

Jody Karg is named the 2019 Art Stevens PRSA-NY/ CCNY Scholar for Excellence in Public Relations

Jody Karg is 2019 Art Stevens PRSA-NY/CCNY Scholar

Scholarship celebrates 12 years of support for outstanding public relations students Jody Karg, a student in the Advertising/Public Relations Program in the Division of Humanities and the Arts at The City College of New York, is named the 2019 Art Stevens PRSA-NY/ CCNY Scholar for Excellence in Public Relations. She will receive a $5,000 scholarship for her continued study at CCNY during her senior year. This marks the 12th year that Art Stevens has funded this scholarship to support rising talent. Stevens, managing partner of The Stevens Group and a CCNY alumnus, created the scholarship in
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Maria Tzortziou Long Island Sound_Sea Grant_Research.

CCNY’s Maria Tzortziou leads vital Long Island Sound ecological study

Covering nearly 1,300 square miles, from the East River in Manhattan to New England, Long Island Sound is one of the most important estuaries in the nation with coastal communities of more than four million people. Helping protect and improve the management of this precious body of water with an asset value exceeding $700 billion is the new assignment for oceanic and atmospheric scientist Maria Tzortziou of The City College of New York’s Division of Science. Over the next two years, Tzortziou will lead this multidisciplinary ecological project funded by the Sea Grant programs of New York (NYSG
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Wendy Fernandez GEM Fellow 2019

National GEM Fellowship for CCNY grad Wendy Fernandez

Wendy Fernandez persevered against cultural norms in the Dominican Republic to earn a BS in electrical engineering from The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering with a 4.0 GPA. The Class of 2019 member is now the recipient of a highly competitive GEM Fellowship, which funds master's and PhDs in engineering for underrepresented students of exceptional quality who intend to work in industry. Fernandez will attend Columbia University in the fall. She was also admitted to graduate programs at Stanford, Boston University, University of Texas at Austin and Arizona State University
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Hysell Oviedo_in lateralization of speech_research

CCNY experts in lateralization of speech publish discovery

City College of New York-led researchers have published a breakthrough in understanding previously unknown inner workings related to the lateralization of speech processing in the brain. Their study, headed by biologist Hysell V. Oviedo of CCNY’s Division of Science and published in the journal “ Nature Communications,” could shine a light on miswiring of brain circuits in neurodevelopmental communication disorders. “The lateralization of language processing in the auditory cortical areas of the brain has been known for more than 150 years, but the function, neural mechanisms, and development
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Former architecture dean Piomelli (top, left) honored as Great Immigrant

Former architecture dean Piomelli honored as Great Immigrant by Carnegie Corporation

M. Rosaria Piomelli, an architect and former dean of architecture at The City College of New York, has been recognized by the Carnegie Corporation of New York as a Great Immigrant. Every Fourth of July, Carnegie Corporation honors Andrew Carnegie’s legacy by celebrating the wide-ranging contributions of immigrants who enrich American communities and culture, strengthen the economy, and invigorate democracy. Scottish immigrant Carnegie, who rose out of poverty to become a major American industrialist and philanthropist, believed that the infusion of talent that immigrants bring to the United
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Sanjoy Banerjee, Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at CCNY, holds the Green Chemistry Challenge Academic Award presented to him by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Battery breakthrough earns Sanjoy Banerjee EPA green chemistry award

At the helm of The City College of New York’s pioneering research in the field, Sanjoy Banerjee, Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Grove School of Engineering and Director of the CCNY-based CUNY Energy Institute, is the recipient of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2019 Green Chemistry Challenge Academic Award for developing “rechargeable Alkaline Zn-MnO2 Batteries for Grid Storage Applications.” The Award citation also notes the important project-related partnerships with Sandia National Laboratories, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Energy Storage Program of
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Poet Rita Dove

Pulitzer Prize poet Rita Dove wins CCNY’s Langston Hughes Medal

Rita Dove, recipient of the 1987 Pulitzer Prize in poetry and U.S. Poet Laureate from 1993 to 1995, is the winner of The City College of New York’s 2019 Langston Hughes Medal. She will receive the medal on Nov. 14 in CCNY’s Aaron Davis Hall. The medal is awarded to highly distinguished writers from throughout the African American diaspora at City College’s annual Langston Hughes Festival. Hosted by the Black Studies Program, it recognizes honorees for their impressive works of poetry, fiction, drama, autobiography and critical essays that help to celebrate the memory and tradition of Langston
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Coastal Erosion Overview_Photocredit_Diana_Robertson

NSF invites Grove School to develop extreme weather response

As the massive threat to coastal areas from extreme weather events increases, the National Science Foundation is reaching out to select institutions to pool resources in response. The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering is one institution invited by the NSF to brainstorm for a CCNY-based center on Smart Engineering Systems for Resilient Coastlines (SERC). CCNY’s partners in the proposed SERC include New York University, Princeton University, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez. “SERC will serve as a global center of
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Andrea Weiss named Stuart Z. Katz Professor in the Humanities and the Arts

Andrea Weiss named Stuart Z. Katz Professor in the Humanities and the Arts

Media and Communication Arts professor Andrea Weiss has been named the 2019-20 Stuart Z. Katz Professor in the Humanities and the Arts, Dean Erec Koch announced in May. Weiss is an internationally renowned scholar and documentary filmmaker whose monographs include Vampires and Violets: Lesbians in the Cinema (1993), In the Shadow of the Magic Mountain (2008), and Paris Was a Woman: Portraits from the Left Bank (2013). Her documentary films run chronologically from highly acclaimed Before Stonewall (1985) to the most recently lionized Bones of Contention (2017). Weiss has been the principal
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Mason Starkweather award funds CCNY junior’s summer LGBTQIA study

Summer is taking on a significant new meaning for City College of New York junior Khenya Makena this year. As the 2019 Blanche Mason Starkweather award recipient, the electronic design and multimedia major is spending the holiday on both east and west coasts engaged in humanistic research to benefit the LGBTQIA community. The focus of Makena’s research is the history of inner city safe spaces in New York City and Los Angeles. Emphasis is on the role African-American members of the LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual or allied) community
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