We offer $1000 scholarships to students who have recently declared philosophy majors. You can apply by emailing department chair Ben Vilhauer at "> . Submit your EMPLID and a 300-word essay about why you chose to major in philosophy and how $1000 would help you on your path to your degree. Applications are due by 5PM March 13. You are eligible to apply if you declared your philosophy major anytime in the 12 months prior to March 13. The number of scholarships available annually depends on available funding. Scholarships may be paid as stipends.
We offer $2500 scholarships to philosophy majors who earn high grades in their philosophy courses and are partway through the major. Applications are due by March 13 each year. You are eligible to apply if:
(a) you have completed at least 12 credits/4 classes of major coursework by March 13,
(b) you had completed fewer than 12 credits/4 classes of major coursework by March 13 of the previous year.
To apply, send an email including your EMPLID to the department chair, Ben Vilhauer, at "> , by 5PM March 13. State that you are applying for an Achievement Award and attach an unofficial transcript. The five students with the highest GPA in their philosophy courses will receive $2500 each. It’s OK if you don’t know your exact GPA in your philosophy courses. The department will calculate it. Scholarships may be paid as stipends.
These $2500 scholarships recognize students who make significant contributions to the Philosophy Department community, such as organizing or actively participating in Philosophy Club or Philosophy Pizza Forum events. Faculty members nominate students for these scholarships. The number of scholarships available annually depends on available funding. Scholarships may be paid as stipends.
Achievement and Department Life Award Winners
Mario Rodriguez 2024
My name is Mario Rodriguez. I am a senior here at CCNY majoring in Philosophy and minoring
in Psychology passionate about ethics and social justice. I have always found that studying
philosophy is what helps us build a foundation to navigate our moral compasses. My very first
introduction into this realm of study was when I discovered John Stuart Mill’s review of
Utilitarianism (a very drastic dive into philosophy). It was at that moment that I realized how
interconnected the studies of ethics, morality, epistemology, and logic are in our everyday lives
when analyzing dilemmas or simply forming a thought. I knew I wanted to study philosophy not
only to have an enlightened way of perceiving life in its entirety, but also to really dissect ethics
and logic and apply this in a way that I could potentially help others. For this reason, I have
dedicated my career outlook to working alongside the legal system with a social justice/advocacy
centered approach. With all the knowledge I've gained on a social and political aspect, this has
vastly peaked my commitment to helping the public interest address their challenges accordingly.
Academics and career aside, when I'm not studying, I enjoy playing tennis, hiking, trying new
restaurants and coffee shops. What I love to do most however is travel the world, discovering
and experiencing new cultures to allow myself a more insightful understanding of what our
beautiful world has to offer.
Taqarrub Hossain 2024
At the end of every philosophy class I’ve taken, I leave feeling two things: deep
befuddlement followed by dreadful existential crisis. However, I’ve accepted that such
sentimentalities are par for the course for any true practitioner of philosophical inquiry. Worse
still, the knowledge and ideas of these classes have inexorably changed my perspective on
everything in my secondary major of biology. When I learn about genetics in my class, for
example, not only must I know where specific proteins must bind, but my thoughts spire out of
control and begin to connect how genes interlope with free will. Though they are separate pools
of knowledge, the roots they share are deeply intertwined, and such fraught connections led to
my choice to double major in philosophy and bio. After all, in philosophy and biology, one
subject begets more questions on the other the deeper one delves; it’s an itch that never satisfies;
a stone that never ceases to irk one's gullet. My interest in philosophy has welded with my
studies in biology so topics such as ethics, free will, and the philosophy of biology are all of keen
interest to me. Specifically, in the future, I want to focus on what it means for an organism to be
alive as well as considering whether or not insects deserve ethical consideration. Aside from the
mundaneness of academia, I enjoy video editing and 3d modeling as hobbies. Oh, I also enjoy
star gazing, because it envelopes my thoughts with more existential dread.
Oleh Pravda 2024
My name is Oleh Pravda, and I am a Philosophy Major, currently on track to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree by the end of the year. This will be my second attempt at finishing my tertiary education as the first finished rather abruptly with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in 2014/2015.
Originally, my academic interests lay in the domaine of linguistics as I studied Chinese language and literature back in Kharkiv, Ukraine. No matter how fascinating my original education was, my interests soon broke out of the narrow scope provided by the study of language, and I became enamored with of philosophy after taking the intro class during my freshman year. Despite the vagaries of immigration and international politics my interest in philosophy had not diminished, and I enrolled into a Philosophy program at City College as soon as I could.
I suppose that it was the study of history of philosophy that initially fascinated me, as it allowed me to systematically view the evolutionary process of the human thought unravel through millennia. Similarly, my interests in philosophy evolved as the immersion into Modern Philosophy granted me the passage to the world of the philosophy of the mind and epistemology where philosophy meets my fascination with linguistics in a wonderful twist worthy of Möbius’ attention.
Upon my graduation I intend to seek admission to a Law School, yet my passion for philosophy will undoubtedly continue to develop, albeit in a less professional setting (which, after all, may not be so bad).
Nora Prince, 2024
My name is Nora. I am from Brooklyn and I am about to start my third year at City College. I have had a slightly unconventional path to my philosophy degree. After a false start in college at 19 I took some time to flail and try to learn a little bit about the world. In this exploration I worked as a babysitter, a trail builder, a restaurant host, an EMT and a carpenter's assistant. I also officiated two weddings. I learned a lot of new skills and lived in many new places. Being back in school in my mid-20s has been a really positive experience. I would not encourage my peers to drop out of school but a few years away has given me an appreciation for just how special a place the University environment is. I have had such an amazing time learning with my professors and my peers. My interest in philosophy is very broad so I have been able to enjoy classes as seemingly dissimilar as Philosophy of Science and American Philosophy. I have enjoyed reading Peter Singer, Nietzsche, Descartes, and Leibniz. We will see if my orientation becomes more narrow with time but I kind of hope it does not. When I am not doing school work I read contemporary fiction for my book club, I rock climb with my sister and I volunteer with GrowNYC.
Kayla Austin, 2024
My name is Kayla Austin, I am a 20-year-old senior double majoring in Philosophy & Psychology. I am Guyanese, but I lived in Brazil from the ages of 7-13, then when I started high school, my family moved from Brazil to New York. I speak three languages; I am a member of the CCNY Prelaw club as well as the Honors Program in Legal Studies. I am passionate about philosophy because I see it as the ultimate display of humanity. No other species can develop a discipline dedicated to the study of their own nature, knowledge and reality. Philosophy gives us a medium through which we can discuss and debate anything in pursuit of a better understanding of life itself. This is an invaluable aspect of humanity that allows us to grow & evolve. Indian philosophy specifically has enlightened me and shifted my perspective in ways only the pursuit of knowledge can. Philosophical theories and ethical principles are the foundation for society as we know it and studying philosophy has led me to my passion for justice & the law. I aspire to use the skills my undergraduate bachelor’s in philosophy and psychology have given to me to become an attorney that can be of service to those in my community seeking justice. Philosophy has helped me understand that life is what you make it, so I do my best to be well-rounded. Outside of school I enjoy hiking, reading, doing yoga and making memories with my friends & family.
Kenneth Dillon, 2024
Kenneth Dillon studies philosophy at the City College of New York. He is currently pursuing independent research with Professor Chad Kidd (CCNY) on the subject of self-knowledge. He has broad interests in philosophy which include aesthetics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and the history of philosophy. Alongside academic work, his essays and criticism have appeared in The Baffler, The Drift, Los Angeles Review of Books, Cleveland Review of Books, Publishers Weekly, New York Review of Architecture, Public Books, Noēma Magazine, Full Stop, and more.
Ekaterini Dupi, 2024
Hello, my name is Ekaterini Dupi, and I am a kind-hearted and hard-working person, with a big passion for philosophy, more particularly the ethics of morality and moral phenomenology. Through my academic journey, I have found the complexities of human behavior and the underlying principles that guide our ethical decisions really interesting. Moral Phenomenology fascinates me the most, our experiences and how they drive our ethical and moral judgment. This challenges me to think critically and deeply about the nature of right and wrong, and how our subjective experiences shape our moral frameworks. Outside of my studies, I am passionate about photography and film. When capturing the beauty of the world through my lens it allows me to express my creativity and explore new perspectives. I also cherish time spent with friends and family, and seeing how they are. Adventure is also at the core of who I am. I love to set ambitious goals and push myself to achieve and do better. Whether it's visiting places I've never been, exploring new cultures, or simply trying something new, I thrive on the excitement and challenge that adventure brings. My philosophy in Life is to work hard, stay kind, and never stop exploring. These aspects guide me in everything I do, from my academic pursuits to my personal life. In the future, I hope to combine my love for philosophy, human rights, and creativity into a career that makes a difference. I am excited about the journey ahead and the endless possibilities it holds.
Mark Paghubasan, 2024
My name is Mark Paghubasan. I am a student at The City College of New York studying philosophy. Originally a computer engineering major, I became interested in philosophy in the spring semester of 2022. I decided to take it up as a minor at first, but I made a big decision the following semester to change philosophy to my major entirely. Stoicism is the core philosophy that piqued my interest, as it focuses a lot on virtue ethics and living a better life. This philosophy in particular stood out to me as I was facing a lot of obstacles and adversity at the time, and reading about different philosophers’ approaches to similar adversities was something that I related to immensely. Being able to take this philosophy and apply it to my everyday life has been a game-changing endeavor for me. Outside of philosophy, I am interested in many things such as music, basketball, and game design. I enjoy singing and playing piano in my free time, as these activities help me get in touch with my creative side. Although this is mostly a solo activity, it was basketball and video games that made me a natural competitor while also making me a great team player and high achiever. With my continuing journey into philosophy, I plan to become a better version of myself while pursuing my own philosophy and way of living. And even though I am still a young philosopher, I am excited to journey deeper into who I can become and what impact I can have on others.
Ryan Tucker, 2024
My name is Ryan Jacob Tucker, and I am a philosophy major at the City College of New York. I took my first philosophy class, Logical Reasoning, in Fall 2022 and fell in love with subject. My current interests include existentialism, phenomenology, and the philosophy of race. I particularly enjoy reading the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, Richard Wright, and Søren Kierkegaard, having been inspired by Professor Chad Kidd’s course on existentialism. Outside of academics, I work in creative production, contributing to teams that produce live events, films, television shows, fashion shows, summits, galas, and festivals both domestically and internationally. Recently, I had the opportunity to produce events for the United Nations during General Assembly Week and the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas. In Spring 2023, inspired by Professor Elise Crull, my peers and I restarted the philosophy club, after the pandemic. Over the past year, I have served as president of the club, witnessing it grow from just four members to over thirty, attracting students from across the science, art, and humanities disciplines. Beyond school and work, I have enjoyed playing chess since elementary school. Although I no longer play at a professional level, I still visit local chess clubs whenever possible. I’ve also developed an interest in fashion and design, and plan to attend a sewing class at FIT this year.
Sudene White, 2024
Hello! My name is Sudene White, and I am a recent graduate, passionate about both the arts and the sciences of the mind. With a degree in philosophy and psychology, I am eagerly stepping into the next chapter of my life, which involves an exciting move to a new city. Beyond my academic pursuits, I have a deep love for knitting and crocheting, crafts that have taught me patience, creativity, and the joy of creating something beautiful from simple materials. My trusty companion through it all is my dog, Diamond, whose boundless energy and affection brighten even the most stressful days. Philosophically, I am particularly drawn to the realms of mental health and language. The philosophy of mental health intrigues me because it bridges the gap between abstract thought and practical well-being. I am fascinated by how philosophical concepts can inform our understanding of mental health, shaping therapies and improving lives. Language philosophy captivates me for its exploration of how words shape our reality. The power of language to influence thought, culture, and interpersonal communication is a field rich with insights that resonate deeply with my interests in human cognition and social interaction. In addition to these interests, I enjoy exploring various random philosophies, from ancient Stoicism to contemporary existentialism, and finding nuggets of wisdom that contribute to my personal growth and worldview. In summary, I am a dynamic individual with a zest for life, a dedication to understanding the human mind, and a love for creative expression. I look forward to contributing to and growing within the philosophical community, sharing my unique perspective, and continuing to learn from others.
Kyle Knight, 2023
Kyle Knight is a creative writer with a deep passion for incorporating philosophy into his fiction. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in theatre and is currently pursuing a major in philosophy, all in pursuit of making philosophical ideals more accessible through his writing. He believes many crucial philosophical ideas are hidden behind the weighty, impenetrable tomes of academia—by academics for academics— and wants to use creative writing to provide readers with access to these ideas. In his free time, Kyle immerses himself in books, delving into fantastical worlds that point to various philosophical concepts that can be applied to his own world and the worlds of his writing; such as ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. His day(night)-jobs are both as a bartender and working at a liquor store, each providing a countless number of interesting characters for him to observe. Kyle's life centers around his family, particularly in supporting his wife, who is in the midst of her law-school journey, and their two adorable cats. Kyle is committed to personal growth and learning, and this scholarship will aid in his ongoing education, and support of his wife's aspirations. He is a believer in the power of humanity, simplicity, and empathy; just a writer on a quest to contribute meaningfully to the world, one humble story at a time.
Jason Cabral, 2023
I am a Dominican & Honduran first-generation student double-majoring in Psychology and Philosophy at City College. Since I was a child, I’ve been deeply curious and invested in helping others in any way I could. Living in the Bronx my entire life, I saw firsthand the ill effects that mental health stigmas and lack of mental health resources had on those in need. Now an upper senior, my interests have been focused on philosophy of the mind and perception as well as developmental and cognitive psychology. With these ideas in mind, I hope to get closer to answering the questions: what makes individuals develop into the unique beings they are, and how can we help those who seem unhelpable? After graduation, I plan to do a post-bacc(s) doing psychology research and then applying to Clinical Psychology PhD programs. I believe that active research efforts are the key to accessible, and more importantly effective, mental health resources. I hope to use my doctorate to do research which can guide my clinical work. In my free time, I enjoy quality time with family, friends and my beloved cats, and googling things I know nothing about.
Devin Chand Mehra, 2023
Devin Chand Mehra is a Bi-racial student of American and Indian descent, who currently studies at CUNY City College. He is currently pursuing his BA in Philosophy, with plans to go into research and get his PhD later on in his academic career. His main interests involve Heidegger, specifically regarding Ontotheology, Mereology, and self-concealment. His goal with these topics is to explore two things. Firstly, the limits of creation of new thought in the world. And secondly, the paradoxical nature of knowledge regarding concealed entities. He is also currently a Mellon Mays Fellow, doing research towards a thesis on Heidegger. In his free time, Devin writes poetry and works on his Cadillac.
Tomma Buynevich, 2023
I’m Tomma Buynevich, a Jewish Belarusian-American senior at City College of New York. My family’s journey began twenty-seven years ago when they immigrated from Belarus in pursuit of the American dream. Like many immigrants, my family instilled in me the profound value of education. As the first person in my family to finish high school and attend university, I’ve gained an immense appreciation for the opportunities education can provide and the self-confidence it fostered. I’m currently majoring in Philosophy with a minor in Legal Studies. My aspiration is to embark on a career in law after I graduate, and I’m on track to complete my undergraduate journey this upcoming spring semester. Balancing full-time studies with part-time work as a preschool teacher has been quite challenging at times, occasionally feeling like an uphill battle. However, my dedication and determination keep me moving forward. I’m excited to continue this journey, embracing both the challenges and opportunities that come my way.
Last Updated: 03/03/2025 11:22