Safe and Brave Space Agreement


Safe and Brave Space Agreement

1. We welcome all ideas from this moment henceforth and encourage input aimed to help our organization and the individuals within it.

2. We respect and are mindful of opinions and thoughts, even if they disagree.

3. We acknowledge that there will be differences. Let us question: Where are we aligned and how can we build together?

4. We recognize that this is not a whole space. There are people, voices, and perspectives missing. We will hold ourselves accountable as a network to bring more voices into these spaces.

5. We recognize that we are often forced to compete, gate-keep, withhold information from, center the wrong voices, and replicate power inequities. We strive to refrain from these actions in this space.

6. We are in the continual process of learning, and are committed to coming together and learning as we go.

7. We emphasize relationship-building. We agree to move only at the speed of trust.

8. We commit to bringing our whole selves and fostering a brave space - a space which fosters dialogue and input.

9. What happens here, stays here. What we learn here, leaves here.

To ensure that this agreement is transparently communicated:

- The E-board members will read this agreement once at the beginning of every semester collectively as a group. If a new member joins, they will be made aware of this agreement.

- This agreement will be displayed at the beginning of every WinS event on the title slide, except for the Cookies & Chat events. Guest speakers will be made aware of this title slide and agreement prior to the event.

Last Updated: 04/01/2024 10:44