

Nicholas D. Kristof to Present Rudin Lecture at CCNY March 29

NY Times Columnist to Speak on Empowering Women Nicholas D. Kristof, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for “The New York Times,” will present the 2012 Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture at The City College of New York 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 29. His topic will be “Half the Sky: Changing the World by Empowering Women.” The lecture, held in The Great Hall of Shepard Hall, located at 160 Convent Avenue, Manhattan, is free and open to the public and is part of CCNY’s observance of Women’s History Month. 
 Mr. Kristof is often called the “reporter’s reporter” for his human
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The Y Chromosome: Junk or Jewel?

MIT Geneticist David C. Page to Urge New Respect for Maligned Gene Carrier in March 28 Lecture at CCNY Dr. David C. Page, Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will deliver the 2012 Louis Levine – Gabriella de Beer Lecture in Genetics at The City College of New York 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 28, 2012. He will speak in The Great Hall of Shepard Hall, 160 Convent Avenue, New York. The lecture, titled “Rethinking the Rotting Y Chromosome,” is free and open to the public. A reception will follow. Professor Page will discuss the research history and latest thought on the
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Documentary on Wartime Sexual Violence to Play March 20 at CCNY

“Resolution,” a documentary highlighting the global issue of sexual violence in times of conflict, will be screened 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, at The City College of New York’s Aaron Davis Hall as part of the College’s Women’s History Month observance. Following the screening, filmmaker Marika Griehsel and social activist Margot Wallström will participate in a question and answer session. Released in 2011, Ms. Griehsel’s 58-minute documentary follows Ms. Wallström as she fights to bring rape as a weapon of war to the attention of the UN Security Council as a top international peace and security
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Janette Sadik-Khan to Deliver 8th Mumford Lecture April 5 at CCNY

Transportation Commissioner Acclaimed for Innovations to Improve Safety, Reliability and Sustainability of New York Highways and Bridges New York City Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan will deliver the 8th Lewis Mumford Lecture on Urbanism 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 5, at The City College of New York. Her topic will be “It’s Not Impossible To Change A City.” The lecture, held in The Great Hall of Shepard Hall, located at 160 Convent Avenue, Manhattan, is free and open to the public. Ms. Sadik-Khan, who has served as transportation commissioner since 2007, is internationally
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Could a NOSH-Aspirin-a-Day Keep Cancer Away?

New Hybrid Aspirin Shrinks Tumors, Curbs Cancer Cell Growth The humble aspirin may soon have a new role. Scientists from The City College of New York have developed a new aspirin compound that has great promise to be not only an extremely potent cancer-fighter, but even safer than the classic medicine cabinet staple.The new designer aspirin curbed the growth of 11 different types of human cancer cells in culture without harming normal cells, reported a team from the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education of The City College of New York in a paper published this month in the journal ACS
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Internet Leads to More Dates, But Not More Relationships

Online Dating Lets People ‘Take Control’ of Romantic Lives, Says CCNY Sociologist Reuben Thomas Thanks to online dating, it is easier than ever for single people to avoid spending Saturday nights alone. However, the Internet hookups aren’t necessarily leading to more lasting relationships, according to City College of New York sociologist Reuben Thomas. Dr. Thomas and a colleague from Stanford University, Dr. Michael J. Rosenfeld, produced groundbreaking research that revealed that today one in five couples meet on line. “The advantage of online dating is that it makes more efficient use of
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Noted Educators Arnetha Ball, Nancy Carlsson-Paige to Speak at CCNY

Two prominent educators, Dr. Arnetha F. Ball and Dr. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, will speak at The City College of New York March 5 and March 10, respectively, for an endowed lecture and to keynote a day-long conference. Dr. Ball, president of the American Educational Research Association and a professor of education at Stanford University, is the guest speaker at the third annual Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker Series in Urban Education. Her talk, 5 p.m. Monday, March 5, in the Faculty Dining Room, is titled “Reform of Urban Teacher Education Programs: Expanding Upon a Model of
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City College Speaker Offers Five Rules for Business Success in China

Savio Chan, CEO of US China Partners, Inaugurates Grove School of Engineering’s Aziz Ahmad Leadership Lecture Series When initiating business dealings in China, “know the cultural nuances, or you will fail before you start,” warned Savio Chan, president and CEO of US China Partners Inc., in a lecture at The City College of New York earlier this month. Mr. Chan’s firm helps United States businesses expand into Chinese markets. His talk, “Five Rules Of Doing Business In China,” was the inaugural presentation of the Aziz Ahmad Leadership Lecture Series at the Grove School of Engineering, endowed
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CCNY Architecture Exhibit Celebrates Lauretta Vinciarelli

Before her death in August 2011, Lauretta Vinciarelli, the noted Italian-born artist and architect, devoted much time planning an exhibit of her architectural drawings at The City College of New York. Seven months after her passing, “Clear Light: The Architecture of Lauretta Vinciarelli,” opens in the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture’s Atrium Gallery, March 1. It runs through May 25, 2012. On display will be more than 60 of her watercolor paintings described by architectural critics as exquisite and presenting new spaces of the almost familiar. They include structures, shapes
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CCNY Announces Women’s History Month Events

Art exhibits, a symposium on “Women and Work in the Americas” and the “First Annual Celebration of Women in Arts and Culture Awards” are among the events taking place at The City College of New York to celebrate Women’s History Month, March 2012. Several campus offices and academic programs have organized Women’s History Month events, including: the Women’s Studies program, the Office of Government and Community Affairs, the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center for Worker Education, the Department of Art and the Office of Student Life and Leadership Development, in concert with
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