The following tracks are available for Master’s students together with the recommended courses:
1. Building Technologies Track
Recommended courses
• ME G7200 Sensors and Controls for Buildings (new course)
• ME I3900 Solar Energy Engineering
• ME G2300 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
• SUS 7100C Cities and Sustainability or ME G7300 Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems (currently UG) or SUS-7200C Sustainable Aquatic, Terrestrial, and Atmospheric Systems or SUS 7900A Building Modeling and Simulation
• ME I6500 Computer Aided Design
• ME G3400 Advanced Heat Transfer
2. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Track
Recommended courses
• ME G7400 Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
• ME I4400 Nano-Micromechanics
• ME I4500 Mechanics and Physics of Solids
• ME I4700 Physical Properties of Materials
• ME I6200 Advanced Vibrations
• ME I6700 Composite Materials
• ME I6500 Computer Aided Design
• ME I1700 Finite Element Methods
3. Interdisciplinary Computations Track
Recommended courses
• ME G7500 Fluid-Structure Interactions
• ME G7600 Multiphysics Computations
• ENGR I1500 Numerical Methods
• ME I4600 Computational Fluid Dynamics
• ME I5000 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
• ME I1700 Finite Element Methods
• ME I5766 Boundary Element Methods
4. Energy Track
Recommended courses
• ME G0600 Thermal Systems Design
• ENGR G5200 Reactor Physics and Engineering
• ENGR G5300 Thermal Hydraulics
• ME I3100 Steam and Gas Turbines
• ME G2300 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
• ME G6100 Wind Energy Fundamentals and Applications
• ME G3400 Advanced Heat Transfer
• ME I4600 Computational Fluid Dynamics
• ME G7300 Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems
5. Research track
Recommended courses
• ME I9900 Research for the Master's Thesis 6 credits
• ME I9800 Research for the Master's Project 3 credits
• MEI0100 Introduction to Research
• ME I5000 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
• ME I1700 Finite Element Methods
• ENGR I4200 Continuum Mechanics
Required Courses for Every Track
• ENGR I1100 Introduction to Engineering Analysis
• ME I4200 Applied Stress Analysis or ME I5400 Applied Elasticity
• ME I0200 Applied Fluid Mechanics
Other Elective Courses can be chosen to replace or add to any of the tracks listed above from the following list:
• ME I6900 Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion
• ME I5800 Trajectories and Orbits
• ME I4800 Accidental Injury Biomechanics Safety Design
• ME I5000 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
• ME I1700 Finite Element Methods
• ME I6400 Stress Wave in Solids
• ENGR I2400 Turbulent Flows
• ENGR I4200 Continuum Mechanics
• ME I5200 Applied Plasticity
• ME G7700 Environmental Fluid Dynamics
• ME I6300 Mechanical Control Systems
A Certificate of Concentration Completion will be issued to those who complete at least 4 courses in one track.
Course Descriptions for the Master’s Tracks
ME G7600 Multiphysics Computations
Coupled physical phenomena in computer simulation and underlying theory. First principles such as transport phenomena, electromagnetic field theory, and solid mechanics. Applications in FEA software, High-performance computing, mesh refinement, piezoelectric effect, aeroacoustics, material fatigue, Navier-Stokes equations, fluid-structure interaction, Marangoni effect, and convection-diffusion. Previous knowledge of numerical methods required
ME G6100 Wind Energy Fundamentals and Applications
In this course we consider the wind resources to extract energy. The aerodynamics of wind turbines are developed based on classical blade momentum theory and on numerical solutions of advanced transport equations. Betz limit is discussed and innovative concepts are described to illustrate principles. Advanced topics are presented including resource assessment, wake, losses and uncertainties. Term project is assigned involving the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to evaluate wind turbine systems.
ME G7200 Sensors and Controls for Buildings
This course introduces automatic control issues related to energy conservation; indoor air quality; and thermal comfort in buildings. Topics include classification of HVAC control systems; control systems software and hardware; and selection and sizing of sensors, actuators, and controllers. Projects related to development of low-cost, self-powered wireless sensor platform and self-configuring, self-optimizing controls that can help integrate buildings with the rest of the electrical grid and enable automatic energy transactions with the grid.
ME G7400 Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
The course will provide a comprehensive overview of AM, spanning from fundamentals to applications and technology trends, and with strong focus on high-performance materials. The fundamentals of AM of polymers, metals, composites, and biomaterials will be discussed together with the material characteristics, process parameters, and machine designs. Application areas including aerospace components, electronics, medical devices, and consumer products will be discussed via detailed examples and case studies. Lab sessions will provide hands-on experience with a variety of state-of-the-art AM equipment. Participants will design, fabricate, and measure test parts, and will perform experiments to explore process limits.
ME G7500 Fluid-Structure Interactions
This course covers essential elements of dynamics of elastic bodies, basic fluid mechanics, and their interaction. The course will offer a balanced coverage of theoretical and physical aspects as well as modern computational methods for modeling, analysis and design of fluid-structure interaction systems. Applications are found in the domains of aeronautics, ocean and civil engineering, transport and nuclear engineering, biomechanics and microelectronics, and food industry.
ME G7700 Environmental Fluid Dynamics
This course is focused on applications of fluid mechanics intrinsic to the physics and transport in environmental processes and systems. Students will learn the fundamentals of advection, diffusion, internal waves, plumes, jets and mixing in stratified natural and disturbed systems. The course will focus on turbulence regime as it is central to the transport of mass, momentum and energy. The methodology will emphasize use of scaling analyses, approximations and balance arguments to reduce the Navier-Stokes equations to first-order balancing of key processes. The course will also employ numerical analysis to solve fluid flows as an applied project.
ME I0000 Seminars
Recent developments in mechanical engineering and related fields; economic and social effects. The students report on assigned subjects. Prereq: Departmental approval. 1 credit.
ME I3100 Steam and Gas Turbines
Classification of modern turbomachines. Concepts in applied thermo-fluid mechanics. Similarity in design; wind tunnels and cascade of aerofoils; loss mechanisms; radial equilibrium theory; performance prediction; erosion and high temperature problems; instrumentation. Prereqs: ME 33100, ME 35600.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I3600 Conduction Heat Transfer
Formulation of the basic governing equations in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Consideration of linear and nonlinear problems. Topics include: conduction with energy generation, transpiration cooling, conduction in non-stationary systems, phase transformation, and ablation. Exact analytic solutions. Application of the integral method. Prereqs: Math 39200 and ME 43300, or ChE 34200.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I3700 Convection Heat Transfer
Conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy. Boundary layer approximations. Laminar heat transfer from flat plates and tubes. Heat transfer in free convection. Turbulent flow heat transfer. Boiling and condensation. Heat exchanger theory. Prereq: ME 43300 or ChE 34200.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I5800 Trajectories and Orbits
Kepler's laws. The central force field. Ballistic trajectories. Minimum energy orbital transfer. Earth orbits and orbital parameters. Hohmann transfer. Two body and many body problems. Consideration of translunar trajectories and deep space problems. Prereq: ME 24700 or equivalant.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I6200 Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Vibrations
Natural modes of vibrations in continuous systems. Approximate methods, including Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin's Method, and Holtzer's Method. Transform methods for solution of continuous systems, the method of characteristics. Random excitations. Prereq: ME I6000.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I6500 Computer Aided Design
Computer aided engineering design methodology; components of hardware, software and the use of commercial CAD systems in mechanical engineering design. Basic concepts of CAD and engineering analysis. Pro-Engineering Analysis Code; Splines and Coon’s surfaces; geometric and wire frame modeling techniques. Simulation and modeling of an engineering problem; engineering assumptions. Introduction to finite element methods; mesh generation; simulation of loadings, and boundary conditions. Postprocessing and evaluation of results. Applications of these concepts to specific engineering design projects. Prereqs: ME 14500, ME 33000, ME 47200 (or equivalent) Math 39200.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I6700 Composite Materials
Introduction, definition and classification of composites. Manufacturing, applications and advantages of composites. Macromechanics of a lamina. Anisotropic stress-strain relations. Strength and stiffness. Experimental determination of strength and stiffness properties. Failure theories. Stiffness and strength prediction theories. Classical lamination theory. Symmetric, anti-symmetric and non-symmetric laminates. Failure analysis of laminates. Interlaminar stresses, delamination, joining of composites; adhesively bonded joints. Structural applications. Prereq: ME 33000 or equivalent.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I6800 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
This course is built around the concrete mechanical system, for example, the pendulum. Definition of dynamical systems, phase space flows and invariant subspaces. Local and global bifurcation theory: saddle-node, transcritical, pitchfork, and hopf bifurcation, stability of homoclinic orbits, center manifolds and normal forms. Chaos: fractal geometry and dimension, lyapunov exponents, routes to chaos ( period doubling, quasi-periodicity, intermittency), spatio-temporal chaos. Prereq: Math 39100 or equivalent.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME I6900 Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to fundamental concepts of experimentation: Error analysis, accuracy and precision. Analog to digital conversion. Sampling considerations. Data reduction. Time series analysis. Dynamical processes, Spectral and correlation functions. Probability and statistical variance. Engineering use of statistical averages. Frequency response and spatial resolution. Flow visualization techniques. Image processing. Particle Image Velocimetry. Laser Doppler and hot wire anemometry. Laser diagnostics in combustion. Spectroscopy and chromatography. Mie and Raman scattering. Laboratory demonstrations and hands-on experience with several modern techniques.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
ME J0200 Computation and Modeling of Turbulent Flows
Discusses and introduces state-of-the-art engineering calculation methods for turbulent flows with or without heat transfer, and presents a general introduction to the physics of turbulence necessary for mathematical description and modeling of physical phenomena in turbulent flow. Prereqs: Math 39200, ME 35600.
3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
I9700 Report
In-depth analysis of a specific topic by means of a written report using a number of technical papers, reports or articles as references. Topic to be chosen by a student in consultation with a professor. Prereq: completion of 12 credits toward the master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. 0 cr.
I9800 Project
Theoretical or experimental project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Student submits a written proposal, performs the required work, and submits a written final report. Prereq: written departmental approval. 3 cr.
I9900 Research for the Master's Thesis
6 cr.
J9900 Research for the Doctoral Dissertation
Variable cr.
Other Engineering Courses
Other appropriate Engineering courses are listed in the engineering introductory section of this Bulletin and include the following:
ENGR I0800 Foundation of Fluid Mechanics I
ENGR I0900 Foundation of Fluid Mechanics II
ENGR I1100 Engineering Analysis
ENGR I1400 Applied Partial Differential Equations
ENGR I1500 Introduction to Numerical Methods
ENGR I1700 Finite Element Methods in Engineering
ENGR I2400 Turbulent Flows
ENGR I3200 Statistical Thermodynamics
ENGR I4200 Continuum Mechanics
ENGR I5200 Behavior of Inelastic Bodies and Structures
ENGR I6400 Wave Propagation in Solids and Fluids
ENGR I9100 Mass Transfer
ENGR J5000 Theory of Elasticity
Last Updated: 01/05/2021 16:11