On-Campus Resources

This image displays some LGBTQ+ pride flags hung outside the North Academic Center. Flags from left to right: The Philadelphia pride flag, the bisexual pride flag, the pansexual flag, the flag for the asexual community, the genderqueer flag, the transgender flag and the non-binary flag.

On-Campus Resources

Here are some resources available at the CCNY campus to help you with your needs. 

Academics - Academic Advising

Academic Advising is a process in which students seek and receive guidance with academic program planning, usually from a faculty advisor. It is an interactive process in which the adviser helps the student set and achieve academic goals, acquire relevant information and services, and make responsible decisions consistent with interests, goals, abilities, and degree requirements.

Check your majors CCNY sub-site for how to make an appointment.

Academics - Accessibility

The Accessibility Center

The Accessibility Center actively works toward full inclusion and the removal of access barriers in policies, procedures, and practices. The AAC engages in increasing disability awareness among members of CCNY community through workshops, trainings, and the dissemination of literature. 

Although the physical office is open, all student appointments will take place via ZOOM.


CUNY Accommodate Portal

In September 2024, CUNY announced the implementation of its new student disability management system, CUNY Accommodate. This new system streamlines the accommodation request process for you, the student.

We are now pleased to share with you a link to the CUNY Accommodate Portal, as well as Instructional Videos and Documentation Guides (Student Resources). These resources are self-paced, explain aspects of the system in detail, and provide instructions for accessing and using CUNY Accommodate.

CUNY Accommodate will officially launch on January 25, 2025. Whether you are a student requesting accommodations for the first time or are a returning student, CUNY Accommodate is designed to support you. It brings students, accommodations, class schedules, faculty, and the Office of Disability Services (ODS) into a cohesive space, fostering an inclusive, accessible, and supportive environment for all students.

If you are a student with a disability, it is imperative that you self-identify to your campus Office of Disability Services (ODS) to request reasonable accommodations. To avoid any delays, especially with the January 25 launch date approaching, we encourage you to reach out to your DSO or access CUNY Accommodate as soon as possible to begin the process. We also strongly encourage you to utilize the links provided in this communication to access CUNY Accommodate to make your request.

Academics- CCNY LGBTQ+ Library

The CCNY LGBTQIA+ Research Guide is a resource from CCNY Libraries used to locate archives, databases, journals, libraries, museums, and periodicals about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer topics.

Academics - CCNY Writing CTR

The Writing Center provides one-on-one assistance to undergraduate and graduate students working on course writing assignments.

All sessions are online.

Academics- LGBTQ+ Study Abroad

Interested in studying abroad as an LGBTQ+ CCNY student? Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or queer or questioning aspects of your identity, it is always best to learn more about the social climate, laws, and norms for personal interactions in other cultures. Some societies abroad are more accepting of LGBTQ+ identities and some less in comparison to New York City and the United States.  It is always best to inform yourself of these key issues within the countries you are considering for your study abroad experience.  Here is a link to CCNY's Study Abroad Program's LGBTQ+ Resources. On this website are links to resources by organizations that have complied information on LGBTQ+ issues throughout the world specific to international education, travel, and campus life.

The CCNY Office of Study Abroad & International Programs understands to make CCNY's LGBTQ+ students' Study Abroad Experience safe, inclusive, and affirming. Please do not hesitate to contact an advisor in the office for more information or to share your input or concerns. Please feel free to reach out to Director Juan Carlos Mercado ( jmercado@ccny.cuny.edu ) or Associate Director Ninive Gomez ( ngomez@ccny.cuny.edu ).

Academics - USG Resources

From CCNY's Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Student Affairs, comes the FYI Resource Page. This is a new, ongoing website by CCNY student leaders to help raise awareness of the amazing resources we have on campus. 

Personal - Benny's Pantry

Benny's Food Pantry's long-term goal is to produce 1,000 pounds of fresh food for sharing with our campus community. 

  • Location: Hoffman Lounge (NAC 1st floor)
  • Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 10 AM – 4 PM.
  • Eligibility: Open to all members of the CCNY/CUNY community with a valid campus ID
  • Accessing the Pantry: Because of the increase in need, Benny’s is now on an appointment-based system.
    - Visitors can schedule an appointment by clicking the following link: Benny’s Food Pantry Calendly System.
    - Appointment hours are currently based on the availability of our dedicated volunteers. Benny’s operates on a ALL volunteer basis and if anyone is interested in joining the Benny’s team, they can fill out this form: Volunteer Signup.
    - If a visitor would like to visit the pantry outside normal operating hours, the protocol is to approach a Public Safety office to assist with an access request.
    - If anyone has trouble accessing an appointment time or has an emergency need, they can email us directly at Bennysfoodpantry@ccny.cuny.edu or call 212.650.6557 to be directed to myself, Michelle Ortega, Akasha Solis, or Kelly Sullivan.
  • Upcoming Events:
    - Fresh Food Bag Program: Thanks to City Council, we are excited to announce the continuation of our fresh food bag program. Every Tuesday, starting at 12 PM until supplies last, we will be distributing 140 fresh food bags. This program will run for 16 weeks excluding Spring Break.
    - The Migrant Kitchen Initiative: We will be distributing 200 meals per month, on the last Thursday of each month unless otherwise stated through email or on our social media.

Personal - CCNY Counseling CTR

The CCNY Counseling Center provides high quality counseling services that are accessible to all City College students. You can contact them via email, office number and their virtual ZOOM front desk.

Personal - CCNY Funding


  • CCNY Emergency Grants provide emergency financial aid and can help cover eligible expenses such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care.

    Visit the CCNY website for Emergency Grants for deadlines, submissions and eligibility.
  • The Petrie Student Emergency Grants provide financial support to students so that life's emergencies don't derail their college educations. Funds from this grant must be solely used for non-tuition expenses. Please follow the hyperlink to learn more about this grant, eligibility, and how to apply.
  • Precarious Student Fund. This Grant is for undergraduate Colin Powell School students who are living in economically precarious conditions, especially undocumented students without work authorization and deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) recipients.

    This fund will provide grants of up to $5,000, which will support education-related expenses, including the student's annual tuition and fees or any additional unment related educational expenses to enable them to focus on and complete their education, such as books, commuting expenses, housing, and food. The program is for students who are taking classes in-person on campus.

    Students must be an undergraduate Colin Powell School Student, enrolled for the 2024-2025 academic year and take at least 2 in-person classes each semester, have at least a 2.0 GPA, completed at least 15 credits at CCNY, and demonstrate economic need.

    The deadline for students to be considered for the 1st round of grants is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Please contact Debbie Cheng at dcheng@ccny.cuny.edu for further questions and future deadlines and requirements.


  • The Harry Belafonte Memorial Scholarship
    Deadline: mid-late summer
    Description: The Harry Belafonte Memorial Scholarship is established to honor the life and legacy of the world-renowned musician, actor, and champion of the civil rights and social justice movements. This scholarship will support incoming CUNY students who exemplify Belafonte's commitment to Social Justice and the Performing Arts, including those who may have formerly been incarcerated. 
    Pay: Covers tuition, fees and other related costs of attendance based on financial need.
    To Apply: Fill out this form, send this and one letter of recommendation to  SAscholarships@cuny.edu
    Eligibility: Must be an incoming 1st year, full time, CUNY undergraduate student, a current NYC resident, and completed FAFSA.
    Questions?: Email  SAscholarships@cuny.edu

Personal-CCNY Gender Resources

The mission of Gender Resources at CCNY is to provide education, outreach and resources to the CCNY community on sexual violence prevention, gender identity/expression and sexuality.  Core to this mission is the building of strong campus and community partnerships with the goal of strengthening services for the LGBTQIA+ community, survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, dating and interpersonal violence. Gender Resources provides confidential clinical services and resources to all City College students while promoting gender equity.  For more information contact genderresources@ccny.cuny.edu  

Personal - Healthy CUNY

Healthy CUNY provides resources for CUNY students facing housing insecurity, are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Information includes:

  • financial aid
  • scholarships
  • opportunity programs
  • resource guides
  • emergency grants
  • public assistance/benefits
  • on-campus housing
  • students with disabilities
  • food
  • CUNY women's centers
  • CUNY mental health centets
  • CUNY LGBTQ+ resources
  • leadership programs
  • resources for Dreamers and undocumented students
  • CUNY student advocacy and organizing
  • housing (temporary and permanent)
  • clothing

Personal - Immigrant


“Regardless of immigration status, you have rights under the U.S. Constitution and other laws. As members of our college community, it is imperative you understand your rights, especially in the context of immigration law enforcement. Compiled are a list of rights you have, resources you can access, and general guidelines for interacting with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).”

“The College of Staten Island offers resources to support students, regardless of their immigration status. Below is a list of resources and general guidelines for interacting with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).”

“The CCNY Immigrant Student Center for Resources and Research supports the academic advancement of immigrant students, informs CCNY staff and faculty about resources and needs that immigrant students face, and engages in research that addresses important issues impacting CCNY immigrant students.”



Personal - Psychological CTR

The CCNY Psychological Center, also known as The Clinic, provides low to moderate cost services to both the CCNY and West Harlem communities.

The Clinic is located on the 8th floor of the North Academic Center.

Personal - SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly called Food Stamps, is the largest federal program aimed at combating hunger and food insecurity. SNAP benefits are provided through an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, similar to a bank debit card or credit card.

SNAP benefits are eligible for CUNY students who:

  • Are eligible to participate in federal work study (active participation in work study is not required)
  • Have an Expected Family Contribuition (EFC) of $0

Follow the hyperlink above to learn more about:

  • Expanded SNAP Eligibility
  • CTE Programs
  • Verification Form
  • Food Navigators
  • FAQs

Personal - Title IX

The CCNY Office of Diversity and Compliance and the City College of New York is committed to a policy of equal employment and equal access in its educational programs and activities. Diversity, inclusion, and an environment free from discrimination are central to our mission.

Please follow the hyperlink above to learn more about:

  • Equal Opportunity and Non-Descrimination
  • Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
  • Confidential Support Services
  • Workshops and Events
  • Search and Recruitment Process
  • Gender Inclusive Resources at CCNY

The Office of Diversity & Compliance offers confidential clinical services to students and employees who have experienced gender-based violence including sexual violence, gender-based discrimination, harassment, intimate partner/domestic violence and stalking with the help of a Psychological Counselor/Confidential Advocate. 

This is located in Shepards Hall, room 109E. You can also contact the counselor via phone and email.


Sex-Based Misconduct: Medical Attention, Support and Report Options Flow Chart

Last Updated: 02/25/2025 14:12