Updated campus access procedure

We are happy to announce that IT has provided us with software that integrates the Everbridge health screening app with the building access rights database. Effective on Monday October 26, you will be able to enter a building by showing the appropriate "badge" on your phone (or paper or any device), with no cross checking of names on an access list. You will still use the Everbridge screening app, and access privileges are still granted in the same way through the online request system, but after filling out the Everbridge health screen, you will receive an e-mail from CCNY APPS with the subject "YOUR CCNY CAMPUS ACCESS BADGE". Assuming you are allowed to come to campus, this e-mail contains the green badge below, which also lists the building(s) you are allowed to visit. Showing this to guard will allow you to enter the appropriate building(s) on the day indicated on the badge.

A couple of important things to note: The new CCNY access badge e-mail may take up to 20 minutes to arrive after you submit the Everbridge screen. Therefore we suggest you fill out the Everbridge screen well in advance (you can do it up to four hours before coming to campus). We are unable to stop the e-mail generated by Everbridge (from "CUNY Wellness Survey"), so you will still get that and it will probably come first. If you show the Everbridge badge to the guard, they will have to check the list. Building lists will only be occasionally updated, and daily lists will no longer be distributed. If you are new on the building list, or have only one-day access privileges, you will have to show the new CCNY access badge for entry. So plan ahead and do the health screen early.

You will start receiving the new CCNY access badge when you fill out the Everbridge health screen tomorrow, but the guards will not be asked to recognize it until Monday.

Tony Liss
Provost & Senior VP for Academic Affairs

Ken Ihrer
VP of Operations and CIO

Everbridge screenshot showing approved building access

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