Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Megan Skelly

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kristine Slentz

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jennifer Sloan

Adjunct Lecturer

o: 6/128 NAC

Tamara Smalling

Associate Director

o: 109A-D Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-7333

Mary Smeby

Adjunct Lecturer

Naomi Smidt-Afek

Family Medicine Clerkship Director

o: H-303J Harris Hall
p: 212-650-6649

Alicia Smith

Director of Curriculum, Student Data and Policy Co

o: 301-8 Harris Hall
p: 212-650-6124

Allison Smith

Director of Student Success

o: 303F Townsend Harris Hall
p: 212-650-5198

Belinda G. Smith

Director, Program in Pre-Medical Studies

o: 212-650-7840 Marshak Science Building, Room 106
p: 212-650-6622

Cynthia Smith

Clerkship Coordinator

o: 301 Harris Hall
p: 212-650-7374

Frederick Smith

Professor Emeritus

p: 212-650-6963

George Smith

Program Administrator

o: 301B Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-6974

Glenn Smith

Custodial Assistant

Nicholas R. Smith

Executive Assistant to the Dean

o: SSA115 The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-6225

Nicholas Rush Smith

Director of the MA Program in International Affairs

o: NAC 4/143B
p: 212-650-5244

Nicole Smith

Assistant to the Chair

o: 113 The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-8715

Roger Smith

Campus Security Asst

Rosa Smith

Financial Aid Specialist/ Loan Coordinator

o: 104G H E Wille Administration Bldg
p: 212-650-5822

Sherae Smith

e-Permit Grades

o: 102 H E Wille Administration Bldg
p: 212-650-7877

Stephen Smith

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Warut Snidvongs

Studio Manager

o: 380A Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-6563

Kenneth M. Sobel

Professor, Deputy Chair

o: ST 655 Steinman Hall
p: (212) 650-7241

Nancy Sohler

Associate Medical Professor

o: H-313-K Harris Hall
p: 212-650-7786