sub-committees. I will convene the steering committee, but for much of the Task Force’s operation, will not participate in its meetings. I have asked David Jeruzalmi to co-convene the Task Force with me, and to play a more directly involved leadership role in its meetings, and he has graciously accepted that request. The steering committee consists of the eight academic deans, eight faculty members (one from each academic unit) and four staff members selected for their particular expertise. The sub-committees will include five members of the steering committee (two deans, two faculty, and one staff member) augmented by members of the College community with expertise germane to the committee's areas of responsibility.
Members of the Task Force Steering Committee are as follows:
- Alexander Couzis
- Edwin Lamboy
- Lesley Lokko
- Erica Friedman
- Erec Koch
- Andrew Rich
- Susan Perkins
- Juan Carlos Mercado
- Mitchell Schaffler (engineering)
- Hazel Carter (Education)
- Marta Gutman (Architecture)
- Jack Martin (Medical School)
- Ellen Handy (H&A)
- Rajan Menon (Colin Powell School)
- Anuradha Janakiraman (Science)
- Justin Martin (CWE)
- Doris Cintron
- Felix Lam
- Ken Ihrer
I asked CCNY’s Johanna Ureña to serve the Task Force as its project manager. It will be her responsibility to keep the Task Force on schedule, and to help resolve issues that arise, for example, in the provision of data to the Task Force from various offices of the college. Her work as Task Force project manager, and liaison between the Task Force and the college, has my full confidence and the backing of my office.
If you have any inquiries or concern please email tas%6bfor%63e@ccny.cuny .%65du" rel="nofollow">
Vince Boudreau
Last Updated: 07/16/2020 20:00