Academic Advising Office


Advising Appointments Spring 2025 Hours

Monday - Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Fridays - 10:00AM - 2:00PM



To make an appointment, please use EAB Navigate:
Schedule an In-Person Appointment Download  Advising Handbook


Herbert Seignoret

Maria Moran

Valerie V Poulolo

Aldonsa Tejada

Carlito Berlus

Jessica Powell

Jaime F Olmos

Veronica V Ambrose

Golazin Safaeimojarad




with our Advisors

Academic Advisors serve as your companions throughout your undergraduate journey. While there are numerous paths and decisions to navigate on the road to graduation, you don't have to navigate them alone. Your advisor is there to assist you in identifying priorities and devising strategies to achieve your goals.

To schedule an advising appointment conveniently, utilize the Navigate Student mobile app.

Click Here for Navigate Login

What Can My Advisor Help With?

  • Accurate guidance on degree requirements, policies, and resources.
  • Course selection assistance.
  • Personal interest and career goal discussions.
  • Academic progress assessment and support.
  • Guidance on alternative careers and graduate school.
  • Comprehensive planning for educational and career goals.
  • Exploration of study abroad, internships, mentorships and fellowships.

Policies and Procedures for Advising:

  • Choose an advisor with available slots by scheduling appointments online through CCNY Navigate.
  • Note that advisors aren't assigned; you may meet the same or different advisor each time.
  • Utilize CCNY Navigate to schedule appointments conveniently at any time.
  • If unable to attend, kindly cancel or reschedule appointments via CCNY Navigate.
  • Regularly monitor your CCNY email (Citymail) as it's the primary communication channel.
  • When contacting faculty or staff, maintain professionalism, provide clear details, and include your full name, EMPL ID, and major for efficient assistance.

How to make appointment using navigate


Getting the Most Out of Your Meeting

Prepare for Your Advising Session:

  • Create a list of questions and potential courses for the upcoming term.
  • Review your DegreeWorks (DW) record and CUNYfirst transcript beforehand. DW serves as a comprehensive tool for monitoring your degree progress. It marks completed courses and outlines those still required to fulfill degree requirements. Additionally, DW offers a valuable "What If" feature, enabling students to explore requirements for various majors and minors available at CCNY.
  • Access DW via this link: DW Link or through your CUNYfirst account's Student Center, DegreeWorks & FACTS tile.
  • Be ready to discuss your academic performance and develop an educational plan aligned with your goals.
  • Approach the session with an open mind and willingness to consider new perspectives.
  • Do your best to communicate clearly and openly with your advisor(s): ask questions, share ideas, or express concerns without hesitation
  • Expectations for the Student/Adviser Relationship:
  • Your adviser will maintain confidentiality regarding shared information.
  • Sensitive matters won't be discussed over email or phone; appointments are encouraged for complex issues.
  • The adviser will offer support and advocacy within college policies.

Limitations on Adviser Support:

  • While advisers may not have all answers, they will assist in finding resources.
  • Decisions are ultimately yours to make.
  • Advisers work within the framework of college policies and procedures, offering guidance and advocacy where possible.


with knowledge, experiences and on time

The Curriculum: A Brief Overview

  • To fulfill graduation requirements, students must complete three distinct categories of courses: general education, major-specific, and free electives.
  • General education courses offer broad exposure across various disciplines, enhancing core skills in writing, quantitative reasoning, language, and critical thinking.
  • Major courses delve deeply into a specific field, fostering expertise and specialized knowledge.
  • Free electives provide flexibility, allowing students to complement their major studies, pursue minors, develop key skills, fulfill prerequisites for graduate programs, or explore personal interests.
  • Graduation requires 120 credits, but the essence of a transformative college experience lies in the path taken to attain those credits. There is no singular route to graduation; as a student, you have the autonomy to design a curriculum tailored to your interests, skills, and aspirations. Each semester, thoughtful course selection is crucial, ensuring a clear understanding of the courses chosen and their alignment with your educational objectives. Ultimately, you are the architect of your academic journey.

Minimum requirements for the degree

To qualify for graduation, students must:

  • Complete the Pathways general education requirements.
  • Satisfy the requirements of at least one major, chosen from options such as Anthropology, International Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Latin America and Latino Studies, Economics and Business, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology.
  • Fulfill the residency requirement as outlined here: Residency Requirement.
  • Accumulate a minimum of 120 credits.
  • Maintain a minimum overall and major GPA of 2.0, with some majors potentially requiring a higher GPA.


First Semester Freshman Students: Welcome to Colin Powell School

The First-Year Advising Network aims to support a seamless transition from high school to college by providing advising and student-centered programming throughout the academic year.

Your initial advising session will cover the following key areas:

  • Overview of CUNY Pathways general education requirements.
  • Discussion on transfer credits, including AP scores, IB courses, and College Now credits.
  • Addressing any academic holds on record.
  • Course selection and registration, time permitting.

To prepare for your first academic advising appointment with a Colin Powell School Adviser, please refer to this document [link].

We aim to maintain consistency in this document for future semesters.

Feel free to raise any additional questions during the session.


For First Semester Transfer Students:
In your initial advising session, expect the following:

  • Review and clarification of your transfer credit evaluation. You can find detailed Transfer Credit Evaluation Information here.
  • Introduction to DegreeWorks and Schedule Builder, with guidance on how to utilize these tools effectively.

Your responsibilities include 

  • Creating a tentative schedule by selecting four or five classes you wish to take. For a tutorial on class selection and schedule creation, watch this video: Schedule Builder Tutorial.
  • Please note that finalizing your schedule and registration will require consultation with an adviser.
  • Access advising sessions through a computer for easier screen sharing if needed.

Ensure punctuality for your advising session. Latecomers will not be admitted into the Zoom session.

Your successful transition and academic journey are our priorities.


Faculty Advisor vs. Academic Advisor. What is the Difference?
Both faculty and academic advisors play crucial roles in supporting your academic and professional journey. They can assist with course selection, goal setting, resource identification, and overcoming obstacles. Here's the difference:

  • Faculty Advisor: Typically, your faculty advisor specializes in your major and department. They are best suited to address questions related to your academic field, major requirements, and department-specific opportunities.
  • Academic Advisor: Academic advisors, stationed in the CPS Advising Office, are well-versed in Pathways General Education requirements. They are your go-to for inquiries regarding general education courses, credit transfers, and navigating university policies and procedures.

By leveraging the expertise of both types of advisors, you can ensure comprehensive guidance tailored to your academic and professional aspirations.

What degree programs are offered in the Colin Powell School?
The majors and minors are listed below: 

  • Anthropology 
  • Community Change (minor only, under the Political Science Department)
  • Economics 
  • Economics (B.A./M.A.) 
  • Human Rights (minor only, under the Political Science Department)
  • Management and Administration 
  • International Studies 
  • Latin American and Latino Studies 
  • Legal Studies (minor only, under the Political Science Department) 
  • Political Science (major only)
  • Psychology (B.S.) 
  • Psychology (B.A.) 
  • Psychology (B.A./M.A.) 
  • Public Policy/Affairs (minor only, under the Political Science Department) 
  • Sociology 
  • Women’s Studies (minor only, under the Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Programs ) 

What are the main differences between a B.A. degree and a B.S. degree? 
There are several differences between a B.A. and a B.S. degree. Here's a breakdown:
For a B.A. degree:

  • Students are required to complete three (3) semesters of the same foreign language.
  • Only two (2) sciences are mandated, and they need not be laboratory sciences.

For a B.S. degree:

  • Language requirements entail two (2) semesters of the same language.
  • Four (4) laboratory sciences and two (2) semesters of calculus are compulsory.

It's essential to note that requirements may vary depending on individual circumstances. Therefore, consulting with an advisor is advisable for accurate guidance tailored to your academic path.

Can I get two degrees at one time? 
It's not possible to simultaneously earn both a B.A. and a B.S. degree. However, certain majors offer the opportunity to obtain a combined B.A./M.A. degree. This option is available for students majoring in Economics and Psychology. If you're interested in pursuing a B.A./M.A. combined degree in either of these fields, we recommend discussing your options with a faculty advisor in the respective department. They can provide you with detailed information and guidance tailored to your academic goals.       

How do I declare or change a major? 
To officially declare a major, students should visit the iDeclare web page  and log in using their Citymail credentials. After logging in, students should check off the appropriate boxes and submit the form. Please note that it may take up to 5 business days for the major declaration to be approved. (If you encounter any issues accessing the iDeclare website, you can also visit the Registrar’s Office for assistance.)

What is a minor?
Students have the option to delve deeper into a specific area of interest outside of their major by pursuing a minor. Generally, a minor entails completing a minimum of 15 credits of coursework, although specific requirements may differ by department. To declare a minor, students should visit the iDeclare webpage and submit an electronic form. Prior to submitting the declaration form, it's advisable to consult with a faculty advisor in the relevant minor department for guidance and assistance.

What does it mean to be on academic probation? 
If a student's GPA drops below 2.00, they are placed on probation. This probationary status can extend for two consecutive semesters. However, if there is no improvement in academic performance during this time, students may face academic dismissal.
Can I retake a course I passed with a low grade more than once? 
Students have the option to retake a course for a better grade, but it's important to note that credits won't be earned upon repeating the course, and financial aid may not apply. Certain courses may allow multiple attempts, which can be verified in the undergraduate bulletin. Before retaking a passed course, it's advisable to consult both the Financial Aid Office and an academic advisor for guidance and clarification.
What is the “F” replacement policy? 
Under the CUNY "F" replacement policy, if a student retakes the exact same course and earns a grade of "C" or higher, the initial "F" grade will not be factored into their overall GPA. However, it's important to note that while the "F" grade won't count towards the GPA, it will still remain on the transcript. Additionally, this policy cannot be used to replace grades earned at another institution, nor can it replace an "F" received at City College by retaking the course elsewhere.
Is a “D” an acceptable grade in my major or general education requirements? 
A "D" grade is considered a passing grade and fulfills general education requirements. However, for more specific information regarding acceptable grades and courses within your major, it's recommended to visit the respective department and consult with a faculty advisor. It's important to note that receiving consistently low grades may result in academic probation.
When should I apply for graduation? 

It is essential to apply for graduation during your final semester or before it begins. Below are application deadlines based on graduation seasons:

  • Fall Graduation: Degree conferral is January 1st, or February 1st for those taking winter classes. Applications must be submitted between August and October.
  • Spring Graduation: Degree conferral is on June 1st. Applications should be submitted between November and February of the following year.
  • Summer Graduation: Degree conferral is on September 1st. Applications must be submitted between March and May.

For specific dates and deadlines, please refer to the academic calendar available here

How do I apply for graduation? 
Students apply for graduation through their CUNYfirst account. For a step-by-step guide, please visit here. If you encounter any difficulties during the application process, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Registrar’s Office for assistance.

What happens when I apply for graduation? 
Applying for graduation signifies your intention to be considered for graduation, but it does not guarantee that you will receive a diploma. 
In your final semester, an advisor will review your academic record to assess if you have fulfilled all requirements. Once the evaluation is finished, the information is forwarded to the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office conducts a final review, posts the degrees of all graduates, and organizes the issuance of diplomas.

What should I do before I apply for graduation? 

  • It's essential to ensure that all Pathways General Education Requirements, including the College Option, major coursework, and declared minors (if any), are completed or will be completed by your final semester. Verify this information through your DegreeWorks record.
  • Review your CCNY transcript to calculate the number of credits you will have earned by your last semester. Remember that you need 120 applicable credits to graduate. Be sure to subtract duplicated courses (courses with passing grades) from the overall credit count.
  • Ensure that both your cumulative GPA and major GPA are at 2.0 or above. If your GPA falls below 2.0, your degrees will not be awarded.

If you're unsure whether you've met all requirements, schedule an appointment with a Colin Powell School advisor for guidance and clarification. They can help you navigate any uncertainties and ensure you're on track for graduation.

When will I know my diploma is ready? 
Once your diploma is ready to be mailed, you will receive an email notification from the Registrar’s Office. For further details and updates on diploma distribution, please visit the Registrar’s website.
Where do I go if I want information about commencement? 
Information regarding commencement is provided to students by the Student Life and Leadership Development Office. You can visit their office for details about tickets, caps and gowns, pictures, college rings, and other relevant information.

Please note that City College hosts two graduation ceremonies: one is campus-wide, hosted by the college, and the other is for individual divisions, hosted by respective divisions.

The divisional ceremony is where students graduating from the Colin Powell School walk. Details about the Colin Powell School ceremony will be sent to your Citymail email once you have applied for graduation.

I attended commencement, does this mean I graduated? 
Attending the graduation ceremony does not guarantee that you are qualified to receive a B.A. or a B.S. Degree. To be awarded a degree, you must fulfill several requirements, including completing all Pathways General Education Requirements, Major Requirements, accumulating 120 credits, and maintaining a cumulative GPA of 'C' (2.00) or higher, as well as a GPA of 'C' (2.00) or higher in your major, among other criteria.
Will my major and minor (if applicable) be listed on the diploma? 
The information displayed on your diploma is generalized. It includes your name, the college's name and seal, the degree obtained, and other CUNY-related details. However, your major or minor (if declared) and your GPA are not indicated on the diploma. Instead, this information can be found on your transcript.

These inquiries are general and should not replace consultations with advisors. Ensure to schedule meetings with advisors at least once per semester for personalized guidance.

Last Updated: 02/14/2025 09:55