Mechanical Engineering Courses:
ME 14500 Computer-Aided Drafting Basic theory of space geometry, with applications in computerized drafting. Students develop skills of spatial analysis, visualization and interpretation through reading existing drawings and freehand sketching. Conventional drafting practices are introduced, including orthographic projections, auxiliary and sectional views, isometric and orthographic projections and basic dimensioning. Computer-aided drafting software is used to produce engineering drawings. 1 class, 2 lab hr./wk.; 2 cr.
ME 24600 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics and Particle Kinematics)
Vector concepts in mechanics. Equivalent force systems. Centers of gravity and pressure. Equations of equilibrium for two- and three-dimensional systems. Static determinacy. Analysis of trusses, frames, machines and cables. Frictional forces. Properties of surfaces and rigid bodies. Particle kinematics: path variables, cylindrical coordinates and relative motion. Recitation periods integrated with classroom work. Prereq.: Math 20200 (or 20202) (min. C grade), Physics 20700 (min. C grade); pre- or coreq.: ME 14500. or BME 22000.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 24700 Engineering Mechanics II (Kinematics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies)
Kinematics of rigid bodies and relative motion. Particle dynamics. Vibrations of single-degree-of-freedom mass-spring systems. Dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies. Moment of momentum equations. Kinetics of plane motion for rigid bodies. Energy methods. Computer-assisted mechanism dynamics design project. Design periods integrated with classroom work. Prereq.: ME 24600; pre- or coreq.: Math 39100 (min. C grade).
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 31100 Fundamental of Mechatronics
Modern electric/electronic devices with applications in mechanical measurements are used as various sensors, such as strain gages, thermocouples, piezoelectric transducers, LVDT's, optoelectronic proximity sensors, etc. Static and dynamic characteristics of sensors and time-frequency responses of various measurement systems are studied. Concepts of filtering, amplification and signal conditioning are demonstrated through hands-on laboratory experiments. Engineering statistics and regression analysis are also introduced for analyzing measurement errors. Prereq.: Engr 20400, Math 39100. (min. C grade), ME 24700, ME 32200, ME 3300; pre- or coreq.: Math 39200.
2 class, 3 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 32200 Computer Methods in Engineering
Digital procedures and numerical techniques necessary for the solution of many classes of mechanical engineering problems. Procedures for the analysis and processing of experimental data, for the solution of boundary and initial value problems, sets of linear equations and eigenvalue problems. Difference methods. Use of these techniques as essential to the design process, both in the solution of equations which do not have easily obtained closed form solutions and in the treatment of experimental data. Students will principally use the microcomputer laboratory and ancillary facilities. pre- or coreq.: Math 39100 (min. C grade).
2 class, 3 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 33000 Mechanics of Materials
Engineering analysis of deformable elastic and inelastic bodies subject to axial, torsional, flexural and shearing loads. Analysis of stress and strain. Stress/strain relations, strain energy and failure theories. Deformations and deflections due to mechanical and thermal loads. Statically determinate and indeterminate systems. Pressure vessels, combined loading, principal stresses, thermal stresses, joints and fittings. Stability, buckling and critical loads. Prereq.: Math 20300 (min. C grade), ME 24600.
3 class, 1 rec. hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Basic concepts in fluid mechanics. Hydrostatics. Control volume formulation of the basic laws of conservation of mass and momentum. Differential analysis of fluid motion: continuity and Euler's equations. Bernoulli's equations. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Incompressible viscous pipe flow. Introduction to boundary layer theory. Drag and lift. Prereq:. Math 39100 (min. C grade), Phys 20800 (min. C grade); pre- or coreq.: Math 39200.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 37100 Computer-Aided Design
Introduction to the theory and methods of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) from a user's viewpoint. Design methodology. Simulation and modeling. Introduction to analysis programs based on finite element methods and postprocessing. Application of these concepts to specific engineering design projects. The student will have access to professional workstations with color graphics capability. Prereq.: ME 14500, ME 33000; pre- or coreq.: Math 39200.
2 class, 3 design hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 40100 Review of Engineering Fundamentals
Review of science, mathematics and engineering concepts. Topics include engineering mathematics, chemistry, materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, engineering economics and ethics, computer science and electrical circuits. The course concludes with a practice Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.Prereq: Senior undergraduate or graduate standing.
3 hr./wk.; 1 cr.
ME 41100 Systems Modeling, Analysis and Control
Model development with applications to mechanical engineering systems. First and higher order system responses. Laplace transform, transfer functions and block diagrams. Frequency response and vibration. Routh-Hurwitz stability and graphical methods such as root locus and Bode plot. Introduction to feedback control. Concepts of PID control, tuning and compensation. Hands-on and demonstrative experiments include static and dynamic rotor balancing, shake table testing of various degree-of-freedom systems, feedback controls of pneumatic, servo motor, fluid level and temperature control systems. Prereq.: ME 24700, ME 31100, ME32200, ME 33000; pre- or coreq.: ME 35600.
3 cl, 3 Lab hr./wk. 4 cr.
Engineering application of thermodynamics to steam gas cycles, gas cycles, refrigeration, Maxwell relations and application. Chemical reactions and combustion processes. Phase equilibrium and chemical equilibrium. Flow through nozzles and blade processes. Prereq.: Engr 23000, ME 35600.
2 cl. hr., 2 design hr. /wk.; 3 cr.
ME 43300 Heat Transfer
Derivation of the energy equation. One-dimensional conduction and extended surfaces. Introduction to two-dimensional and transient conduction. Fundamentals of convection heat transfer. Solutions to laminar convection problems. Correlation equations for Nusselt number. Free convection. Heat exchanger theory. Introduction to radiation heat transfer. Design projects on heat transfer in thermal systems. Pre- or coreq: ME 35600.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Experiments and demonstrations designed to illustrate concepts and verify theories in thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat transfer. Experiments involve a wind tunnel, a refrigeration unit, a centrifugal pump-turbine unit, a pipe flow unit, a fin heat transfer device and a heat exchanger. Use of PC-based data acquisition systems. Prereq.: ME 31100, ME 43000, ME 43300.
3 lab hr./wk.; 1 cr.
ME 44100 Advanced Stress Analysis
Stress and strain. Principal axes. Hooke's Law. Constitutive equations for elastic materials. Formulation of plane stress and plane strain in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Theories of failure. Thick tubes, rotating disks, shrink fits. Thermal stresses in rings, tubes, and disks. Loads, moments, and deflections in statically indeterminate systems. Castigliano's theorems and energy methods. Component design projects involving various failure theories. Prereq.: ME 24700, ME 33000 (min. C grade).
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 46100 Engineering Materials
Utilizing concepts of atomic theory, crystalline structures and a variety of microscopic observations, basic properties of engineering materials are studied. Processing techniques for control of the microstructure of the materials to improve their mechanical behavior are introduced. The materials include metals and alloys, ceramics and glass, as well as plastics and composites. The necessary tradeoffs between design alternatives and available manufacturing and processing methods are also considered. Prereq.:ME 24700, ME 33000 (min. C grade).
2 class, 2 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 46200 Manufacturing Processes and Materials
Relationship between product design and manufacturing. Influence of material properties. Capabilities and limitations of common methods of processing metallic and nonmetallic materials (casting, hot and cold working, joining, traditional and non-traditional machining). Introduction to computer-aided manufacturing, robotics and computer numerical control. Prereq.: ME 14500, ME 46100.
2 class, 3 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
The aim of this course is to introduce students with diverse technical interests to the emerging area of micro and nano phenomena in science and engineering. Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nanotechnology continue to revolutionize research in the engineering and science communities requiring newcomers to familiarize themselves with these fundamental principles. This course will address synthesis and manufacturing techniques of micro/nano devices, relevant mechanics concepts (such as fracture and contact mechanics, elasticity), material property determination at small scales (e.g. sizescale strength effects), and engineering difficulties with manipulation and control of materials and phenomena on scales less than 1000 times the width of a human hair. The course will be centered upon a series of investigational exercises including microfluidics experiments, electro-mechanical testing of microdevices, transport and deposition of macromolecules (e.g. DNA, proteins), nanolithography, and manipulation of carbon nanotubes. Course material will also briefly discuss the evolution of select micro/nano inn ovations and their impact and applications in applied sciences, medicine, space development, policy, and the environment. Prereq: ME 43300, ME46200.
2 cl. Hr., 2 lab hr./wk.;3 cr.
Static and dynamic stability criteria. Control considerations. Longitudinal control. Stability derivatives. Longitudinal and lateral stability analysis. Lateral and rolling control. Transient motion in response to control movement. Open loop control. Dynamics of steered bodies. Closed loop control. Automatic control. Design projects related to aircraft control. Prereq.: ME 24700, ME 33000 (min. C grade). 3 hr/wk.; 3 cr.
ME 46700 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering
Topics chosen for their particular or current interest to undergraduate students. Prereq.: Department approval.
Hours vary; 1-3 cr.
ME 46800 Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion
Aerodynamic and thermodynamic design of airbreathing and rocket engines. Physical parameters used to characterize propulsion systems performance. Subsonic and supersonic gas dynamics and cycle analysis of ramjets, turbojets, turbofans and turboprops. Effect of after-burning and thrust vectoring. Design of inlets, diffusers, fans, compressors, combustors, turbines and nozzles. Liquid and solid propellant rockets. Market and environmental considerations. Design project. Prereq.: ME 43000.
3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
ME 46900 Spacecraft Systems and Spacecraft Design
Overall description of the basic mission considerations for aircraft design. Space environment, astrodynamics and atmospheric reentry. Attitude description. Configuration and structural design. Spacecraft subsystems are discussed with theoretical background and current engineering practice. Thermal control. Power. Navigation and guidance. Telecommunications. Tools to evaluate the overall impact on the various component subsystems and the integrated system leading to the final design selection. Design project. Prereq.: ME 43000.
3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
ME 47000 Special Projects in Aerospace Engineering
Students may earn elective credits by undertaking appropriate and sufficient comprehensive research and design projects under the guidance of a faculty member, and writing a Thesis report. Prereq.: Department approval.
Hours vary; 1-3 cr.
ME 47100 Energy Systems Design
Design and analysis of cycles, components, and systems used in power generation and related industries. Power plant cycles and flow diagrams. Heat balance calculations. Turbines, steam generators. Economics of energy systems, capacity analysis, load curve analysis, scheduling. Use of computerized steam and gas tables and power plant simulation. Design projects on power plant cycles and associated equipment. Prereq.: ME 43000, pre- or coreq.: ME 43300.
2 class, 1 design hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 47200 Mechanical Systems Design
Introduction to design philosophy. Design of basic mechanical elements: screws, shafts, gears, bearings, springs, brakes, clutches, etc. Open-ended design projects dealing with the integration of these elements into subsystems such as drive trains, indexing devices, conveyors, etc. Emphasis is placed on computer use with commercial and student-generated software, as well as on report writing. Prereq.: ME 24700, ME 33000; pre- or coreq.: ME 46100.
2 class, 2 design hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 47300, 47400 Senior Design Project
In this two-semester capstone course, the student is required to find a professional design solution to an open-ended real life engineering problem. These projects are proposed and supervised, in conjunction with course leaders, by individual faculty members or industry. Special attention is paid to the use of computer-driven machine tools as well as to the observance of economic, safety, reliability, esthetic, and ethical constraints. In the first semester, concept design and analysis are carried out. A functional prototype is fabricated in the second semester. As applicable, a physical or computer model must be tested, in addition to writing an in-depth engineering report. Each student is required to make an oral presentation to the faculty. Prereq. for ME 47300: ME 47200; pre- or coreq.: ME 31100, ME 37100, ME 43300, ME 46200; prereq. for ME 47400: 47300.
2 class, 3 design hr./wk.; 3 cr. Each
ME 51100 Advanced Mechatronics
Digital principles are studied and their applications in A/D and D/A converters, microcontrollers and programmable-logic controllers (PLCs) are demonstrated by controlling various electromechanical devices, such as relays, DC servos, and stepper motors. Principles of electric machines and selection of electric motors are also introduced. Hands-on laboratory experience, including team-design for measurement and control of various electromechanical devices, is particularly emphasized. Prereq.: ME 41100.
2 class, 2 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 51400 Rotorcraft Aerodynamics
Rotor in vertical or hover flight: Momentum theory, wake analysis, blade element theory. Unsteady flow effects. Rotor in forward flight. Rotor mechanisms. Performance. Trim, stability and control. Helicopter con- figurations. Prereq.: ME 41100.
3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
ME 51500 Orbital Mechanics
The two-body problem. Lagrangian dynamics. Hamiltonian equations. Perturbations. Satellite orbits and ballistic trajectories. Effects of drag on satellite orbits. The general three-body problem. Coordinate systems and coordinate transformations. Computational methods. Design project. Prereq.: ME 24700.
3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
ME 52600 Introduction to Finite Element Method
Formulation of element stiffness matrices and their assembly. Assumed displacement fields. Isoparametric elements and Gauss quadrature. Static condensation and equation solvers. Variational calculus and weighted residuals. Application to statics, dynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Prereq.: ME 32200, ME 37100; pre- or coreq.: ME 43300
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 53600 Energy Conversion
Modern static and dynamic conversion devices. Applications include thermoelectrics, magneto- hydrodynamics, electro-hydrodynamics, fuel cells, reciprocating and rotary energy converters. Current and future energy resources and factors affecting the rate of energy consumption. Comparison of alternative energy conversion systems, including limitations and efficiency of each, and the comparative effects on the environment. Prereq.: ME 43000.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Aerodynamic and thermodynamic fundamentals applicable to turbomachinery. Analysis of gas and steam cycles. Advanced cycles. Configurations and types of turbomachinery. Turbine, compressor and ancillary equipment kinematics. Selection and operational problems. Design projects relating to gas turbines. Prereq.: ME 35600, ME 43000.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 53900 Vehicular Power Systems
Classification of cycles and engines. Thermodynamic analysis and design applications of air standard and real gas cycles. Combustion charts. Exhaust and intake processes, residual gas fraction. Combustion thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and engine emissions. Carburetion, throttling, and carburetor design. Volumetric efficiency and valve design. Design studies. Engine design. Prereq.: , ME 35600, ME 43000, ME 43300.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 54200 Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Vibration
Differential equations and general solutions of damped, free, and forced single-degree-of-freedom systems. Numerical solutions. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems, principal modes. Semi-definite systems. Shock and vibration testing. Design project on vibration isolation of machinery. Prereq.: ME 24700.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 54600 Robotics and Automation
Robotics and relevant fields related to robot design and operation. Kinematic problems peculiar to robotic construction. Control considerations. Power sources. Sensory equipment and intelligence. Specifications used to evaluate robot performance. Economic considerations of robotized operations in various applications. Group technologies and flexible manufacturing systems. Prereq.: ME 24700; Pre. or Correq.: ME 46200.
2 class, 3 lab hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 54700 Environmental Control
Design of environmental control systems for domestic, commercial, and industrial spaces. Heating, ventilating, air conditioning. Psychrometric chart processes. Design projects on buildings involving heat transmission in building structures, space heat loads, cooling loads, air conditioning systems, fans, ducts, and building air distribution. Prereq.: ME 35600, ME43000, ME 43300.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Flight-vehicle imposed loads. Analysis and design of typical members of semi-monocoque structures under tension, bending, torsion, and combined loading. Buckling of columns and plates. Analysis and design of joints and fittings. Design projects involving structural members under various loading conditions. Prereq.: ME 32200, ME 35600, ME 46100.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 55500 Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
Basic analytical techniques of fixed and rotating wings interactions with flows. Unsteady aerodynamics and flutter. Fuselage vibrations. Methods for vibration control. Stability analysis. Mechanical and aeromechanical instabilities. Design project including the aeroelastic behavior of simple system. Prereq.: ME41100, Me46100.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 55600 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Equations of viscous flow. Exact Navier-Stokes solutions. Low Reynolds number flow, lubrication theory. Design project on film bearings. Boundary layer flows. Reynolds equations. Turbulent flow hypotheses. Potential flow. Pumps and blowers. Design project on piping systems. Prereq.: ME 32200, ME 35600.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 57100 Mechanism Design
Introduction to linkages, cams, and gearing. Design criteria. Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of planar linkages: graphical and computer methods. Mechanical advantage by instant centers and virtual work. Static and dynamic mechanism force analyses. Kinematic synthesis of planar linkages: graphical and analytical approaches. CAM design: basic considerations of follower displacement, velocity, acceleration, and pulse. CAM layout and manufacture. Kinematic mechanism design project. Prereq.: ME 24700.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 57200 Aerodynamic Design
Airfoil theories. Finite wings. Swept wings. Compressible flow, normal and oblique shock waves. Wings in compressible flow. Airfoil design. Wind tunnels. Prereq.: Engr 23000, ME 35600. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 59001-59003, 59101-59103 Special Projects
Students may earn elective credits by undertaking appropriate and sufficiently comprehensive research and design projects under the guidance of a faculty member, and writing a thesis report. Prereq.: formal (written) commitment of a faculty member.
Hours vary; 1-3 cr.
ME 59500 Teaching/ Research Experiences for Undergraduates
This course provides undergraduate students with guided experiences in developing and assisting in the teaching of undergraduate laboratories, and performing laboratory research, in either case under direct faculty supervision. Evaluation is based on written documentation of the work. Prereq: Departmental approval.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME 59803-59806, 59903-59906 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Topics chosen for their particular or current interest to undergraduate students. Prereq.: departmental approval.
3-6 hr./wk.; 3-6 cr.
Product Development strategies from concept to marketing. Integration of engineering, design, manufacturing, marketing, management and finance. Students work in teams on all aspects of an actual product. The course is taught in partnership with industry. Prereq.: permission of instructor.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Engineering Courses:
ENGR 10100 Engineering Design I
An introduction to engineering practice through hands-on investigations, computer applications, design projects and student presentations in the fields of structures and robotics. In the first segment of the course, the behavior of materials and structural members is explored. Concepts of structural safety and equilibrium are developed and students are introduced to structural analysis of a steel truss bridge and building a model bridge. The second portion of the course focuses on basic mechanisms, kinematics, feedback, and computer control by considering the operation of several robotic devices. Students then engage in a robotic design which may include software or hardware or both. All investigations and design projects are performed in groups and presented in oral and/or written form. Computers are used for documentation, data analysis and robot control.
3 hr./wk.; 1 cr.
ENGR 20400 Electrical Circuits
Basic circuit laws, Methods of circuit analysis, Circuit theorems, Operational Amplifiers, Capacitors and inductors, Sinusoids and phasors, Sinusoidal Steady state analysis. Frequency response.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ENGR 23000 Thermodynamics
Introductory concepts and definitions. Zeroth Law and absolute temperature. Work and Heat. First Law and applications. Second Law, Carnot theorem, entropy, thermodynamic state variables and functions and reversibility. Power and refrigeration cycles.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
Last Updated: 12/10/2024 13:20