

CCNY Student Entrepreneurs Develop Social Network Site for CUNY Students

A group of students at The City College of New York (CCNY) have developed a social networking website that its founder describes as a combination of “Craigslist and a more sociable Blackboard for CUNY students.” Called “,” the site combines the features of online bulletin boards with mini social networks for 20 of the 23 colleges and professional schools in the CUNY system. A preliminary version of the site launched February 2. “We wanted to create a social platform for CUNY students, faculty and staff,” said InYourClass founder Arber Ruci. “The CUNY community has more than 480
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CCNY Junior Luisirene Hernández Receives Travel Grant

One of 13 Minority Students to Present Poster at Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in San Francisco Luisirene Hernández, a junior majoring in biochemistry at The City College of New York (CCNY), is one of 13 students nationwide selected to receive a Minority Travel Award to attend the Biophysical Society’s 54th Annual Meeting in San Francisco. During the meeting, February 20 – 24, she will present a poster “Obtaining Functionally Relevant Protein Structural Transitions Using a Combined Physics/Structure-Based Coarse Grained Model,” and be honored at a reception February 20. Working in the lab
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Spitzer School of Architecture Presents Exhibit of Jose Oubrerie

Church in Firminy, Miller House to be Featured The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture (Spitzer School) at The City College of New York (CCNY) presents an exhibit on the works of noted French architect and author Jose Oubrerie. It debuts on February 16 and will be on display through May 14. The exhibit will feature Oubrerie’s best-known works, the Church of St. Pierre in Firminy, France, and the Miller House in Lexington, Ky. This is the Spitzer School’s first exhibit to feature the work of an outside architect. It will be displayed in the Spitzer School’s exhibit gallery located
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Harlem is Focus of Health Commissioner’s Community Lecture February 17 at CCNY

Dr. Thomas Farley, New York City Commissioner of Health, will deliver The President’s College and Community Lecture at The City College of New York (CCNY), 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 17, in The Great Hall. His topic will be “Take Care New York 2012: Building a Healthier Harlem.” The lecture is free and open to the public. Take Care New York 2012 is an action plan for individuals and families, health care providers, community organizations, businesses and government to make New York City healthier. It sets ambitious goals to improve children’s health, improve neighborhoods by strengthening
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Exhibit at CCNY Highlights Diversity of U.S. Latino Communities

The United States’ Latino population, 35 million strong according to the 2000 U.S. Census, is a diverse mixture of people bonded by a common language, but with roots in different parts of the Western Hemisphere. “Latinos in the U.S.: ¡Presente!,” a new exhibit at The City College of New York (CCNY), highlights the diverse Latino immigrant groups that have contributed to this rapidly growing Spanish-speaking demographic. It opens February 8 and runs through June 10, 2010, in the CCNY Cohen Library Atrium. “This exhibit documents the continually rewritten migratory landscape of this country from
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Spring Architecture Lectures Explore Green Design, Breaking Boundaries

The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at The City College of New York (CCNY) will present the Sciame Spring Lecture Series – 2010, titled “Crossing Boundaries: Explorations and Expressions.” The series, which presents talks by prominent, award-winning architects, runs eight consecutive Thursdays, February 11 through April 8. Lectures begin at 6 p.m. and are held in the Spitzer School’s Sciame Auditorium. “The series focuses on green design and the importance of breaking down artificial boundaries between architecture, landscape architecture and the various engineering disciplines
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CCNY’S Center For Worker Education Hosts Two Day Conference On Hip-Hop

“Is Hip-Hop History?,” a two-day conference to examine the current state of the music genre and subculture and its future outlook, will be held February 19 – 20 at The City College of New York (CCNY) Center for Worker Education (CWE). Approximately 200 persons, including hip-hop scholars, performers, entrepreneurs, journalists and activists, are expected to participate in the event, which will address such issues as the over-commercialization of hip-hop, hip-hop media going digital and hip-hop activism. The conference, part of the CWE’s celebration of Black History Month, is being held in
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CCNY Biologists Identify New Spiny Pocket Mouse Species

Heteromys catopterius Discovered in Venezuela’s Coastal Range Dr. Robert P. Anderson, Associate Professor of Biology at The City College of New York, and Ph.D. student Eliécer E. Gutiérrez have reported the existence of a new species of spiny pocket mouse, from Venezuela, Heteromys catopterius. The name derives from the Greek katoptêrios, which means a “height that commands a view.” It was chosen for the new species in reference to its presence on four wet, mountainous forest regions of the rugged and steep-sided Cordillera de la Costa along the country’s northern coast. “Most people are
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Powell Center Conference Examines Issues of Inclusion in the Green Economy

Green-Jobs Advocate Jerome Ringo to Outline Roadmap to a Sustainable Future and Economic Well-Being for Every Community While real job openings in the United States have plummeted 50 percent in two years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sustainability sector offers one of the few bright spots in the job market. Nationally, employment in the sector grew by 9.1 percent in the decade ending in 2007, compared with 3.7 percent overall, according to The Pew Charitable Trust. A report from the Conference of Mayors projects 3.5 million new green jobs by 2030. Yet under-represented
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CCNY Students Host ‘First’ Lego League Qualifier January 24

Challenge Seeks Robotics Solutions to Transportation Issues The Latin American Engineering Student Association Chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (LAESA-SHPE) at The City College of New York (CCNY) will host the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) Manhattan Qualifier, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 24, in The Great Hall of Shepard Hall on the CCNY campus in Harlem. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), is an organization founded to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology. Over 146,000 children, ages 9 to 14
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