Faculty and Staff
Alicia Smith
Director of Curriculum, Student Data and Policy Co
o: 301-8 Harris Hall
p: 212-650-6124
Belinda G. Smith
Director, Program in Pre-Medical Studies
o: 212-650-7840 Marshak Science Building, Room 106
p: 212-650-6622
Nicholas R. Smith
Executive Assistant to the Dean
o: SSA115 The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-6225
Nicholas Rush Smith
Director of the MA Program in International Affairs
o: NAC 4/143B
p: 212-650-5244
Nicole Smith
Assistant to the Chair
o: 113 The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-8715
Rosa Smith
Financial Aid Specialist/ Loan Coordinator
o: 104G H E Wille Administration Bldg
p: 212-650-5822