The City University of New York is committed to providing educational excellence to its students while creating a diverse, inclusive atmosphere for learning. In Student Affairs, we are dedicated to assuring this inclusive atmosphere for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex communities and others whose identification extends beyond these borders.
A chosen name (referred to in CUNY policy as a preferred name and sometimes known as a name-in-use) is a name that a person uses which is different from the one on the person’s legal records. There are many reasons a person may use a chosen name, including to reflect their gender identity or to go by a more familiar nickname.
CUNY policy allows you to update your chosen first and middle name as well as your gender at your discretion, without documentation. Unless noted, your chosen name will be displayed (with your legal last name) on CUNYfirst, Blackboard and course rosters. You can also update your student ID card, email address and Zoom display name FOR FREE.
CUNY students, staff, and faculty may use a chosen name on all documents and records except for certain official documents (e.g. diplomas and transcripts), where a legal name change is required to update.
Below is information for students, faculty, staff, and alumni who wish to update their gender and chosen name on internal records at The City College of New York. Also included below are CUNY and CCNY policies, procedures, and reporting options.
CUNY Policies
- Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination (“EO Policy”)
- Policy on Sexual Misconduct
- Policy on Reporting of Alleged Misconduct
- Statement on Protecting the Rights of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students
- Memorandum on Student and Employee Requests for Name and/or Gender Changes (2018)
- New York State requires the use of student’s legal names on official records.
- For non-official records, students may select a preferred first and middle name. No documentation is required to change this.
- For non-official records, students may select their gender. No documentation is required to change this.
- Memorandum on State and Local Laws Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression (2019)
- Explicitly states that everyone at CUNY deserves safe and equal access to restrooms.
- CUNY policy provides that single-occupancy and single-sex restrooms, locker rooms and other facilities be available to all individuals consistent with their gender identity.
- Memorandum on Student and Employee Requests for Name and/or Gender Changes (2021)
- Individuals at CUNY have the right to be addressed by the pronouns of their choice, regardless of how their sex was assigned at birth.
- An individual’s use of a preferred pronoun will not require documentation or a court order.
- The failure to address a student by their preferred pronouns can be investigated as an act of sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
- Memorandum on Expansion of the New York State Gender Recognition Act (2022)
- As of January 1, 2023, CUNY must provide an option for members of the public to mark "X" when identifying their gender during any interaction with CUNY.
- To accomplish this requirement, the law requires agencies to "update any applicable forms or data systems by January 1, 2023..."
- Memorandum on Protocol for Responding to Hate Crimes Incidents (2023)
- Encourages all students, staff, and faculty to notify their respective Campus Security Authority ("CSA") or their Department of Public Safety Officer if they experience or witness a hate crime incident.
CCNY Reporting
Students can file a complaint at the Office of Diversity and Compliance and the Office of Community Standards.
- Office of Diversity and Compliance
If you are a student or employee who is sure of how to address your situation and wants to file a Title IX, please reach out to:
Sheryl Konisgsberg, Chief Diversity Officer
SH Room 109 A-D
*Please note that Sheryl has an obligation to investigate when addressing Title IX issues*
If you are a student or employee who is unsure of how to address your situation or would like a free confidential consultation, please reach out to:
Sophia English, LCSW, Student Psychological Counselor-Confidential Advocate
Shepard Hall Rm 109 E
- Office of Community Standards
Lydia Travis, Director of Community Standards
Administration Building
Room 204
The goals of the CCNY Community Standards are:
- To promote a campus environment that supports the overall educational mission of the University
- To protect the University community from disruption and harm
- To encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior
- To foster ethical values and civic virtues
- To foster personal learning and growth while at the same time holding individuals and groups accountable to the standards of expectations established by the Code of Conduct
- Develop, disseminate, interpret, and enforce campus rules and regulations
- Teach students about appropriate behaviors and the consequences for unacceptable and/or inappropriate behaviors through the use of critical thinking skills
- Intervene effectively when behavior violates the Code of Conduct
- Offer educational and leadership opportunities for students who participate in the operation of the Student Conduct process
- Cultivate a community supportive of community standards
CUNY-Wide Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal
The City University of New York (“CUNY”) is committed to addressing discrimination and retaliation reports promptly, consistently, and fairly. The following publicly available form allows for the submission of a report of discrimination and/or retaliation, as prohibited by and defined in CUNY’s Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination (“EO Policy”).
For reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence, including sexual assault, stalking, domestic and intimate violence, please follow the process outlined in CUNY’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct.
This report will be submitted to the Chief Diversity Officer of the CUNY College or school that is implicated. The Chief Diversity Officer will review this report thoroughly and take appropriate action, which may include reaching out to the reporting individual for more information or to explore next steps. A report may be made anonymously. An anonymous report will be taken seriously and reviewed thoroughly; however, the ability to investigate an anonymous report and pursue further action may be limited.
For Students
Updating Gender Through CUNYfirst
As of 2023, students are able to update their gender identity information in CUNYfirst.
See instructions below:
- Log onto CUNYfirst and follow the below navigation
CUNYFIRST MENU > Campus Solutions > Self Service > Student Center > Profile
- In the Personal Information section, select the Biographic tab.
- Click on Gender section.
- Select gender from drop-down list. At this time, the following options are available:
- 1-Female (F)
- 2-Male (M)
- 3-Tansgender (T)
- 4-Gender Nonconforming (G)
- 5-Non-binary (X)
- 6-A Gender not listed (L)
- 7-Not Specified (U)
- Click on SAVE button.
Updating Preferred Name Through Registrar
The City College of New York respects students’ names and recognizes that students may be unable to go through a legal name change during their time here. CUNY is committed to using a student’s preferred name during their time as a student. Any student can update their preferred name on CUNYfirst (see below) or by submitting a Preferred Name Request Form to the Registrar office located in the Wille Administration Building in Room 102.
Students can also update their gender by submitting a Change of Gender form through the Registrar’s Office at any time. No documentation is required. Please find the Change of Gender form by visiting this page.
Please note that this will only change your name on CUNYfirst, it is not a legal name change. After making this update, your preferred name will also be shown on class rosters and Blackboard. Please see directions below on updating your e-mail display name, e-mail username, Zoom and Teams/Office 365 display name.
Please submit the completed form to The Office of the Registrar at CCNY either in-person or through email:
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
Updating Preferred Name Through CUNYfirst
You can also update your preferred name entirely online through CUNYfirst. See instructions below:
- Log onto CUNYfirst and follow the below navigation
CUNYFIRST MENU > Campus Solutions > Self Service > Student Center > Profile
- In the Personal Details section, click the "+" button under the Names section to add your preferred name.
- Enter your preferred name accordingly in the appropriate fields below.
- Fill in all information then click on the SAVE button.
Please note that this will only change your name on CUNYfirst, it is not a legal name change. After making this update, your preferred name will also be shown on class rosters and Blackboard.
Updating Pronouns Through CUNYfirst
As of 2024, students are able to update their pronoun information themselves in CUNYfirst.. See instructions below:
- Log onto CUNYfirst and follow the below navigation
CUNYFIRST MENU > Campus Solutions > Self Service > Student Center > Profile
- In the Personal Information section, select the Biographic tab.
- Click on Pronouns section.
- Select pronouns from drop-down list. At this time, the following options are available:
- Blank
- He/Him/His
- She/Her/Hers
- They/Them/Theirs
- Ze/Hir/Hirs
- Ze/Zim/Zirs
- Click on SAVE button.
Updating Legal Name Change
Students are entitled to change records to reflect new or resumed names in accordance with any court ordered legal name change. To obtain the change, contact the Registrar and submit an "Application for Change of Name/ID Form" either in-person or through email.
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
There are two mandatory documents required to make this change. This includes a U.S. Social Security Card or Taxpayer ID Form and a State ID or Driver's License. You are also required to provide one of the following secondary documents: birth certificate, divorce order, court order, marriage certificate, naturalization certificate, permanent resident card, current valid passport, or other documents issued by federal, state or local government agencies.
Class Rosters
The class roster that faculty download will reflect your preferred name the following semester after you update it in CUNYfirst or by submitting the form to Registrar. We recommend making these changes during the Summer or Winter sessions, so your name is correct for the following semester.
Your preferred name will be reflected on CUNYfirst, Blackboard, and class rosters.
Updating Student ID Card with Preferred Name
Students can request a new ID card free of charge with their preferred name. Once your preferred name has been updated on CUNYfirst, you can visit the ID office and request a new card with your preferred name, free of charge. Visit the ID Office webpage for updated procedures and hours of operation.
Please note, you are required to surrender your old CCNY ID card to the ID Office in order to obtain your new ID card.
Getting New Email Display Name, Email Username, Zoom, and Teams (Office 365)
CUNY policy states that students and employees are permitted to use a preferred first name and middle name on all non-official records such as identification card, email address, and course rosters, without the need to provide documentation. Students and employees are also permitted to change their gender in CUNY records without documentation. Official records such as student transcripts and diplomas require a legal name change.
To update any one or all of the following (Email Display Name, Email username, Zoom and Teams/Office 365) please follow the instructions below
- Click this link to access the CCNY Email and Name Change Form.
- Under "Check all that apply", checkmark the box that says "Citymail (Student)".
- Under "Reason for Request", checkmark the box next to "Preferred".
- Under "Reason for Request", next to "Update" check all boxes that apply that you want to change (Email Display Name, Email username, Zoom, Teams (Office 365).
- Under "Applicant Information", fill out "Last Name, First Name, Current CCNY Email (
), EMPLID, Personal Email, and Phone Number".
NOTE: You do not have to use your former first and/or last name for this section - what matters most is that you record your "Current CCNY Email" and "EMPLID" correctly in this section. - Under "Applicant Acknowledgement", print your current full name, Sign, and Date.
- Submit this completed form either by going in person and delivering this form to the CCNY Service Desk (NAC 1/301) or by emailing CCNY Service Desk at
- A Service Desk ticket will be created and reviewed by OIT staff to update you on the status of your form.
Student Transcripts and Diplomas
At this time, student can only change their names on their transcripts and diplomas through a legal name change. If there is a discrepancy between the name you wish to appear on your diploma or transcript and the name Registrar has for you in the Student Information System, you must contact the Office of the Registrar and complete an Application for Change of Name Form. For this form, students must include 1. their name change Court Order, 2. their Social Security card, and 3. their State ID or Driver’s License.
Please submit the completed form to The Office of the Registrar at CCNY either in-person or through email:
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
Typographical/Spelling Errors
Students are entitled to update records to reflect new or resumed names in accordance with any court ordered legal name change. To obtain the change, a student must show an original or certified copy of the order.
If there is a typographical or spelling error in your legal name, contact the Registrar and submit an "Application for Change of Name/ID Form" either in-person or through email.
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
There are two mandatory documents required to make this change. This includes a U.S. Social Security Card or Taxpayer ID Form and a State ID or Driver's License. You are also required to provide one of the following secondary documents: birth certificate, divorce order, court order, marriage certificate, naturalization certificate, permanent resident card, current valid passport, or other documents issued by federal, state or local government agencies.
Can I change my name for the Main Commencement Book?
Yes. Because the Main Commencement Book is an unofficial document, you can have your chosen name listed. You do not need to provide any legal documentation to request this change.
To change your name in the Main Commencement Book, please email to get a "Commencement Book Name Adjustment Request Form".
Deadlines and who to submit this form to varies per academic year. We will advise you on this information when you reach out. You can also see this information updated on our Lavender Graduation page.
Can I omit my name from the Main Commencement Book?
To change your name in the Main Commencement Book, please email to get a "Commencement Book Name Opt Out Form".
Deadlines and who to submit this form to varies per academic year. We will advise you on this information when you reach out. You can also see this information updated on our Lavender Graduation page.
For Staff and Faculty
As with students, the law affords employees the right to use a preferred name and gender on all records, regardless of the individual’s legal name or sex assigned at birth, except in circumstances where legal name may be required on official records by law (such as payroll records or for purposes of employment eligibility verification with the federal government).
Updating Preferred Name (and Note on Gender)
Employees who wish to select a preferred name for internal CUNY purposes (or to change their gender information on CUNYfirst if self-service is unavailable) in CUNYfirst should contact Human Resources at 212-650-7226 or . Self-service to make preferred name changes is not currently available in CUNYfirst. Computer updates have not yet been made to allow the importing of preferred name in CUNYfirst to flow to unofficial documents. However, employees may request use of a preferred name in college directories, course catalogues, and other internal documents.
In addition, because gender is a shared field for students and employees in CUNYfirst, a change in gender for students who are also employees will automatically change their gender in their employee record.
Updating Gender
As of 2023, employees are now able to update their gender identity information themselves in CUNYfirst.
See instructions below:
- Log onto CUNYfirst and follow the below navigation
CUNYFIRST MENU > Employee Self Service > Personal Details > Gender Identity
- In the Gender Details section, select the Drop-down menu.
- Click on Gender section.
- Select gender from drop-down list. At this time, the following options are available:
- 1-Female (F)
- 2-Male (M)
- 3-Tansgender (T)
- 4-Gender Nonconforming (G)
- 5-Non-binary (X)
- 6-A Gender not listed (L)
- 7-Not Specified (U)
- Under Change As Of note what date you want this information changed on CUNYfirst.
- Click on SAVE button.
Updating Pronouns
As of 2024, employees are able to update their pronoun information themselves in CUNYfirst.
See instructions below:
- Log onto CUNYfirst and follow the below navigation
CUNYFIRST MENU > Employee Self Service > Personal Details > Gender Identity
- In the Gender Details section, select the Drop-down menu.
- Click on Pronoun section.
- Select pronouns from drop-down list. At this time, the following options are available:
- Blank
- He/Him/His
- She/Her/Hers
- They/Them/Theirs
- Ze/Hir/Hirs
- Ze/Zim/Zirs
- Under Change As Of note what date you want this information changed on CUNYfirst.
- Click on SAVE button.
Updating Legal Name
Staff and faculty are entitled to change records to reflect new or resumed names in accordance with any court ordered legal name change. Employees who wish to change their CCNY/CUNY records to reflect their legal name should contact Human Resources at 212-650-7226 or . They will tell you the process and mandatory documents required to make this change.
There are two mandatory documents required to make this change. This includes a U.S. Social Security Card or Taxpayer ID Form and a State ID or Driver's License. You are also required to provide one of the following secondary documents: birth certificate, divorce order, court order, marriage certificate, naturalization certificate, permanent resident card, current valid passport, or other documents issued by federal, state or local government agencies.
Updating Staff/Faculty ID to Preferred Name
Employees should contact Human Resources at 212-650-7226 or to request a preferred name and new ID card.
Getting New Staff/Faculty Email, Display Name, Email Username, Zoom and Teams (Office 365)
CUNY policy states that students and employees are permitted to use a preferred first name and middle name on all non-official records such as identification card, email address, and course rosters, without the need to provide documentation. Students and employees are also permitted to change their gender in CUNY records without documentation. Official records such as student transcripts and diplomas require a legal name change.
To update any one or all of the following (Email Display Name, Email username, Zoom and Teams/Office 365) please follow the instructions below
- Click this link to access the CCNY Email and Name Change Form.
- Under "Check all that apply", checkmark the box that says "Webmail (Faculty/Staff)".
- Under "Reason for Request", checkmark the box next to "Preferred".
- Under "Reason for Request", next to "Update" check all boxes that apply that you want to change (Email Display Name, Email username, Zoom, Teams (Office 365).
- Under "Applicant Information", fill out "Last Name, First Name, Current CCNY Email (
), EMPLID, Personal Email, and Phone Number".
NOTE: You do not have to use your former first and/or last name for this section - what matters most is that you record your "Current CCNY Email" and "EMPLID" correctly in this section. - Under "Applicant Acknowledgement", print your current full name, Sign, and Date.
- Submit this completed form either by going in person and delivering this form to the CCNY Service Desk (NAC 1/301) or by emailing CCNY Service Desk at - A Service Desk ticket will be created and reviewed by OIT staff to update you on the status of your form.
- Employees should also contact Human Resources at 212-650-7226 to inform them of any updates to their email and computer login.
Typographical/Spelling Errors
If there is a typographical or spelling error in your legal name, contact Human Resources at 212-650-7226 or to make any necessary updates.
For Alumni
Getting Student Transcripts With Name Change
At this time, students can only change their names on their transcripts through a legal name change. If there is a discrepancy between the name you wish to appear on your transcript and the name Registrar has for you in the Student Information System, you must contact the Office of the Registrar and complete an Application for Change of Name Form. For this form, students must include 1. their name change Court Order, 2. their Social Security card, and 3. their State ID or Driver’s License.
Please submit the completed form to The Office of the Registrar at CCNY either in-person or through email:
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
Getting Diploma With Name Change
Getting your diploma with a name different from your original copy is a two-step process and can only be done if you have a legal name change.
First, you must contact the Office of the Registrar and complete an Application for Change of Name Form. For this form, students must include 1. their name change Court Order, 2. their Social Security card, and 3. their State ID or Driver’s License.
Second, after the Application for Change of Name Form is submitted and changed in the system, you must complete and submit a Duplicate Diploma Request Form in order to receive your updated diploma. For this form, please remember to check of the box that says "Name changed" for the "The original diploma was (please check one):" section. Students must include a copy of their Social Security card with their changed name and any one of the following documents: a court order, marriage license, or divorce documentation. NOTE: Please ignore the part of the form which states that the original diploma must be sent to the Registrar's Office. You do not need to do so.
If you are requesting for your diploma to be mailed, please enclose or hand-in a self-addressed prepaid envelope (U.S. Mail, DHL, FedEx, etc.) with your Diploma Mail Request Form. The prepaid envelope must be at least 9 ¾ x 12 ½ for the mailing of the diploma.
You can also pick up your new diploma at the Registrar's Office.
1. Please submit the completed and notarized form to The Office of the Registrar at CCNY either in-person, mail, or through email:
Wille Administration Building
Room 102
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.7850
2. Please also and submit a check/money order in the amount of $30 made payable to either in-person or through mail:
The City College of New York
Office of the Registrar
160 Convent Avenue, Room A-102
New York, NY 10031
For New York State Residents
On June 24, 2021 the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) was signed into law, giving New Yorkers the ability to select M, F, or X gender markers on New York State-issued driver’s licenses, state IDs, and birth certificates.
The legislation streamlines the process to change the name or gender marker on a New York State-issued driver’s license, ID, or birth certificate, and requires numerous public and private entities to honor a person’s name change. The following information here from the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) explains your rights under the new law and explains how to change the name or gender marker on a New York identity document. Information is available in both English and Spanish.
Changing Zoom Name and Pronouns
Changing Your Name and Pronouns Before a Meeting
1. On the Zoom Website
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal
- Click Profile in the left sidebar
- Click Edit, located to the right of your name
- Enter your full name and Display Name (your display name does not have to be your full name)
- Scroll down and click Save
- From the same page, you can also update things like your pronouns, job title, location, and company
2. On the Desktop App
- Open the app and log into your account, if needed
- Click your Profile Icon, located in the top-right corner of the window
- Select My Profile from the dropdown menu - this will prompt a pop-up window to open
- Click Edit, located to the right of your name
- Enter your desired name
- Click Save
3. On the Mobile App
- Open the app (iOS, Android) and log into your account, if needed
- Select Settings, located on the bottom-right corner of the screen
- Select the banner with your name and email address at the top of the screen
- Tap Display Name
- Enter your desired name and/or display name and tap Save.
Changing Your Name and Pronouns During a Meeting
- Select Participants, located in the bottom toolbar of the meeting window
- Hover over your name and select More (desktop), or Tap Your Name (mobile)
- Click or tap Rename
- Enter your desired name and click Rename (desktop) or Done (mobile)
Last Updated: 01/17/2025 14:43