Professional Image Consulting

jen auh

Professional Image Consulting: A Career Guidance

Image consulting harnesses the power of personal and professional image to guide individuals toward career success. Course instructor Jen Auh, founder of STYiLES, is an experienced, unique stylist image and brand management consultant, having worked with Macy's, Too Faced Cosmetics, Blissworld, and more.

This course empowers individuals seeking to redefine or completely revamp their image for optimal visibility. By integrating theory and practical applications, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of image consulting principles and their profound impact on career development. This course is for individuals aspiring to become image consultants or improve their professional image. Explore the dynamic realm of image consulting and discover how the art of personal presentation can significantly influence career trajectories.

Learning Objectives:

  • Creating your Personal Brand: Start with the fundamentals of personal branding and learn how image consulting works.
  • Define your Professional Identity: Develop a strong and authentic personal brand as a foundation for your career transition or advancement.
  • Knowing your Individual Needs: Learn to identify and assess your unique image and style requirements and apply that skill to others.
  • All-Around Image Consulting: Acquire skills you can use daily through wardrobe analysis, personal shopping, and body language coaching.
  • Communication Skills: Develop or enhance your communication and interpersonal skills to foster lasting, meaningful client relationships.
  • Continuous Evolution: Learn how to stay "in the know" of industry trends, continually refining your skills and approach to remain a sought-after professional.
  • Personal Growth: Cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement, embracing change, and evolving as a dynamic and successful professional.

Upon completion, participants will gain the knowledge and practical skills to pursue becoming certified image consultants or incorporating image consulting principles into their current professional roles.

Enroll now and unlock the power of image to shape your destiny.




Tuesdays & Thursdays

6-8 p.m. EST

Course Modality

Hyflex: Online and In-Person

Last Updated: 06/11/2024 12:28