Raise 7 million dollars in new money
- Raise $4 Million in new unrestricted philanthropic monies either from investment earnings on the corpus of the foundation monies or from new cash;
- Increase the number of new graduate students on campus by 200 (as of fall 2019)
- Increase annual revenue from Adult and Continuing Education by 1 million dollars.
- Undertake lobbying to garner state government (and CUNY) support for the idea that more expensive, high value programs like engineering and architecture) require a commensurate investment. Target 1 million dollars in new state investment in these programs.
Change the public profile of the college to emphasize the broad contributions that college has made to social mobility, intellectual life, science and technology and a more democratic and vibrant New York.
- Reorganize our research operation to include a vibrant post-research communications apparatus as measured by a 20% increase in newspaper/magazine/broadcast media stories describing the importance and impact of our intellectual and research activities.
- Develop a stronger internal reciprocal awareness between the academic and programming units of the college and our communication apparatus, as measured by greater adherence to CCNY style guides, stronger participation in experts list activities, better on-time communication of events and measurably greater contact between the communications department and the academic units.
- Increase the usage of the term “social mobility” in association with the term CCNY, as measured by media and social media analytics. Develop a baseline first and then set improvement targets.
- Initiate stronger community outreach as measured by the number of events done in partnership with community organizations and agencies (established a baseline and then set improvement targets).
- More fully utilize the assets of the college by designating 4 “Presidential events” each semester (athletics, theater, music, art, open labs, etc.) as moments to mobilize our events apparatus to invite alumni, donors and other potential external audiences to the college.
Restructure our Research operation
- Establish the new College Wide Research Committee and develop new plans for the allocation of IDC in ways that incentivize top researchers and grant-funded scholarly and creative activity in support the work of people new to this work.
- Increase grant and fellowship applications by 15%
- Publish and publically disseminate an annual high quality report on top research, scholarly and creative activity of the CCNY faculty.
- Develop a stronger relationship between scholarly activity and research and the communication department, as measured by an experts list with 95% faculty participation, regular meetings between writers and faculty (with initial meetings taking place by the end of this year), and a 10% increase in published stories about the substance of our scholarly activity in print and broadcast media.
Insure proper representation of all college constituencies and develop effective methods to manage conflict and insure respect on campus.
- Establish the full membership of the Working Group on Diversity and Respect by October 1. Hold 6 meetings of this group by September 1, 2019.
- Establish the Staff Council as the official representative body for staff by November 1st. Have the first official staff council meeting by December 20th.
- Hire a new Chief Diversity Officer by October 15th. Eliminate any backlog in cases by December 1st, and set case resolution time targets by December 15th. Establish supporting mechanisms for this office (eg working committee composed of public safety, HR, Campus attorney, student affairs head and Chief Diversity officer by December 1).
- Develop and deploy a campus wide survey on mutual respect by January 1.
Improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Student Success apparatus.
- Provide FACTS access to all students by October 31st, and disseminate information on how to use that. Assess the effectiveness of this tool, and students engagement with it, by measuring the number of student visits to financial aid to discuss non-0contributory goals. Reduce the # of students making such visits by 20% by June 2019.
- Reduce the # of Degree works Exceptions by 40% by June 2019.
- Increase by 20% the timely evaluation and posting of prior college work
- Make significant progress toward the establishment of One-stop, as measured by the cross-training of 5 members of the Enrollment Services team (admissions, Financial aid, Registrar and Bursar by November 1, and the holding of 3 One-Stop planning sessions by December 20th, 2018.
- Increase the number of students applying for national scholarships by 20%.
- Develop a better mechanism for college wide institutional research (this needs to be more closely specified).
Last Updated: 10/24/2018 11:00