16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Wed, Nov 25, 2020 - 12:00 AM — Thu, Dec 10, 2020 - 12:00 AM
Event Details


16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Around the world girls, women, and transgender and gender non-binary individuals are victims of violence simply because of their gender identity or gender expression. The Global 16 Days Campaign has been used worldwide to call for the elimination of gender-based violence. It runs annually from November 25th to December 10th. See below for ways to get involved in this campaign.

16 Resources for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

  • In honor of 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence, we are sharing 16 CCNY and community resources that support survivors of gender-based violence. Click here for PDF of Resources

Hear Our Voices

  • Join Womankind's space for clients and communities for stories about gender-based violence in multiple expressions. The website is a virtual exhibit featuring artwork in multiple mediums (poetry, dance, photography, painting, and range in tone and theme) from a range of staff, clients, supporters, community members, etc. We hope by accessing the virtual exhibit, it allows people to walk through stories at their own time/pace (essential to survivors) and find connection to others in a hopeful and meaningful way. To visit click here.

Get Trained During the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

  • The Commission on Gender Equity and the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender Based Violence invites you to participate in the annual global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. Throughout the 16 day campaign they will host daily hour long bystander intervention training to make NYC public spaces safe for all New Yorkers regardless of gender-identity, gender expression, or background. To sign up for a training click here.  

Connect. Care. Create: Healing Collective Trauma through Art

  • This exhibit will feature visual and interactive art that highlights the impacts of gender-based violence on individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities especially as we collectively endure the trauma of this year. Please join our virtual event on Thursday, December 10, 2020. There will be opportunities to connect & to participate in live art activations, the sharing of stories, providing resources and a healing space for reflection. To register click here.

At the City College of New York, we stand against violence based on a person’s gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or background. If you are a CCNY student and have experienced gender-based violence we are here to support you. To speak to someone confidentially reach out to Sophie English, Psychological Counselor/Confidential Advocate in the Diversity and Compliance Office at  %73eng%6cis%68@ccny.cu %6ey.e%64u" rel="nofollow"> senglish@ccny.cuny.edu  or Gender Resources in Health and Wellness at  genderresources@ccny.cuny.edu . To file a complaint, contact the Chief Diversity Officer Diana Cuozzo at  dcuozzo@ccny.cuny.edu .

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