CCNY-AMC Outdoor Leadership Training

Do you love the outdoors and want to gain the confidence (and leadership experience) so you can lead your own hiking groups? If so, then please join us on September 9th for our first-annual CCNY-AMC Outdoor Leadership Training where you will learn specific safety, navigational, and leadership skills required for leading hiking trips in the great outdoors. The Outdoors Project at CCNY in collaboration with our partners at the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) have specifically crafted this outdoor leadership training for alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

With this training, you will develop key leadership skills that will benefit you in safely and comfortably leading hikes in the New York / New Jersey region. You will learn how to read topographic maps, how to plan and organize your trip, whether it’s a few hours or a multi-day event, and what to do in an emergency! The training will be instructed by AMC staff and experienced and certified outdoors leaders.

We have 15 spots available, and sign-ups go quick, so secure your spot now! All participants are required to pay a non-refundable $10 participation fee. Our team will reach out to you separately for the $10 deposit once your form is submitted.

We are excited for the support and amount of interest. If you are interested, please fill out this Google Form. Your registration is not complete until payment is received and the Google Form is submitted. Our team will be in contact with you once we close this application.

IF THE FORM IS CLOSED: Please email us at to be put on our waitlist.


Ashley Mastroddi
City College & Appalachian Mountain Club Partnerships Manager, Office of the President
The CCNY Outdoors Project

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