The BS program in Mathematics with a concentration in Mathematics Education offers students a rigorous course of instruction both in Mathematics content and in teaching Mathematics in grades 7-12, combining the requirements of a BS in mathematics and pedagogical course work and practical experience that lead to initial certification to teach in New York State.
To be admitted in the program, undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in the BS mathematics program at CCNY and must be in the process of completing the requirements of the mathematics major as defined by the Mathematics Department. Once students have declared a Mathematics major and completed a minimum of 12 credits within this major (starting with Calculus), with a minimum GPA of 3.00, and have passed the S.E.A.T examination, they can begin the undergraduate process for the Mathematics Education Program.
Coursework in the School of Education:
EDSE 44310 Adolescent Learning in STEM Education (1cr)
SPED 32300 Inclusive Education in STEM Classrooms (3cr)
EDSE 41200 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum (3 cr.)
MATHE 32400 High School Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective (3 cr.)
EDSE 44600 Methods for Teaching Secondary Mathematics (4cr)
EDSE 45104 Curriculum Development in Secondary School (4cr)
Teaching Practicum Courses (to be taken concurrently after all other courses are completed):
EDSE 46300 Teaching Practicum in the Secondary School (4cr)
EDSE 46301 Seminar in Teaching Secondary School (2cr)
EDUC 41900 Child Abuse & Health Seminar (0cr)
Certification Requirements
The program satisfies the requirements for a New York Initial Certificate for teaching mathematics in Grades 7-12, pending:
- Earning a passing score on the CST (004) Mathematics Exam;
- Earning a passing score on the EAS Exam;
- Demonstrating satisfactory performance in courses and the student internship.
Last Updated: 11/14/2024 15:57