
Elazar Elhanan

Assistant Professor
Jewish Studies
Division of Humanities and Arts
About Elazar Elhanan
Elazar Elhanan, Ph.D., Columbia University. Elik's work studies Jewish literature in Hebrew and Yiddish and is concerned with the relations between language, identity and nation-building.  His research interests include romanticism, symbolism and modernism as well as critical and literary theory.  He is currently working on a manuscript based on his dissertation entitled "The Path Leading to the Abyss: Hebrew and Yiddish in Yaakov Steinberg's Poetry."  Elik teaches Literature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Jews of Eastern Europe, and Yiddish in New York: Poetry, Theatre & Politics.

Abby Kornfeld

Assistant Professor
Jewish Studies
Division of Humanities and the Arts
About Abby Kornfeld
Abby Kornfeld, Ph.D., New York University, Institute of Fine Arts.  Dr. Kornfeld's research focuses on the intersections between Jewish, Christian, and Islamic art across the medieval Mediterranean.  Her forthcoming book resituates three illuminated Haggaddah manuscripts within the broader context of medieval art in late fourteenth century Spain.  Dr. Kornfeld currently serves on the advisory committee for the forthcoming exhibition on Jerusalem in the Middle Ages, which is scheduled to open in September 2016 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Dr. Kornfeld teaches The Art of Jerusalem, From Krakow to Krypton: Jews & Comix, and Sacred Objects.

Amy Kratka

Jewish Studies
Division of Humanities and the Arts

Office: NAC 5/202
Phone: 212-650-6790
E-mail:  akratka@ccny.cuny.edu
About Amy Kratka
Amy W. Kratka, Ph.D., Boston University, Lecturer in Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, Jewish Studies Program. Her area of specialty is postwar and contemporary Jewish American fiction. She has published in MELUS and The Forward and teaches courses in Jewish literature, culture, film, and religion, and Modern Hebrew. She has taught at Boston University and at Queens College, CUNY.

Roy Mittelman

Jewish Studies
Division of Humanities and the Arts

Office: NAC 5/202
Phone: 212-650-7522
E-mail: rm@bway.ne %74" rel="nofollow"> rm@bway.net
About Roy Mittelman
Roy Mittelman, Ph.D., Temple University, Director of the Jewish Studies Program at CCNY. Dr. Mittelman received his BA from the University of Pennsylvania, a Masters in Religion from Temple University, and is a graduate of the Reconstructionalist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia. His photo-ethnographic work on Jewish communities has been widely shown and published.

Last Updated: 10/01/2015 15:12