Deborah Vietze

Professor of Psychology and Urban Education

Main Affiliation



North Academic Center






Deborah Vietze


Degree/Date: Ph.D. 1979
Institution: Columbia University
Specialization: Psychology, Measurement and Evaluation Methodology.

Degree/Date: M.S. 1974
Institution: University of Southern California
Specialization: Educational Psychology

Degree/Date: B.A. 1971
Institution: University of Redlands
Specialization: Psychology



Social development, psychometrics, and evaluation. 

Research Focus

Developmental significance of social networks, social identity, and culture for health and social development in underserved populations.

Career Achievements

Articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and numerous funded projects; co-author with J.M. Jones and J. F. Dovidio, of The Psychology of Diversity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism, Wiley-Blackwell (2014).  


Current writing projects:  A book that translates developmental theory and research for use by practitioners in health, human services, educational, coaching, and legal settings; reader on minority adolescent development.

Awards and Distinguished Service

  • Member of the American Psychological Association’s five-member team to represent APA at the United Nations—working to bring the science and applications of psychology to the permanent missions at the UN and to NGOs, working on problems of global concern. 
  • American Psychological Association Achievement Award for Excellence in Integrating Research and Service for Ethnic Minority Populations and the C. Everett Koop Public Health Service Award for health-related services research.
  • First ten National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellows (1975 -78).
  • APA Minority Research Fellow.
  • Member of the 2000 National Academy of Sciences Committee that reviewed and evaluated the science of early development. NIH/NICHD Advisory Committee, HUD 1.
  • Service on numerous professional advisory committees and community boards.
  • President of Obama Green, Inc., the Foundation Board of the Barack Obama Green Charter High School.

Non-academic employment

American Psychological Association, National Academy of Sciences, The Violence Institute, March of Dimes Foundation, evaluation and research consultation.

Recent International Invitations

Russian State Social University, Tai’an Medical University, Shanghai University, Tianjin University


Research advising, writing, reading fiction and poetry, yoga, crochet, kayaking.