Coronavirus Updates

Dear Members of the City College Community,

I am forwarding, with this note, instructions for classes and offices to begin setting up on-line communication protocols.  You’ll see a range of tools that you have access to, and we’re repeating the call for faculty members and students, as well as office staff, to identify the platform they will use, and then practice.

Faculty will need affirmative permission from a department chair and deans to move an entire course on-line, but students can request on-line access to classes still being taught in person.  Faculty should acquiesce to these requests, and that means all of us need to learn at least one of these delivery platforms. There will be a need, of course, to take into consideration courses, like labs and studios, which we recognize are not easily adapted to an online platform. 

The instructions are appended here, and are pretty comprehensive.  Please try to follow these instructions before seeking help from the service desk at 212-650-7878, if you need it. Here is the link, and the instructions will also go to the campus as an eblast:  Remember, it is essential that you pick a platform and practice as soon as possible.

Over the weekend, we posted a hotline number for anyone on campus to use if and when they come in contact with someone in self-quarantine, or who has become sick.  We need this information so that we can monitor who and how many of our community are at risk, and adjust our measures accordingly.  This hotline is not a general information line—the college website, the documents you’ll find posted there, are still the best on-campus source for general information.

We are currently considering what measures we need to put in place, if any, to restrict travel, and will have information on that later in this day. 


Vince Boudreau

Vincent Boudreau Signature


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