Faculty & Staff

Full Time Faculty

Feridun Delale

Herbert G. Kayser Professor of ME and Chair

Research Interest: Fracture Mechanics, Hybrid Composites, Adhesive Bonding

Zeev Dagan


Research Interest: Law Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics, Interfacial Phenomenon, Heat Transfer and Cooling or Microelectronic Equipment

Niell Elvin 


Research Interest: Smart Materials, Sensing, Energy Harvesting, Biomechanics

Jing Fan

Associate Professor
Master's Advisor

Research Interest: Microfluidics, Porous Media, Soft Materials

Peter Ganatos

Professor and Deputy Chair

Research Interest: Hydrodynamics, Heat Transfer

Masahiro Kawaji

Professor and Pope Chair

Research Interest: Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Nuclear Engineering

Taehun Lee

PhD Advisor

Research Interest: Lattice Boltzmann Method, CFD, Heat Transfer, Two-phase Flows

Jackie Li


Research Interest: Micro/Nano Mechanics, Smart Materials

Yang Liu

Assistant Professor

Research Interest: Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase flow, Heat Transfer

Prathap Ramamurthy

Associate Professor

Research Interest: Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Building Energy, Urban Climate

Ali Sadegh


Research Interest: Solid Mechanics, BioMechanics, Design & Manufacturing

Inigo Sanz Pena

Assistant Professor

Research Interest: Wearable sensors, Biomechanics, Orthotics, Exoskeletons, Gait Analysis

Ioana Voiculescu

Associate Professor

Research Interest: MEMS, Biosensors, Chemical Sensors

Bo Wang

Assistant Professor 

Research Interest: Nonlinear Control Theory, Underactuated Systems, Nonholonomic Systems

Honghui Yu

Associate Professor
Transfer Students Advisor

Research Interest: Materials Engineering, Mechanics of Materials, Fracture Mechanics

Affiliated Faculty

David Crismond

Associate Professor, Childhood Education, School of Education


Sanjoy Banerjee

CUNY Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering


Part-Time Faculty

H. Murat Cekirge, Adjunct Professor

Edward EcockAdjunct Professor

Peyman Honarmandi, Adjunct Associate Professor

Richard Lagrotta, Adjunct Professor

Mohammad Maneshipour, Adjunct Professor

Martin Nolan, Adjunct Lecturer

Reza Pourmodheji, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Heui-Seol Roh, Adjunct Professor

Rubeen Sharma​, Adjunct Lecturer

Zhexuan Wang, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Paul West, Adjunct Professor


Altagracia Vasquez, Office Administrative Assistant

Deborah Moore, Academic Advisor

Jinrui Chen, Senior College Laboratory Technician

Louis Hernandez, Chief Technician

Robert Kallfa, Senior College Laboratory Technician

Wajih Tayyab, Senior College Laboratory Technician


Last Updated: 12/11/2024 13:37