

We offer monetary awards to philosophy majors who have begun their philosophy coursework at CCNY and are partway through the major. Philosophy majors can apply at the end of the academic year in which they complete 15 credits in the major. In other words, if you crossed the threshold of 15 credits of philosophy major classes at the end of the fall semester of this academic year, or you’ll be crossing that threshold when you finish the spring semester, then you can apply this year. 

It’s easy to apply: just send an email to department chair Ben Vilhauer ( ) between June 1 and June 15, explaining that you’ve completed 15 credits of philosophy coursework this academic year, and attaching an unofficial transcript to your email. We will grant awards based on your GPA in just your philosophy classes. In other words, it’s based on your grades in just your philosophy classes, not your grades in all your classes. The top 5 GPA students will receive $2500 each, in a single payment, by check. Checks will be issued in the fall, once students have started their fall philosophy classes. Even if you’re not sure exactly what your GPA in your philosophy classes is, you should apply, so that the department knows you’ve crossed the 15 credit threshold and we can figure out your GPA. Remember, it’s easy to apply!


We also offer monetary awards to help defray transfer costs for students who complete AA degrees at CUNY Community Colleges and transfer to CCNY to complete a philosophy major here. If you are interested in this program, please contact department chair Ben Vilhauer (" rel="nofollow"> ).

Last Updated: 11/27/2023 12:24