For students following Pathways General Education requirements: The courses listed different Common Core areas include requirements that will help you develop writing, critical thinking, research, and quantitative skills. By the end of your college years, you will have taken ten Common Core courses.
Pathways Common Core
Required (Fixed) Core Areas are:
English Composition
Math and Quantitative Reasoning
Life and Physical Sciences
Flexible Core Areas are:
US Experience in its Diversity
Wolds Cultures and Global issues (with focus on Literature or focus on History and Culture)
Individual and Society
Creative Expression
Scientific World
For Master list of Pathways Common Core Courses and Pathways courses offered next semester see Gen Ed Checklists page
For students following 2007-12 General Education Curriculum: The courses listed in the different Perspectives areas include requirements that will help you develop writing, critical thinking, research, and quantitative skills. By the end of your college years, you will have taken one course in each perspective area.
2007-12 General Education Perspective Areas are:
US Society
Global History and Culture
Self and Society
Science (2) (One with an interactive component)
Last Updated: 03/28/2019 09:47